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MongoDB 基本语法

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读



技术图片 MySQL


方法 说明 语法 备注
新增 MongoDB

db.getCollection(‘user‘).insert({"userId" : "014","uclass" : "B","name" : "Back","age" : 11,"email" : "b14@sina.com","birthday" : ISODate("2018-07-31T03:46:13.885Z"),"dataStatus" : 1});

MySQL INSERT INTO `sz-temp`.`user` (`userId`, `uclass`, `name`, `age`, `email`, `birthday`, `dataStatus`) VALUES (‘014‘, ‘B‘, ‘Back13‘, ‘20‘, ‘b14@sina.com‘, ‘2013-07-31 11:46:13‘, ‘0‘);  


方法 说明 语法 备注
删除 MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).remove({"userId":"014"});  
MySQL delete from user where userId = ‘014‘;  


方法 说明 语法 备注
修改 MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).update({"userId":"013"}, {$set:{"email":"b13@sina.com", "age":20}});  
MySQL update user set email = ‘b13@sina.com‘, age = 20 where userId = ‘013‘;  


查询方法 说明 语法 备注
查询所有 MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({});  
MySQL select * from user;  
查询条件:= MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"uclass":"A"});  
MySQL select * from user where uclass = ‘A‘;  
查询条件:like MongoDB select * from user where name like ‘%Ba%‘;  
MySQL db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"name":/Ba/});  
查询条件:distinct MongoDB select distinct uclass from user u;  
MySQL db.getCollection(‘user‘).distinct("name");  
查询条件:$gt MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"age":{$gt:16}}); greater than  >
MySQL select * from user where age >16;  
查询条件:$gte MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"age":{$gte:16}}); gt equal  >=
MySQL select * from user where age >= 16;  
查询条件:$lt MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"age":{$lt:16}}); less than  <
MySQL select * from user where age < 16;  
查询条件:$lte MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"age":{$lte:16}}); lt equal  <=
MySQL select * from user where age <= 16;  
查询条件:$ne MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"age":{$ne:16}}); not equal  !=
MySQL select * from user where age != 16;  
查询条件:$eq MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"age":{$eq:16}});等效于:db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"age":16}); equal  =
MySQL select * from user where age = 16;  
查询条件:in MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"uclass":{$in:[‘A‘, ‘B‘]}});  
MySQL select * from user where uclass in (‘A‘, ‘B‘);  
查询条件:and MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"uclass":"B", "age":{$gt:16}});  
MySQL select * from user where uclass = ‘B‘ and age > 16;  
查询条件:or MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({$or:[{"uclass":"A"},{"class":"B"}]});  
MySQL select * from user where uclass = ‘A‘ or  uclass = ‘B‘;  
查询条件:时间 MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"birthday":{$gt: new Date("2008-08-14T06:24:40.110Z"), $lt: new Date("2015-08-14T06:14:40.089Z")}});  
MySQL select * from user where birthday > ‘2008-08-14 06:24:40‘ and birthday < ‘2015-08-14 06:14:40‘;  
查询条数:count MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({"uclass":"A"}).count();  
MySQL select count(1) from user where uclass = ‘A‘;  
查询条件:sort升序 MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({}).sort({"age":1});  
MySQL select * from user order by age asc;  
查询条件:sort降序 MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({}).sort({"age":-1});  
MySQL select * from user order by age desc;  
聚合查询:count单列 MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).aggregate([{$group:{_id:"$uclass",num:{$sum:1}}}]);  
MySQL select uclass, count(1) as num from user group by uclass;  
聚合查询:count多列 MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).aggregate([{$group:{_id:{uclass:"$uclass", age:"$age"},num:{$sum:1}}}]);  
MySQL select uclass, age, count(1) as num from user group by uclass, age;  
分页查询:limit n MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({}).limit(5); 查询前n条
MySQL select * from user limit 5;  
分页查询:limit m,n MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({}).limit(5).skip(5); 查询n条,从第m条开始
MySQL select * from user limit 5,5;  
查询指定字段 MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({}, {userId:1, name:1}); 第一个{}为查询条件
MySQL select userId, name from user;  
排查指定字段 MongoDB db.getCollection(‘user‘).find({}, {dataStatus:0, _id:0}); 第一个{}为查询条件


  本文摘自  https://www.cnblogs.com/mao2080/p/9570909.html



MongoDB 基本语法

标签:etc   idt   ima   rem   find   asc   distinct   mongodb   int   
