时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:68人阅读
#! /usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 ''' Created on 2011-8-19 @author: yaoboyuan ''' from urllib import request,parse import re,sys def extractSongRawData(text): '抓取每一首歌的原始数据' text = re.sub('\n+','',text) songList = re.findall('\',text) nums = len(songList) print('search ' + str(nums) + ' songs') return songList def translate(text): '去掉text中的无用字符,转换unicode码' text = re.sub('\','',text) text = re.sub('\','',text) #find the 成 and translate into chinese s = re.findall('([0-9]+);',text) if len(s)<=0: return text else: text = '' for i in range(len(s)): value = int(s[i],10) #from str'123' to 10 base's int 124 text += chr(value) #from value to char return text def extractSongName(song): '提取歌曲名字' td = re.findall('(?:\ )',song) name = re.findall('.+?\(.*?)\',td[0]) songName = translate(name[0]) return songName def extractAuthorName(song): '提取作者名字' td = re.findall('(?:\ )',song) name = re.findall('.+?\(.*?)\',td[0]) authorName = name[0] authorName = translate(authorName) return authorName def extrackAlbumName(song): '提取专辑名字' td = re.findall('(?:\ )',song) name = re.findall('.+?\(.*?)\',td[0]) albumName = translate(name[0]) return albumName def extractID(song): '提取歌曲id' td = re.findall('''\ 0: return td[0] else: return song def extractLink(song): '提取歌曲下载链接' td = re.findall('''\''',song) if len(td) == 0: return 'NULL' s = str(td[0]) rawLink = re.findall('http.*?(?=\?)',s) if len(rawLink) == 0: return s link = rawLink[0] link = re.sub('%3D','=',link) id = extractID(song) return link + '?id=' + id def extractPageNums(text): '提取返回结果的页数,最多要10页' pageList = re.findall('page_link',text) return len(pageList) def extractSongInfo(song): '提取歌曲信息,返回歌曲列表' songList = [] for i in range(len(song)): songName = extractSongName(song[i]) authorName = extractAuthorName(song[i]) albumName = extrackAlbumName(song[i]) link = extractLink(song[i]) songItem = [songName,authorName,albumName,link] songList.append(songItem) index = '' if i<9: index = '0' + str(i+1) else: index = str(i + 1) #print(index + ' ' + songName + ' ' + authorName + ' ' + albumName + ' ' + link) return songList def main(): while True: url = 'http://www.google.cn/music/search?q=' key = input('请输入歌曲名字或关键字:') key = parse.quote(key) #统一编码成utf-8 url += key mf = request.urlopen(url) c = mf.readall() c = str(c,encoding = 'utf-8') num = extractPageNums(c) print(str(num+1) + ' pages found') song = extractSongRawData(c) songList = extractSongInfo(song) #if the result great than 2 pages, then request all pages if num>0: for i in range(num): start = (i+1)*20 next_page = '&cat=song&start=%d'%(start) #next_page = parse.quote(next_page) #统一编码成utf-8 url += next_page mf = request.urlopen(url) c = mf.readall() c = str(c,encoding = 'utf-8') song = extractSongRawData(c) songList += extractSongInfo(song) #find all results for i in range(len(songList)): #print the result index = '' if i<9: index = '0' + str(i+1) else: index = str(i + 1) print(index + ' ' + str(songList[i])) if __name__ == '__main__': main() 希望本文所述对大家的Python程序设计有所帮助。
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