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Prism+MaterialDesign+EntityFramework Core+Postgresql WPF开发总结 之 基础篇

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:24人阅读

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Person(string name)
        Name = name;

张三=new Person("张三")
李四=new Person("李四")



  • 修饰类时,类将不可以作为基类继承。
  • 修饰属性与行为时,属性与行为在继承类中无法Override与New。
sealed class SealedClass
    public int x;
    public int y;

// error class SealedTest2:SealedClass
class SealedTest2
    static void Main()
        var sc = new SealedClass();
        sc.x = 110;
        sc.y = 150;
        Console.WriteLine($"x = {sc.x}, y = {sc.y}");
// Output: x = 110, y = 150

class X
    protected virtual void F() { Console.WriteLine("X.F"); }
    protected virtual void F2() { Console.WriteLine("X.F2"); }

class Y : X
    sealed protected override void F() { Console.WriteLine("Y.F"); }
    protected override void F2() { Console.WriteLine("Y.F2"); }

class Z : Y
    // Attempting to override F causes compiler error CS0239.
    // protected override void F() { Console.WriteLine("Z.F"); }

    // Overriding F2 is allowed.
    protected override void F2() { Console.WriteLine("Z.F2"); }
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  • 只有在同一程序集的文件中,内部类型或成员才可访问。
  • 可以修饰类与成员,通常用于组件开发。
// Assembly1.cs  
// Compile with: /target:library  
internal class BaseClass
   public static int intM = 0;  
// Assembly1_a.cs  
// Compile with: /reference:Assembly1.dll  
class TestAccess
   static void Main()
      var myBase = new BaseClass();   // CS0122  错误
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  • 只能修饰成员,不可以修饰类。
  • 修饰的成员,派生类内部可以直接访问。
class A
    protected int x = 123;

class B : A
    static void Main()
        var a = new A();
        var b = new B();

        // Error CS1540, because x can only be accessed by
        // classes derived from A.
        // a.x = 10; 

        // OK, because this class derives from A.
        b.x = 10;
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2、继承 (is-a关系)



  • New修饰:显式指示成员不应作为基类成员的重写。
  • 抽象方法:abstract 修饰,必须在直接继承自该类的任何非抽象类中重写该方法。 如果派生类本身是抽象的,则它会继承抽象成员而不会实现它们。
  • 虚方法:virtual修饰,派生类可以根据需要重写该方法,也可以直接使用基类的实现。



相当于派生类的对象可以作为基类的对象处理。 在出现此多形性时,该对象的声明类型不再与运行时类型相同。

public class Shape
    // A few example members
    public int X { get; private set; }
    public int Y { get; private set; }
    public int Height { get; set; }
    public int Width { get; set; }
    // Virtual method
    public virtual void Draw()
        Console.WriteLine("Performing base class drawing tasks");

public class Circle : Shape
    public override void Draw()
        // Code to draw a circle...
        Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle");
public class Rectangle : Shape
    public override void Draw()
        // Code to draw a rectangle...
        Console.WriteLine("Drawing a rectangle");
public class Triangle : Shape
    public override void Draw()
        // Code to draw a triangle...
        Console.WriteLine("Drawing a triangle");

// Polymorphism at work #1: a Rectangle, Triangle and Circle
// can all be used whereever a Shape is expected. No cast is
// required because an implicit conversion exists from a derived 
// class to its base class.
var shapes = new List<Shape>
    new Rectangle(),
    new Triangle(),
    new Circle()

// Polymorphism at work #2: the virtual method Draw is
// invoked on each of the derived classes, not the base class.
foreach (var shape in shapes)
/* Output:
    Drawing a rectangle
    Performing base class drawing tasks
    Drawing a triangle
    Performing base class drawing tasks
    Drawing a circle
    Performing base class drawing tasks
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  • 接口:包含方法、 属性、 事件和索引器,成员隐式都具有公共访问权限,接口只定义不实现成员。一个接口可能从多个基接口继承,类或结构可以实现多个接口。
  • 抽象类:包含抽象方法,虚方法,特有行为,属性,成员的访问权限可控制。sealed不可以使用,且只能继承一个抽象类。


