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Mysql---MySQL Server Administration

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:6人阅读

is the MySQL server.

    1.1、Configuring the Server

        a,查看Mysql Server options and configurable system variables 

            mysqld --verbose --help

        b,查看当前正在运行的 Mysql Server实例 system variable values

            SHOW VARIABLES;

        c,查看当前运行的Mysql Server实例statistical and status indicators

            SHOW STATUS;

    1.2、Server Configuration Defaults

        The MySQL server has many operating parameters, which you can change at server startup using command-line options or configuration files (option files). It is also possible to change many parameters at runtime.(Mysql Server有很多运行参数,可以在启动时通过 命令行 | 配置文件 进行修改; 也可以在运行时进行修改)

        On Windows, MySQL Installer interacts with the user and creates a file named my.ini in the base installation directory as the default option file.(windows系统中,安装目录下有个一my.ini文件作为 选项文件)After completing the installation process, you can edit the default option file at any time to modify the parameters used by the server.(安装完成后,你可以在任何时候编辑my.ini文件进行修改参数)

        For non-Windows platforms, no default option file is created during either the server installation or the data directory initialization process.(对于非Windows系统,没有默认的选项文件创建)

    1.3、Server Status Variables

        The MySQL server maintains many status variables that provide information about its operation.(Mysql Sever)


Mysql---MySQL Server Administration

标签:keyword   directory   cal   ram   runtime   ssi   base   完成后   key   
