时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:84人阅读
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- import time,re,urllib2
- t=time.time()
- websiteurls={}
- def scanpage(url):
- websiteurl=url
- t=time.time()
- n=0
- html=urllib2.urlopen(websiteurl).read()
- soup=BeautifulSoup(html)
- pageurls=[]
- Upageurls={}
- pageurls=soup.find_all("a",href=True)
- for links in pageurls:
- if websiteurl in links.get("href") and links.get("href") not in Upageurls and links.get("href") not in websiteurls:
- Upageurls[links.get("href")]=0
- for links in Upageurls.keys():
- try:
- urllib2.urlopen(links).getcode()
- except:
- print "connect failed"
- else:
- t2=time.time()
- Upageurls[links]=urllib2.urlopen(links).getcode()
- print n,
- print links,
- print Upageurls[links]
- t1=time.time()
- print t1-t2
- n+=1
- print ("total is "+repr(n)+" links")
- print time.time()-t
- scanpage("http://news.163.com/")