时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:6人阅读
create tablespace tablespacename datafile ‘d:\data.dbf‘ size xxxm; tablespacename:表空间的名字 d:\data.dbf:表空间的存储位置 xxx表空间的大小,m单位为兆(M) 例:创建表空间 cux_data ,位置 D:\app\chengqian\oradata\orcl\cux_data.dbf,大小为100M. create tablespace cux_data datafile ‘D:\app\chengqian\oradata\orcl\cux_data.dbf‘ Size 100M;
grant connect to user_name; grant create indextype to user_name; grant create job to user_name; grant create materialized view to user_name; grant create procedure to user_name; grant create public synonym to user_name; grant create sequence to user_name; grant create session to user_name; grant create table to user_name; grant create trigger to user_name; grant create type to user_name; grant create view to user_name; grant unlimited tablespace to user_name; alter user user_name quota unlimited on tbs_name; --常用的权限 --常用的系统权限集合有以下三个: --CONNECT(基本的连接), RESOURCE(程序开发), DBA(数据库管理) --常用的数据对象权限有以下五个: --ALL ON 数据对象名, SELECT ON 数据对象名, UPDATE ON 数据对象名, --DELETE ON 数据对象名, INSERT ON 数据对象名, ALTER ON 数据对象名 GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO 用户名; GRANT SELECT ON 表名 TO 用户名; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE ON表名 TO 用户名1, 用户名2; grant execute on apps.Cux_Mrp_Material_Sd_Pub to APPSQUERY; --revoke 回收权限的使用和grant类似 revoke execute on apps.Cux_Mrp_Material_Sd_Pub from APPSQUERY; REVOKE CONNECT, RESOURCE FROM 用户名; REVOKE SELECT ON 表名 FROM 用户名; REVOKE SELECT, INSERT, DELETE ON 表名 FROM 用户名1, 用户名2;
create table cux.cux_test_table_all ( id NUMBER not null, organization_id NUMBER not Null, category_1 Number not null, category_2 Number not Null, top_number Number not Null, down_number Number not Null, lot_ratio Number not Null, remark VARCHAR2(20), approved_id VARCHAR2(10), approved_time VARCHAR2(240), approved_status VARCHAR2(240), creation_date DATE default sysdate not null, created_by NUMBER default -1 not null, last_updated_by NUMBER default -1 not null, last_update_date DATE default sysdate not null, last_update_login NUMBER, attribute_category VARCHAR2(30), attribute1 VARCHAR2(240), attribute2 VARCHAR2(240), attribute3 VARCHAR2(240), attribute4 VARCHAR2(240), attribute5 VARCHAR2(240), attribute6 VARCHAR2(240), attribute7 VARCHAR2(240), attribute8 VARCHAR2(240), attribute9 VARCHAR2(240), attribute10 VARCHAR2(240), attribute11 VARCHAR2(240), attribute12 VARCHAR2(240), attribute13 VARCHAR2(240), attribute14 VARCHAR2(240), attribute15 VARCHAR2(240) );
create sequence cux.CUX_WIP_CATEGORY_RATIO_s minvalue 1 maxvalue 999999999999999999999999 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 10;
以上,除使用命令创建,还可以在plsql develope 等工具中创建和授权
oracle 创建用户,表空间,授权,表,序列,同义词等
标签:null proc bsp alter 集合 weight class number space