-zxvf actiontech-dble-
mv dble /opt/
角色 主机IP server_id
Master 62
Slave 63
[root@testdb1 conf]# cat schema.xml
<?xml version=
~ Copyright (C) 2016-2020
~ License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL version 2
or higher.
<!DOCTYPE dble:schema SYSTEM
<dble:schema xmlns:dble=
"http://dble.cloud/" version=
<schema name=
"scott" dataNode=
<schema name=
"testdb" dataNode=
<dataNode name=
"dnscott" dataHost=
"testdb1" database=
<dataNode name=
"dntestdb" dataHost=
"testdb1" database=
<dataHost name=
"testdb1" maxCon=
"1000" minCon=
"10" balance=
"2" switchType=
"-1" slaveThreshold=
<heartbeat>show slave status</heartbeat>
<!-- can have multi write hosts -->
<writeHost host=
"testdb3306" url=
"" user=
"root" password=
<!-- can have multi read hosts -->
<readHost host=
"testdb3307" url=
"" user=
"root" password=
[root@testdb1 conf]# cat server.xml
<?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
~ Copyright (C) 2016-2020
~ License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL version 2
or higher.
<!-- - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- you may
not use this file
except in compliance with the License. -
may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- - Unless required by applicable law
or agreed to
in writing, software -
distributed under the License is distributed on an
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -
See the
License for the specific language governing permissions
and -
under the License. -->
<!DOCTYPE dble:server SYSTEM
<dble:server xmlns:dble=
"http://dble.cloud/" version=
<property name=
<!-- serverBacklog size,default 2048-->
<property name=
<property name=
<!-- check periodt, he default period
is 60000 milliseconds -->
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<!-- processor check conn-->
<property name=
"processorCheckPeriod">1000</property><!-- unit millisecond -->
<property name=
"sqlExecuteTimeout">300</property><!-- unit second -->
<property name=
"idleTimeout">1800000</property><!-- unit millisecond -->
<property name=
<!-- XA transaction -->
<!-- use XA transaction ,
if the mysql service crash,the unfinished XA commit/rollback will retry
for several times
it is the check period
for ,default
is 1000 milliseconds-->
<property name=
<!-- use XA transaction ,the finished XA log will removed. the default period
is 1000 milliseconds-->
<property name=
<!-- true
is use JoinStrategy, default false-->
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<!-- query memory used
for per session,unit
is M-->
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<user name=
<property name=
<property name=
<!-- manager user can
‘t set schema-->
<user name=
<property name=
<property name=
<user name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
[root@testdb1 conf]# cat rule.xml
<?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
~ Copyright (C) 2016-2020
~ License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL version 2
or higher.
<!-- - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- you may
not use this file
except in compliance with the License. -
may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- - Unless required by applicable law
or agreed to
in writing, software -
distributed under the License is distributed on an
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -
See the
License for the specific language governing permissions
and -
under the License. -->
<!DOCTYPE dble:rule SYSTEM
<dble:rule xmlns:dble=
"http://dble.cloud/" version=
<tableRule name=
<tableRule name=
<tableRule name=
<tableRule name=
<tableRule name=
<tableRule name=
<tableRule name=
<tableRule name=
<tableRule name=
<tableRule name=
<!-- enum partition -->
<function name=
"func_enum" class=
<property name=
<property name=
"defaultNode">0</property><!--the default
is -1,means unexpected value will report error-->
<property name=
"type">0</property><!--0 means key
is a number, 1 means key
is a string-->
<!-- number range partition -->
<function name=
"func_range" class=
<property name=
<property name=
"defaultNode">0</property><!--he default
is -1,means unexpected value will report error-->
<!-- Hash partition,when partitionLength=1, it
is a mod partition-->
<!--MAX(sum(count*length[i]) must
not more then 2880-->
<function name=
"func_common_hash" class=
<property name=
<property name=
<!-- Hash partition,when partitionLength=1, it
is a mod partition-->
<!--MAX(sum(count*length[i]) must
not more then 2880-->
<function name=
"func_uneven_hash" class=
<property name=
<property name=
<!-- eg: mod 4 -->
<function name=
"func_mod" class=
<property name=
<property name=
<!-- jumpStringHash partition
for string-->
<function name=
"func_jumpHash" class=
<property name=
<property name=
<!-- Hash partition
for string-->
<function name=
"func_hashString" class=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
<!--<property name=
"hashSlice">-4:0</property> -->
<!-- date partition -->
<!-- 4
1.set sEndDate
and defaultNode: input <sBeginDate ,router to defaultNode; input>
sEndDate ,mod the period
2.set sEndDate, but no defaultNode:input <sBeginDate report error; input>
sEndDate ,mod the period
3.set defaultNode without sEndDate: input <sBeginDate router to defaultNode;input>sBeginDate + (node size)*sPartionDay-1 will report error(expected
is defaultNode,but can
‘t control now)
and defaultNode are all
not set: input <sBeginDate report error;input>sBeginDate + (node size)*sPartionDay-1
will report error
<function name=
"func_date" class=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
"sEndDate">2015-01-31 </property> <!--
if not set sEndDate,then
in fact ,the sEndDate = sBeginDate+ (node size)*sPartionDay-1 -->
<property name=
<property name=
"defaultNode">0</property><!--the default
is -1-->
<!-- pattern partition -->
<!--mapFile must contains all value of 0~patternValue-1,key
and value must be Continuous increase-->
<function name=
"func_pattern" class=
<property name=
<property name=
<property name=
"defaultNode">0</property><!--contains string which
is not number,router to default node-->
.启动 dble
cd /opt/dble/
./dble start &
查看dble 状态:
dble status
is running (1656
[root@testdb1 ~]
# mysql -uuser -puser -h192.168.119.130 -P8066 -A
[root@testdb1 ~]
# mysql -uuser -puser -h192.168.119.130 -P8066 -e "select @@server_id"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| @@server_id |
| 63 |
[root@testdb1 ~]
# mysql -uuser -puser -h192.168.119.130 -P8066 -e ‘\
start transaction;select @@server_id;commit;select @@server_id;‘
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| @@server_id |
| 62 |
| @@server_id |
| 63 |
标签:time sof ice pattern scott day imp port size