当前位置:Gxlcms > Python > python清除指定目录内所有文件中script的方法


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:88人阅读


调用语法 : python stripscripts.py
使用范例 : python stripscripts.py d:\myfiles

# Hello, this is a script written in Python. See http://www.pyhon.org
import os,sys,string,re
message = """
 stripscripts 1.1p - Script stripper
 This script will walk a directory (and its subdirectories) and disable
 all scripts (javascript, vbscript...) from .html and .htm files.
 (The scripts will not be deleted, but simply deactivated, so that
 you can review them if you like.)
 Can be usefull for sites you have downloaded with HTTrack or similar tools.
 No more nosey or buggy scripts in your local html files.
 Syntax : python %s 
 Example : python %s d:\myfiles
 This script is public domain. You can freely reuse it.
 The author is
    Sebastien SAUVAGE
 More quick & dirty scripts are available at http://sebsauvage.net/python/
""" % ((sys.argv[0], )*2)
def stripscripts ( directoryStart ) :
  os.path.walk( directoryStart, callback, '' )
def callback ( args, directory, files ) :
  print 'Scanning',directory
  for fileName in files:
    if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(directory,fileName) ) :
      if string.lower(os.path.splitext(fileName)[1]) in ['.html','.htm'] :
        stripScriptFromHtml ( os.path.join(directory,fileName) )
def stripScriptFromHtml ( filepath ) :
  print ' Processing',os.path.split(filepath)[1]
  file = open(filepath, 'rb')
  html = file.read()
  regexp = re.compile(r'', re.IGNORECASE)
  html = regexp.sub('

