时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:44人阅读
select salary+nvl(bonus,0) all_salary from staff;
select distinct salary,name from staff;
-- 判空要用 is null select salary,name from staff where salary>80000 or bonus is null;
-- 永真条件 select salary,name from staff where 1=1; -- 永假条件 select salary,name from staff where 1!=1;View Code
-- 字符串比较严格区分大小写,且用单引号括住 select salary,name from staff where name=‘Popo‘;View Code
select salary,name from staff where name like ‘张%‘; select salary,name from staff where name like ‘张_‘;
select salary,name from staff where name like ‘%o_‘;
模糊查询之between...and...:等价于 “ 值a >= 值b and 值a <= 值c”,切记包含等于。如果需要不在这个范围内的数据,只需在between前加个not关键字。
select salary,name from staff where salary between 80000 and 90000; select salary,name from staff where salary>=80000 and salary<=90000;
select salary,name from staff where not salary between 80000 and 90000;
模糊查询之in:表示在某个范围内,但这个范围内的值都可以精确的表示,in(4,5,6)表示字段在4或5或6都可以。不在这个范围则在not in(......)。
select salary,name from staff where salary in (40000,80000); select salary,name from staff where salary not in (40000,80000);
判null:用“is null”而非=null,而不空使用“is not null”。
-- 判断用is null,非空用 is not null select salary,name from staff where bonus is null; select salary,name from staff where bonus is not null;
order by 排序:排序语句永远放末尾,默认是 asc 升序(小->大),desc为降序(大->小),多列排序也只需写一次order by,例如“order by 列1 desc,order by 列2 asc,列3 desc”。
select salary,name from staff order by salary; select salary,name from staff order by salary asc; select salary,name from staff order by salary desc;
-- 不写降序升序,默认升序 select salary,name from staff order by salary ,name ; select salary,name from staff order by salary desc,name desc;
标签:play 别名 入门 字符串比较 from 比较 spl 算术运算符 get