时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:30人阅读
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*-coding:utf8 -*- ''' #============================================================================= # FileName: translate.py # Desc: To translate with zh to en or en2zh # Author: cold # Email: wh_linux@126.com # HomePage: http://www.linuxzen.com # Version: 0.0.1 # LastChange: 2012-04-23 23:04:08 # History: #============================================================================= ''' import urllib import urllib2 from sys import argv,exit import re # 显示帮助信息 def helpinfo(): print ''' Usage: pytran {zh2en|en2zh} content ''' # 格式化输出 def formatresult(result,srclang): resu = result.split('[[') if (srclang=='en2zh' or srclang == 'zh2en'): firstre = resu[1].replace('[','').replace(']','').split('"') print '源词:',firstre[3] print '结果:',firstre[1] if (srclang=='zh2en'): piny = firstre[7] else: piny = firstre[5] print '拼音:',piny if(srclang=='zh2en'): secresu=resu[2].replace('"','').split('[') else: secresu = resu[2].replace('"', '').split('[') print '词性:',secresu[0].replace(',','') print '其他释义:' for i in ''.join(secresu[1].split(']')).split(','): print i # 获取命令行参数 try: srclang = argv[1] except: helpinfo() exit(1) try: cont = argv[2] except: helpinfo() exit(2) # 判断翻译目标语言用来确定传送参数 if(srclang == 'zh2en'): data=urllib.urlencode({'client':'t', 'text':cont, 'hl':'zh-CN','tl':'en', 'multires':'1','prev':'btn', 'ssel':'0','sc':'1'}) elif(srclang == 'en2zh'): data=urllib.urlencode({'client':'t', 'text':cont, 'hl':'zh-CN', 'sl':'en','tl':'zh-CN', 'multires':'1', 'prev':'btn', 'ssel':'0','sc':'1'}) else: helpinfo() # 打开google翻译内容 url = 'http://translate.google.cn/translate_a/t' req =urllib2.Request(url,data) req.add_header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Googlebot/2.1;++http://www.google.com/bot.html)") fd = urllib2.urlopen(req) result = fd.read() # 格式化输出 formatresult(result, srclang) fd.close()
chmod +x /usr/bin/pytranslate
然后我们就可以使用它进行翻译了: 翻译英文到中文:
pytranslate en2zh extent 源词: extent 结果: 程度 拼音: Chéngdù 词性: 名词 其他释义: 程度 范围 幅度 规模 度 地步 广度 长度 面 长短 份儿 界 en 翻译中文到英文 pytranslate zh2en 中国 源词: 中国 结果: China 拼音: Zhōngguó 词性: 名词 其他释义: China zh-CN