当前位置:Gxlcms > Python > 用Python的Tornado框架结合memcached页面改善博客性能


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:26人阅读



主要通过页面的uri进行缓存,结合tornado.web.RequestHandler的prepare和on_finish方法函数, prepare 主要是请求前执行,on_finish()是请求结束之前执行.在渲染模板时缓存页面内容,然后在请求前检测是否有缓存,如果有直接输出缓存,结束请求,在POST提交之后清空所有缓存,重新生成缓存,从而保证内容实时性.由于登录用户和普通用户的页面不相同,所以不缓存登录用户页面(代码中没有体现,请自行实现).主要python代码(省略了模板渲染的代码):

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
#  Author :  cold
#  E-mail :  wh_linux@126.com
#  Date  :  13/01/14 09:57:31
#  Desc  :  
import config
import pylibmc
from tornado.web import RequestHandler
#### 省略Cache类定义 #####

class Memcached(object):
  _mc = pylibmc.client.Client(config.CACHE_HOST, binary = True)

  def __enter__(self):
    if config.CACHED:
      return Memcached
      return Cache()

  def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

  def get_cache(cls):
    return cls._mc

  def get(cls, key, default = None):
    r = cls._mc.get(key)
    if not r:
      r = default
    return r

  def set(cls, key, value, timeout = 0):
    timeout = timeout if timeout else config.CACHE_TIMEOUT
    return cls._mc.set(key, value, timeout)

  def delete(cls, key):
    return cls._mc.delete(key)

  def flush(cls):
    return cls._mc.flush_all()

  def __getattr__(self, key):
    return Memcached.get(key)

  def __setattr__(self, key, value):
    return Memcached.set(key, value)

class BaseHandler(RequestHandler):
  """ 继承tornado请求基类,重写 prepare和on_finish方法 """
  cache = Memcached

  def render(self, template_path, *args, **kwargs):
    """ 渲染模板 """
    # 省略渲染模板代码
    content = ''   # 渲染模板后的内容
    if self.request.method == "GET" and CACHED and \
      not self.request.path.startswith("/admin"):
      self.cache.set(self.request.uri, content) # 将渲染后的内容缓存起来

  def prepare(self):
    super(BaseHandler, self).prepare()
    # 如果请求是GET方法,而且不是请求后台
    if self.request.method == "GET" and CACHED and \
      not self.request.path.startswith("/admin"):

      # 尝试获取当前页面的缓存
      cache = self.cache.get(self.request.uri)
      # 获取缓存则
输出页面,结束请求 if cache: return self.finish(cache) def on_finish(self): """ 重写结束请求前的方法函数 """ if self.request.method == "POST": # 如果遇到POST提交则清空缓存 self.cache.flush()

缓存系统在redis和Memcached选择了很久,因为只是单纯的缓存页面所以最后选择了memcached,使用pylibmc python库.

使用webbench 网站压力测试对比了缓存前后的结果: 使用缓存前

$ webbench -c 500 -t 30 http://www.linuxzen.com/
Webbench - Simple Web Benchmark 1.5
Copyright (c) Radim Kolar 1997-2004, GPL Open Source Software.

Benchmarking: GET http://www.linuxzen.com/
500 clients, running 30 sec.

Speed=54 pages/min, 38160 bytes/sec.
Requests: 27 susceed, 0 failed.


$ webbench -c 500 -t 30 http://www.linuxzen.com/
Webbench - Simple Web Benchmark 1.5
Copyright (c) Radim Kolar 1997-2004, GPL Open Source Software.

Benchmarking: GET http://www.linuxzen.com/
500 clients, running 30 sec.

Speed=256 pages/min, 238544 bytes/sec.
Requests: 128 susceed, 0 failed.

