时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:23人阅读
今天遇到一个问题,需要查询两个月内的数据,但是SQL语句没有办法实现,就自己写了一个简单的存储过程以此来实现自己需要的功能。 使用的PL/SQL工具,实现存储过程中数据的输出。 1、首先建立一个“test window”(即测试窗口),然后在里面写代码。 2、然后
1、首先建立一个“test window”(即测试窗口),然后在里面写代码。
declare v_date date := to_date('2014-11-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'); e_date date := to_date('2014-11-30', 'yyyy-mm-dd'); v_cur sys_refcursor; v_pay number; v_source varchar2(20); v_new number; v_invest number; p_date date; begin while (v_date <= e_date) loop open v_cur for select v_date, aa.source, nvl(aa.pay_money, 0), nvl(bb.new_open_nums, 0), nvl(cc.invest, 0) from (select sum(order_money_rmb) as pay_money, source from (select distinct order_id, order_money_rmb, source from pps_adsmd_wt_report_order t where t.addtime >= v_date and t.addtime < v_date + 1 and t.order_kind >= 1 and t.order_kind <= 30 and t.user_type = 1) group by source) aa left join (select sum(bb.new_open_nums) as new_open_nums, bb.source from pps_adsmd_wt_report bb where bb.report_date >= v_date and bb.report_date < v_date + 1 group by bb.source) bb on aa.source = bb.source left join (select sum(t1.cost_money) as invest, source_name from wt_adsmd_source_cost t1 where t1.start_time = v_date group by source_name) cc on aa.source = cc.source_name; v_date := v_date + 1; loop fetch v_cur into p_date, v_source, v_pay, v_new, v_invest; exit when v_cur%notfound; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(p_date || ' ' || v_source || ' ' || v_pay || ' ' || v_new || ' ' || v_invest); end loop; end loop; end;