public delegate void StringListEvent(IStringList sender);

public interface IStringList
    void Add(string s);
    int Count { get; }
    event StringListEvent Changed;
    string this[int index] { get; set; }
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abstract class A
    public abstract void F();

abstract class B: A
    public void G() {}

class C: B
    public override void F() {
        // actual implementation of F
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  • 使用泛型类型可以最大限度地重用代码、保护类型安全性以及提高性能。
  • 泛型最常见的用途是创建集合类。
  • 可以创建自己的泛型接口、泛型类、泛型方法、泛型事件和泛型委托。
  • 可以对泛型类进行约束以访问特定数据类型的方法。
// Declare the generic class.
public class GenericList<T>
    public void Add(T input) { }
class TestGenericList
    private class ExampleClass { }
    static void Main()
        // Declare a list of type int.
        GenericList<int> list1 = new GenericList<int>();

        // Declare a list of type string.
        GenericList<string> list2 = new GenericList<string>();

        // Declare a list of type ExampleClass.
        GenericList<ExampleClass> list3 = new GenericList<ExampleClass>();
        list3.Add(new ExampleClass());
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class Base { }
class Test<T, U>
    where U : struct
    where T : Base, new()
{ }

where T : notnull 指定类型参数必须是不可为 null 的值类型或不可为 null 的引用类型(C# 8.0)

where T : unmanaged 指定类型参数必须是不可为 null 的非托管类型(C# 7.3).通过 unmanaged 约束,用户能编写可重用例程,从而使用可作为内存块操作的类型。

unsafe public static byte[] ToByteArray<T>(this T argument) where T : unmanaged
    var size = sizeof(T);
    var result = new Byte[size];
    Byte* p = (byte*)&argument;
    for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
        result[i] = *p++;
    return result;
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扩展方法使你能够向现有类型“添加”方法,而无需创建新的派生类型、重新编译或以其他方式修改原始类型。 扩展方法是一种特殊的静态方法,但可以像扩展类型上的实例方法一样进行调用。Dapper,System.Linq(对System.Collections.IEnumerable 和 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T> 的扩展)就是经典使用。

扩展方法的优先级总是比类型本身中定义的实例方法低,且只能访问公有成员。 只在不得已的情况下才实现扩展方法。


  • 如果扩展方法与该类型中定义的方法具有相同的签名,则扩展方法永远不会被调用。

  • 在命名空间级别将扩展方法置于范围中。 例如,如果你在一个名为 Extensions 的命名空间中具有多个包含扩展方法的静态类,则这些扩展方法将全部由 using Extensions; 指令置于范围中。

namespace ExtensionMethods
    public static class MyExtensions
        public static int WordCount(this String str)
            return str.Split(new char[] {  , ., ? }, 
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一系列直接将查询功能集成到 C# 语言的技术统称。 传统上,针对数据的查询都以简单的字符串表示,而没有编译时类型检查或 IntelliSense 支持。 此外,还需要针对每种数据源学习一种不同的查询语言:SQL 数据库、XML 文档、各种 Web 服务等等。 借助 LINQ,查询成为了最高级的语言构造,就像类、方法和事件一样。

简单点就是使用查询表达式可以查询和转换 SQL 数据库、ADO .NET 数据集、XML 文档和流以及 .NET 集合中的数据。超越了限定于集合的扩展方法System.Linq。Entity Framework就是基于这个自动生成查询Sql操作数据。

  • 查询表达式中的变量全都是强类型,尽管在许多情况下,无需显式提供类型,因为编译器可以推断出。 有关详细信息,请参阅 LINQ 查询操作中的类型关系。

  • 只有在循环访问查询变量后,才会执行查询(例如,在 foreach 语句中)。 有关详细信息,请参阅 LINQ 查询简介。

  • 应用程序始终将源数据视为 IEnumerable<T> 或 IQueryable<T> 集合。


查询表达式必须以 from 子句开头,且必须以 select 或 group 子句结尾。 在第一个 from 子句与最后一个 select 或 group 子句之间,可以包含以下这些可选子句中的一个或多个:where、orderby、join、let,甚至是其他 from 子句。 还可以使用 into 关键字,使 join 或 group 子句的结果可以充当相同查询表达式中的其他查询子句的源。

