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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:22人阅读

adb devices


1 adb -s 设备号 其他指令


1 adb install path\name.apk


1 adb install path\name.apk




1 D:\>aapt dump badging jisuanqi_587.apk
2 package: name=com.ibox.calculators versionCode=587 versionName=2.8.7 platformBuildVersionName=6.0-2704002
3 sdkVersion:14
4 targetSdkVersion:19


1 D:\>adb shell dumpsys window | findstr mCurrentFocus
2   mCurrentFocus=Window{e66be70 u0 com.ibox.calculators/com.ibox.calculators.CalculatorActivity}


1 D:\>adb uninstall com.ibox.calculators
2 Success


1 D:\>adb shell
2 vbox86p:/ #



1 adb shell find / -name 文件夹名称 -type d


1 D:\>adb push file_test.txt /data/media/0/Download
2 file_test.txt: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 0.0 MB/s (13 bytes in 0.002s)

注: file_test.txt 为当前D:\下的文档,/data/media/0/Download 为手机路径


1 D:\>adb pull /data/media/0/Download/test/file_test.txt File
2 /data/media/0/Download/test/file_test.txt: 1 file pulled, 0 skipped. 0.0 MB/s (13 bytes in 0.001s)

注: /data/media/0/Download/test/file_test.txt   为手机路径,  File 为电脑路径


1 adb shell dumpsys package com.ibox.calculators


1 C:\Users\Alin>adb shell pm path com.ibox.calculators
2 package:/data/app/com.ibox.calculators-JFzmL_qeOWqldw_nuBAG2A==/base.apk


先根据adb shell dumpsys window | findstr mCurrentFocus查找到<package_name>/.<activity_class_name>,在使用adb shell am start -n <package_name>/.<activity_class_name>

C:\Users\Alin>adb shell am start -n com.ibox.calculators/com.ibox.calculators.CalculatorActivity
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.ibox.calculators/.CalculatorActivity }


1 C:\Users\Alin>adb shell pm clear com.ibox.calculators
2 Success


1 C:\Users\Alin>adb shell ps|findstr com.ibox.calculators
2 u0_a102       3988   282  984300 106688 ep_poll      f15f4bb9 S com.ibox.calculators:ghosty
3 u0_a102       4020   282  998936 107988 ep_poll      f15f4bb9 S com.ibox.calculators:pushservice
4 u0_a102       4030     1  985296  22240 unix_stream_read_generic f15f4bb9 S com.ibox.calculators:ghosty
5 u0_a102       4059   282 1171828 215852 ep_poll      f15f4bb9 S com.ibox.calculators


1 C:\Users\Alin>adb shell kill 5213


1 C:\Users\Alin>adb shell dumpsys meminfo com.ibox.calculators


1 adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_BACK



adb logcat [选项] [过滤项] (选项过滤项可填可不填)

-s:设置输出日志的标签, 只显示该标签的日志;

1 C:\Users\Alin>adb logcat -s PackageManager
2 --------- beginning of main
3 --------- beginning of system
4 07-28 10:26:00.282  1091  1481 W PackageManager: Failure retrieving resources for com.ibox.calculators


1 C:\Users\Alin>adb logcat -f /data/media/0/Download/test.log


1 C:\Users\Alin>adb logcat -c
  • adb logcat -v time :可以查看日志的输出时间;
  • adb logcat -v threadtime :可以查看日志的输出时间和线程信息;
  • adb logcat -v process:格式为“优先级 (进程ID) : 日志信息 "的日志;
  • adb logcat -v tag:格式为 " 优先级 / 标签 : 日志信息" 的日志;
  • adb logcat -v thread :格式为 "优先级 ( 进程ID : 线程ID) 标签 : 日志内容" 的日志;
  • adb logcat -v raw :只输出日志信息, 不附加任何其他信息; adb logcat -v long:格式为 “ [ 日期 时间 进程ID : 线程ID 优先级 / 标签] 日志信息 ” 的日志。
V : Verbose (明细); D : Debug (调试); I: Info (信息);  W: Warn (警告); E: Error (错误); F: Fatal (严重错误); S : Silent(Super all output) (最高的优先级, 可能不会记载东西) 举例:1、显示 Error 以上级别的日志:adb logcat *:E 
1 C:\Users\Alin>adb logcat *:W
 1 C:\Users\Alin>adb logcat -s System:E
 2 --------- beginning of main
 3 --------- beginning of system
 4 07-28 10:37:40.043  6232  6410 E System  :  ******** DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY ********
 5 07-28 10:37:40.043  6232  6410 E System  :  * The implementation of the KeyFactory.RSA algorithm from
 6 07-28 10:37:40.043  6232  6410 E System  :  * the BC provider is deprecated in this version of Android.
 7 07-28 10:37:40.043  6232  6410 E System  :  * It will be removed in a future version of Android and your
 8 07-28 10:37:40.043  6232  6410 E System  :  * application will no longer be able to request it.  Please see
 9 07-28 10:37:40.043  6232  6410 E System  :  * https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2018/03/cryptography-changes-in-android-p.html
10 07-28 10:37:40.043  6232  6410 E System  :  * for more details.
11 07-28 10:39:22.948  6232  6427 E System  :  ******** DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY ********
12 07-28 10:39:22.948  6232  6427 E System  :  * The implementation of the KeyFactory.RSA algorithm from
13 07-28 10:39:22.948  6232  6427 E System  :  * the BC provider is deprecated in this version of Android.
14 07-28 10:39:22.948  6232  6427 E System  :  * It will be removed in a future version of Android and your
15 07-28 10:39:22.948  6232  6427 E System  :  * application will no longer be able to request it.  Please see
16 07-28 10:39:22.948  6232  6427 E System  :  * https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2018/03/cryptography-changes-in-android-p.html
17 07-28 10:39:22.948  6232  6427 E System  :  * for more details.




标签:star   targe   ADG   androi   app   focus   根据   模拟器   actor   
