当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql > 怎么对ArcSDE数据库的要素类进行批量重建空间索引


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:132人阅读

在我们遇到很多有关于性能的问题,我们一般建议用户重新常见空间索引,那么如果用户一个库里面有几十个甚至上百个空间索引,那么该怎么处理呢? ArcGIS10.1版本 RebuildIndexes:(这个功能只有ArcGIS10.1才有的) 这个功能主要是对用户进行大范围数据编辑,








Switch between load only and normal I/O modes.
To modify a feature class's input/output mode, use the load_only_io and normal_io operations.

You must be the owner of the feature class to change it from normal I/O to load-only I/O mode.

It is recommended that you do not place a versioned feature class that uses binary storage in load only I/O mode because, when you switch back to normal I/O mode, the spatial index will be calculated on a versioned representation of the features. This representation may not match what is stored in the nonversioned f table to which the index gets applied. If this is the case, an error is returned.

When the sdelayer command is used to create a layer (i.e., if the register or add operations are used), the resultant feature class is automatically in normal I/O mode. The load-only I/O mode is provided to make bulk data loading processes more efficient. Use load-only mode when performing large inserts to avoid the continuous update of the feature class's indexes.

For feature classes that use a spatial grid index (SDEBINARY, SDELOB, WKB_GEOMETRY, or feature classes in DB2), if the grid fields are updated while the feature class is in load-only I/O mode, the spatial index is rebuilt with the new grid sizes when you reset the feature class to normal I/O mode. While rebuilding the spatial index table, the feature class is inaccessible to other users. Note: You can change the grid sizes while the feature class is in normal or load-only I/O mode. If you reset spatial indexes while the feature class is in normal I/O mode, the indexes on the spatial index table are dropped while the spatial index is being re-created.. 

When the feature class is in normal I/O mode, the envelope is automatically updated whenever a feature that extends the current envelope is added. The envelope is not updated while the feature class is in load-only I/O mode but is recalculated to the full extent when the feature class is reset to normal I/O mode.

These examples show the parcels feature class being moved into load only mode then back to normal I/O mode.

sdelayer -o load_only_io -l victoria,parcels -u av -p mo -i esri_40

sdelayer -o normal_io -l victoria,parcels -u av -p mo -i esri_40

When the feature class is returned to normal I/O mode, the spatial index table and database indexes are rebuilt. If the operation does not complete successfully for any reason, the feature class is left in load-only I/O mode.

When a feature class is in load-only I/O mode, the unique index is removed from the feature class's spatial column. When the index is absent, it is possible to enter nonunique values into the spatial column with an application not created with the ArcSDE C- or Java application programming interface (API). Therefore, no applications besides ArcSDE or applications created with the ArcSDE C- or Java API should ever update the spatial column. Database administrators should be aware of the increased vulnerability of the spatial column when the feature class is in load-only I/O mode.




@echo OFF
pause "按任意键开始"
sdelayer  -o load_only_io -l quxian,shape -i 5151 -s -u sde -p sde
echo "图层quxian已经删除了空间索引"
sdelayer  -o normal_io -l quxian,shape -i 5151 -s -u sde -p sde
echo "图层quxian已经创建了空间索引"


sdelayer  -o load_only_io -l quxian1,shape -i 5151 -s -u sde -p sde
echo "图层quxian1已经删除了空间索引"
sdelayer  -o normal_io -l quxian1,shape -i 5151 -s -u sde -p sde
echo "图层quxian1已经创建了空间索引"

pause "按任意键结束"




from arcpy import *

env.workspace=r'Database Connections\Connection to'
for dataset in ListDatasets():
    for fc in ListFeatureClasses("","ALL",dataset):