// percentileQuery is an IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, Country>>
var percentileQuery =
    from country in countries
    let percentile = (int) country.Population / 10_000_000
    group country by percentile into countryGroup
    where countryGroup.Key >= 20
    orderby countryGroup.Key
    select countryGroup;

// grouping is an IGrouping<int, Country>
foreach (var grouping in percentileQuery)
    foreach (var country in grouping)
        Console.WriteLine(country.Name + ":" + country.Population);
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class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

class Pet
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Person Owner { get; set; }

class Cat : Pet
{ }

class Dog : Pet
{ }

public static void MultipleJoinExample()
    Person magnus = new Person { FirstName = "Magnus", LastName = "Hedlund" };
    Person terry = new Person { FirstName = "Terry", LastName = "Adams" };
    Person charlotte = new Person { FirstName = "Charlotte", LastName = "Weiss" };
    Person arlene = new Person { FirstName = "Arlene", LastName = "Huff" };
    Person rui = new Person { FirstName = "Rui", LastName = "Raposo" };
    Person phyllis = new Person { FirstName = "Phyllis", LastName = "Harris" };

    Cat barley = new Cat { Name = "Barley", Owner = terry };
    Cat boots = new Cat { Name = "Boots", Owner = terry };
    Cat whiskers = new Cat { Name = "Whiskers", Owner = charlotte };
    Cat bluemoon = new Cat { Name = "Blue Moon", Owner = rui };
    Cat daisy = new Cat { Name = "Daisy", Owner = magnus };

    Dog fourwheeldrive = new Dog { Name = "Four Wheel Drive", Owner = phyllis };
    Dog duke = new Dog { Name = "Duke", Owner = magnus };
    Dog denim = new Dog { Name = "Denim", Owner = terry };
    Dog wiley = new Dog { Name = "Wiley", Owner = charlotte };
    Dog snoopy = new Dog { Name = "Snoopy", Owner = rui };
    Dog snickers = new Dog { Name = "Snickers", Owner = arlene };

    // Create three lists.
    List<Person> people =
        new List<Person> { magnus, terry, charlotte, arlene, rui, phyllis };
    List<Cat> cats =
        new List<Cat> { barley, boots, whiskers, bluemoon, daisy };
    List<Dog> dogs =
        new List<Dog> { fourwheeldrive, duke, denim, wiley, snoopy, snickers };

    // The first join matches Person and Cat.Owner from the list of people and
    // cats, based on a common Person. The second join matches dogs whose names start
    // with the same letter as the cats that have the same owner.
    var query = from person in people
                join cat in cats on person equals cat.Owner
                join dog in dogs on 
                new { Owner = person, Letter = cat.Name.Substring(0, 1) }
                equals new { dog.Owner, Letter = dog.Name.Substring(0, 1) }
                select new { CatName = cat.Name, DogName = dog.Name };

    foreach (var obj in query)
            $"The cat \"{obj.CatName}\" shares a house, and the first letter of their name, with \"{obj.DogName}\".");  

// This code produces the following output:
// The cat "Daisy" shares a house, and the first letter of their name, with "Duke".
// The cat "Whiskers" shares a house, and the first letter of their name, with "Wiley".
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匿名函数演变而来。匿名函数是一个“内联”语句或表达式,可在需要委托类型的任何地方使用。 可以使用匿名函数来初始化命名委托,或传递命名委托(而不是命名委托类型)作为方法参数。

在 C# 1.0 中,通过使用在代码中其他位置定义的方法显式初始化委托来创建委托的实例。 C# 2.0 引入了匿名方法的概念,作为一种编写可在委托调用中执行的未命名内联语句块的方式。 C# 3.0 引入了 lambda 表达式,这种表达式与匿名方法的概念类似,但更具表现力并且更简练。任何 Lambda 表达式都可以转换为委托类型。 Lambda 表达式可以转换的委托类型由其参数和返回值的类型定义。 如果 lambda 表达式不返回值,则可以将其转换为 Action 委托类型之一;否则,可将其转换为 Func 委托类型之一。

class Test
    delegate void TestDelegate(string s);
    static void M(string s)

