当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > 创建MySQL账户


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:4人阅读

!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #----------------------------------------------------------# # Date : xxxx-xx-xx # # Author : Created by zhouwanchun. # # Wechat : loveoracle11g # # Function: This scripts function is ... # # Version : 1.1 # #----------------------------------------------------------# # 导入模块 import os import subprocess import mysql.connector import myloginpath # Linux终端清屏 os.system(clear) # 注释信息 print("""\033[1;36m ############################################################ # Date : 2020-05-22 # # Author : Created by zhouwanchun. # # Wechat : loveoracle11g # # Function: This scripts function is ... # # Version : v1.1 # ############################################################ \033[0m""") # 连接数据库账号 conn_user = dba print("""\033[1;35m 创建管理账号,请输入 : manager 创建开发账号,请输入 : dev \033[0m""") choices = input("请输入你要创建的账号类型 : ").strip() def create_mysql_user(): user = input("请设置user : ").strip() host = input("请设置host : ").strip() password = input("请设置密码 : ").strip() create_user = "create user " + "" + user + "" + "@" + "" + host + "" + " identified by " + "" + password + "‘;" if choices == manager: grant_user = "grant all privileges on *.* to " + "" + user + "" + "@" + "" + host + "" + " with grant option;" else: grant_user = "grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, EXECUTE, CREATE VIEW, SHOW VIEW, CREATE ROUTINE, ALTER ROUTINE, EVENT, TRIGGER on *.* to " + "" + user + "" + "@" + "" + host + "" + " with grant option;" show_grants = "show grants for " + "" + user + "" + "@" + "" + host + "‘;" subprocess.run([/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql --login-path= + conn_user + -e + " + create_user + "], shell=True) subprocess.run([/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql --login-path= + conn_user + -e + " + grant_user + "], shell=True) subprocess.run([/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin --login-path= + conn_user + flush-privileges], shell=True) subprocess.run([/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql --login-path= + conn_user + -e + " + show_grants + "], shell=True) return if choices == manager: create_mysql_user() elif choices == dev: create_mysql_user() else: print("\033[1;31m你输入有误!\033[0m")



标签:hat   cut   类型   创建   开发   usr   system   dev   log   
