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shut immediate 数据库遭遇 ORA-24324 ORA-24323 参考学习

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:42人阅读


SQL> shut immediate
ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
ORA-24323: value not allowed
ORA-27140: attach to post/wait facility failed
ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:invalid_egid failed with status: 1
ORA-27301: OS failure message: Operation not permitted
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: skgpwinit6
ORA-27303: additional information: startup egid = 501 (oinstall), current egid = 504 (asmadmin)


shutdown abort


后面退出会话,然后登陆sqlplus,使用shutdown abort 才将数据库关闭。处理完成后,查了一下metal link官方文档,发现引起错误的原因为:


Background processes are hanging/not started correctly during the previous startup of this database.

Hence the semaphores and shared memory segments are not getting detached properly now during shutdown.




1. Verify that there are no background processes owned by "oracle" , if there are kill them

$ ps -ef | grep ora_ | grep $ORACLE_SID


2. Remove shared memory and semaphores:


A) Check for shared memory and semaphores

$ ipcs -mt (if there is anything owned by oracle remove it)

$ ipcrm -m [ID] (to remove it)


B) Check and remove semaphores

$ ipcs -sbt (if there is anything owned by oracle remove it)

$ ipcrm -s [ID] (to remove it)


C) Remove sga and lk file

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs

$ rm sgadef<SID>.dbf (removing sga file)

$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/lk<sid> (removing lk... flies)


D) If database is down, try to bring up oracle one step at a time:

$ sqlplus /nolog

SQL> startup nomount pfile = ...[path]

SQL> alter database mount;

SQL> alter database open;\


Otherwise, exit current SQL*Plus session and verify the following environment variables are set.


echo $ORACLE_SID (echo %ORACLE_SID% on Windows)

Then, Execute the following:

sqlplus / as sysdba

shutdown abort


sqlplus / as sysdba



如上官方资料所示, 两种解决方案。关于第一种方案,简单梳理如下:


1: 清理后台进程,一般找到相关进程后,使用kill命令杀掉。

2: 清理共享内存段

3: 清理信号集

注意,在RHEL 中, ipcs -sbt命令会报错"ipcs: invalid option -- b",这个是因为Linux上的ipcs命令,不支持UNIX上的-b,所以不能照本宣科,不要使用参数b. 具体参考官方文档ipcs man page describes invalid -b option in RHEL 5

4: 删除 sga and lk文件。



ipcs 命令往标准输出写入一些关于活动进程间通信设施的信息。如果没有指定任何标志,ipcs 命令用简短格式写入一些关于当前活动消息队列、共享内存段、信号量、远程队列和本地队列标题。




ORA-24324 During Startup or Shutdown (文档 ID 794293.1)


ORA-1089 During Shutdown Immediate (文档 ID 1014091.102)

shut immediate 数据库遭遇 ORA-24324 ORA-24323 参考学习

标签:官方   信号   add   system   ons   nts   strong   lte   信号集   