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Original delegate syntax required 
        // initialization with a named method.
        TestDelegate testDelA = new TestDelegate(M);

        // C# 2.0: A delegate can be initialized with
        // inline code, called an "anonymous method." This
        // method takes a string as an input parameter.
        TestDelegate testDelB = delegate(string s) { Console.WriteLine(s); };

        // C# 3.0. A delegate can be initialized with
        // a lambda expression. The lambda also takes a string
        // as an input parameter (x). The type of x is inferred by the compiler.
        TestDelegate testDelC = (x) => { Console.WriteLine(x); };

        // Invoke the delegates.
        testDelA("Hello. My name is M and I write lines.");
        testDelB("That‘s nothing. I‘m anonymous and ");
        testDelC("I‘m a famous author.");

        // Keep console window open in debug mode.
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
/* Output:
    Hello. My name is M and I write lines.
    That‘s nothing. I‘m anonymous and
    I‘m a famous author.
    Press any key to exit.
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Action<string> greet = name => 
    string greeting = $"Hello {name}!";
// Output:
// Hello World!
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int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };
var firstSmallNumbers = numbers.TakeWhile((n, index) => n >= index);
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", firstSmallNumbers));
// Output:
// 5 4
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使用之前必须添加 NuGet 包 System.ValueTuple,C# 7.0添加的新功能。

元组主要作为返回多个值方法的返回值,简化定义返回值类型的麻烦。与类和结构一样,使用数据结构存储多个元素,但不定义行为。 既可以获得静态类型检查的所有好处,又不需要使用更复杂的 class 或 struct 语法来创作类型。元组还是对 private 或 internal 这样的实用方法最有用。不过公共方法返回具有多个元素的值时,请创建用户定义的类型(class 或 struct 类型)。

public static double StandardDeviation(IEnumerable<double> sequence)
    var computation = ComputeSumAndSumOfSquares(sequence);

    var variance = computation.SumOfSquares - computation.Sum * computation.Sum / computation.Count;
    return Math.Sqrt(variance / computation.Count);

private static (int Count, double Sum, double SumOfSquares) ComputeSumAndSumOfSquares(IEnumerable<double> sequence)
    double sum = 0;
    double sumOfSquares = 0;
    int count = 0;

    foreach (var item in sequence)
        sum += item;
        sumOfSquares += item * item;

    return (count, sum, sumOfSquares);
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public static void Main()
    (string city, int population, double area) = QueryCityData("New York City");

    // Do something with the data.
public static void Main()
    var (city, population, area) = QueryCityData("New York City");

    // Do something with the data.
public static void Main()
    (string city, var population, var area) = QueryCityData("New York City");

    // Do something with the data.
public static void Main()
    string city = "Raleigh";
    int population = 458880;
    double area = 144.8;

    (city, population, area) = QueryCityData("New York City");

    // Do something with the data.
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        var (_, _, _, pop1, _, pop2) = QueryCityDataForYears("New York City", 1960, 2010);

        Console.WriteLine($"Population change, 1960 to 2010: {pop2 - pop1:N0}");
    private static (string, double, int, int, int, int) QueryCityDataForYears(string name, int year1, int year2)
        int population1 = 0, population2 = 0;
        double area = 0;
        if (name == "New York City")
            area = 468.48; 
            if (year1 == 1960)
                population1 = 7781984;
            if (year2 == 2010)
                population2 = 8175133;
            return (name, area, year1, population1, year2, population2);

        return ("", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// The example displays the following output:
//      Population change, 1960 to 2010: 393,149
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using System;

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string MiddleName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }
    public string State { get; set; }

    public Person(string fname, string mname, string lname, 
                  string cityName, string stateName)
        FirstName = fname;
        MiddleName = mname;
        LastName = lname;
        City = cityName;
        State = stateName;

