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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:47人阅读

关于Geodatabase10.2新特性的QA Will I be able to use SQLite database with desktop and server at 10.2? 10.2的Desktop和Server可以使用 SQLite 数据库吗? At 10.2 SQLite databases will be accessible in ArcGIS Desktop via “Query Layers” but wil


Will I be able to use SQLite database with desktop and server at 10.2?

10.2的Desktop和Server可以使用 SQLite 数据库吗?

At 10.2 SQLite databases will be accessible in ArcGIS Desktop via “Query Layers” but will be blocked from being published to a Map Service or Feature Service. Additional support for SQLite databases will be possible in future releases.

ArcGIS Desktop10.2可以使用“Query Layer”来访问SQLite数据库,但是还不能发布数据源为SQLite数据库的地图服务或者要素服务。对 SQLite 数据库的额外支持将有可能在将来的版本中。

Can geodatabase archiving be used with file and personal geodatabases at 10.2?

在ArcGIS10.2版本中,FileGeodatabase和Personal Geodatabase是否可以使用地理数据库归档?

New capabilities were added at 10.2 to support archiving against non-versioned data, but this does not include file and personal geodatabases.

10.2 支持存储在数据库里面的非注册版本数据,但这并不支持文件和个人地理数据库。

Why are there limitations to changing field properties?


New capabilities have been added at 10.2 to support the updating of field properties were possible. However, the properties that can be changed and how they can be changed depends on the database management system you are using; you can only make changes that your database allows. For example, if your database does not allow you to change the length of a field in a table that contains data, you cannot change the field length through ArcGIS.

新的功能已添加在 10.2 支持更新的字段属性是可能的。但是,可以更改的属性和如何改变他们取决于用户使用 ; 数据库管理系统可以仅允许您的数据库的更改。例如,如果您的数据库不允许您更改表中包含数据的字段的长度,您将不能使用ArcGIS更改字段长度。

What is happening to the Spatial Data Server that was introduced with ArcGIS 10.1?

ArcGIS10.1的Spatial Data Server有什么变化?

Esri currently has no plans to extend the support of the Spatial Data Server technology component of ArcGIS for Server to Windows 2012. However, we have plans to integrate the capabilities of Spatial Data Server into the core GIS Server included with ArcGIS for Server.

Esri 目前并无计划将Spatial Data Server支持Windows 2012 。但是,我们有计划要将Spatial Data Server集成到ArcGIS Server的GIS Server内核中。

We anticipate that our next update to the ArcGIS system, which is planned for June 2013, will allow core Feature Services from ArcGIS Server to access in read-write mode non-geodatabase enabled databases. In this manner, you will be able to create feature services with ArcGIS for Server on top of databases like Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostGRES and other ArcGIS Server supported databases, leveraging native database spatial types and without having to create a geodatabase.

我们计划在2013年6月份,新版本的ArcGIS10.2将会在ArcGIS Server的要素服务可以访问(既可以读也可以写)数据库中的非地理数据库。

我们预计下一个ArcGIS系统,计划于 2013 年 6 月,我们下一次更新将允许核心功能服务,从微观的服务器访问读写模式非地理数据库启用了数据库中。以这种方式,我们将能够在这些数据库如 Microsoft SQL Server,Oracle,PostGRES 利用本机数据库空间类型,而无需创建地理数据库,来发布要素服务。

What are some examples of the quality and performance issues fixed with 10.2?


Examples of the improvements with 10.2 for quality and performance are as follows: Provide a way to easily determine the release version of your enterprise geodatabase through the database properties dialog. This will help to insure users can stay up to date and communicate release information correctly. Corrected issues with the reconciling of geometric networks that could have led to network inconsistencies or issues during reconcile. Corrected issues with the reconciling of relationship classes that could have led to data loss.

10.2 特性和性能的改进的例子如下:




Are there any integration plans for ArcGIS and Hadoop?

ArcGIS和 Hadoop 有什么集成计划吗?

Yes. After the Dev Summit, an open source toolkit will be made public that will allow developers to build their own processing workflows for Hadoop, and execute them from ArcGIS. The open source toolkit will be focused on providing a Geometry API for Hadoop Map Reduce developers, in addition to a set of utilities to leverage the Geometry API for Hadoop Hive queries. Developers will build their own customization through this toolkit then for ease of execution a set of GP tools will be available to allow import and export of data between an Enterprise GeoDatabase and HDFS, and to also define the workflows and execute them based on the customizations that developers will build.

是。一个开源工具包会在 Dev Summit会议后将被公之于众,将允许开发人员构建自己的Hadoop处理的工作流程,并使用ArcGIS执行。将专注于开源工具包,提供一个几何API的Hadoop的Map Reduce开发,另外一组实用工具,利用几何API Hadoop的蜂巢查询。通过这个工具包,开发人员将建立自己的定制为便于执行一组GP工具将允许企业级地理数据库和HDFS的数据的导入和导出,而且还可以设置工作流程和执行的基础上进行自定义开发。


Geodatabase 10.2新特性(一) - ArcGIS技术研究 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET http://t.cn/zYgspRC


