时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:6人阅读
1 先切换到文件夹下:use db1 2 增:create table t1(id int,name char); 3 查:show tables 4 改:alter table t1 modify name char(3); 5 alter table t1 change name name1 char(2); 6 删:drop table t1; 7 8 查看表结构 9 describe t1;
1 insert into [表名] values(1,‘wu‘),(2,‘zhi‘),(3,‘bin‘); 2 insert into [表] (列名,列名....) values (值,值,值....),(值,值,值....); 3 insert into [表1] (列名,列名...) select 列名,列名... from 表2; #将表1复制给表二
1 delete from [表] #清空表 2 delete from [表] where id =1 and name=‘wu‘; #按条件删除
1 update [表] set name = ‘wang‘ where id =1; #按条件修改
1 select * from [表] #显示表中所有的列和数据 2 select * from [表] where id >1 ; #按条件查询
#对条件查询 slect * from [表] where id > 5 and name != ‘wuzhibin‘; slect * from [表] where id between 4 and 9; select * from [表] where id in (1,3,5); select * from [表1] where id in (select id from [表2]) # 条件是表2中的ID
1 #通配符查询 2 select * from [表] where name like ‘wu%‘ ; #以wu开头后面可以匹配多个字符 3 select * from [表] where name like ‘wu_‘ ; # 以wu开头后面最多匹配一个字符
1 #查询限制 2 select * from [表] limit 5 ; #前面5行数据 3 select * from [表] limit 4,5; #从第五行开始的5行 4 select * from [表] limit 5 offset 4 # 从第武汉开始的5行
1 #排序查询 2 select * from [表] order by [列] asc; #从小到大 3 select * from [表] order by [列] desc; #从大到小 4 select * from [表] order by [列1] asc ,[列2] desc ; 列1相等在根据列2排序
1 #两张表组合查询 2 select name from [表1] union select name from [表2]; #自动去重 3 select name from [表1] union all select name from [表2]; #不去重
1 #连表操作 2 select t1.id ,t1.name ,t2.name from t1,t2 where t1.nid = t2.id;
标签:文件夹 开头 复制 表结构 HERE lte tween charset base