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ORACLE:start with ... connect by prior
ORACLE:start with ... connect by prior
时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17
start with ... connect by prior
select * from org o
--excute order=>first:start with connect by prior, then where condition
where o.flag
= ‘1‘
--start with subNodId=‘...‘ connect by prior subNodeId = parentNodeId
with o.org_code
--start with parentNodId=‘...‘ connect by prior subNodeId = parentNodeId
with o.org_parent_code
connect by prior o.org_code
select * from org o
--start with subNodeId=‘...‘ connect by subNodeId = prior parentNodeId
with o.org_code
--start with parentNodeId=‘...‘ connect by subNodeId = prior parentNodeId
with o.org_parent_code
connect by o.org_code
=prior o.org_parent_code
--start with clause:
--There is a little trick to traverse the starting conditions.
--If you want to check the parent node, you can use the column of the child node and vice versa.
--connect by clause:
--Connection conditions:The key word priority, put together with the parentid of the parent node column, is to traverse toward the parent node;
--put priority together with the child node column subid, then traverse to the direction of the leaf node,
--to sum up: It doesn‘t matter which one puts in front of "=" to parentid and subid, the key point is who keep together with prior.
--qry average salary for each team
select name,
(select CONNECT_BY_ROOT t.
user_name as name, t.user_salary
as salary
from employee
start with t.emp_no
= ‘10000‘
connet by prior t.emp_no
= t.manager_no
group by name
ORACLE:start with ... connect by prior
标签:acl ubi with rsa priority one column class att