当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql > 把数据库从oracle迁移到PPAS


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:22人阅读

PPAS有两个迁移工具,一个图形界面的,一个命令行的,下面以图形界面为例。 1 首先需要在目标数据库系统PPAS上建立和源库对应的用户和对等的权限,再建立目标数据库。 create user USERNAMEXXX withsuperuser password 'xxxxxx'; create database DatabaseNa




create user " USERNAMEXXX " withsuperuser password 'xxxxxx';

create database DatabaseNameowner="TYTUTOR" encoding='utf8';

















ot@host1 9.2AS]#jre/bin/java -jar bin/edb-migrationtoolkit.jar -help

EnterpriseDBMigration Toolkit (Build 46)

Usage: runMTK[-options] SCHEMA

If no option isspecified, the complete schema will be imported.

where optionsinclude:

-help Display the application command-lineusage.

-version Display the application version information.

-verbose [on|off]Display application log messages on standard output (default: on).

-schemaOnly Import the schema object definitions only.

-dataOnly Import the table data only. When -tablesis in place, it imports data only for the selected tables. Note: If there areany FK constraints defined on target tables, use -truncLoad option along withthis option.

-sourcedbtypedb_type The -sourcedbtype option specifies the source database type. db_typemay be one of the following values: mysql, oracle, sqlserver, sybase,postgresql, enterprisedb. db_type is case-insensitive. By default, db_type is oracle.

-targetdbtypedb_type The -targetdbtype option specifies the target database type. db_typemay be one of the following values: oracle, sqlserver, postgresql,enterprisedb. db_type is case-insensitive. By default, db_type is enterprisedb.

-allTables Import all tables.

-tables LIST Import comma-separated list of tables.

-constraints Import the table constraints.

-indexes Import the table indexes.

-triggers Import the table triggers.

-allViews Import all Views.

-views LIST Import comma-separated list of Views.

-allProcs Import all stored procedures.

-procs LIST Import comma-separated list of storedprocedures.

-allFuncs Import all functions.

-funcs LIST Import comma-separated list of functions.

-allPackages Import all packages.

-packages LISTImport comma-separated list of packages.

-allSequences Import all sequences.

-sequences LISTImport comma-separated list of sequences.

-targetSchemaNAME Name of the target schema (default: target schema is named after sourceschema).

-allDBLinks Import all Database Links.

-allSynonyms It enables the migration of all public andprivate synonyms from an Oracle database to an Advanced Server database. If a synonym with the same name alreadyexists in the target database, the existing synonym will be replaced with themigrated version.

-allPublicSynonyms It enables the migration of all publicsynonyms from an Oracle database to an Advanced Server database. If a synonym with the same name alreadyexists in the target database, the existing synonym will be replaced with themigrated version.

-allPrivateSynonyms It enables the migration of all privatesynonyms from an Oracle database to an Advanced Server database. If a synonym with the same name alreadyexists in the target database, the existing synonym will be replaced with themigrated version.

-dropSchema[true|false] Drop the schema if it already exists in the target database(default: false).

-truncLoad It disables any constraints on target tableand truncates the data from the table before importing new data. This optioncan only be used with -dataOnly.

-safeMode Transfer data in safe mode using plain SQLstatements.

-copyDelimiter Specify a single character to be used asdelimiter in copy command when loading table data. Default is \t

-batchSize Specify the Batch Size to be used by thebulk inserts. Valid values are 1-1000,default batch size is 1000, reduce if you run into Out of Memory exception

-cpBatchSize Specify the Batch Size in MB, to be used inthe Copy Command. Valid value is > 0, default batch size is 8 MB

-fetchSize Specify fetch size in terms of number ofrows should be fetched in result set at a time. This option can be used whentables contain millions of rows and you want to avoid out of memory errors.

-filterProp The properties file that contains tablewhere clause.

-skipFKConst Skip migration of FK constraints.

-skipCKConst Skip migration of Check constraints.

-ignoreCheckConstFilter By default MTK does not migrate Checkconstraints and Default clauses from Sybase, use this option to turn off thisfilter.

-fastCopy Bypass WAL logging to perform the COPYoperation in an optimized way, default disabled.

-customColTypeMappingLIST Use custom type mapping representedby a semi-colon separated list, where each entry is specified usingCOL_NAME_REG_EXPR=TYPE pair. e.g. .*ID=INTEGER

-customColTypeMappingFilePROP_FILE The custom type mappingrepresented by a properties file, where each entry is specified usingCOL_NAME_REG_EXPR=TYPE pair. e.g. .*ID=INTEGER

-offlineMigration[PATH] This performs offline migration and saves the DDL/DML scripts in filesfor a later execution. By default the script files will be saved under userhome folder, if required follow -offlineMigration option with a custom path.

-logDir LOG_PATHSpecify a custom path to save the log file. By default, on Linux the logs willbe saved under folder $HOME/.enterprisedb/migration-toolkit/logs. In case ofWindows logs will be saved under folder%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\.enterprisedb\migration-toolkit\logs.

-copyViaDBLinkOraThis option can be used to copy data using dblink_ora COPY commad. This optioncan only be used in Oracle to EnterpriseDB migration mode.

-singleDataFile Use single SQL file for offline datastorage for all tables. This option cannot be used in COPY format.

-allUsers Import allusers and roles from the source database.

-users LISTImport the selected users/roles from the source database. LIST is acomma-separated list of user/role names e.g. -users MTK,SAMPLE

-allRules Importall rules from the source database.

-rules LIST Importthe selected rules from the source database. LIST is a comma-separated list ofrule names e.g. -rules high_sal_emp,low_sal_emp

-allGroups Importall groups from the source database.

-groups LISTImport the selected groups from the source database. LIST is a comma-separatedlist of group names e.g. -groups acct_emp,mkt_emp

-allDomainsImport all domain, enumeration and composite types from the source database.

-domains LISTImport the selected domain, enumeration and composite types from the sourcedatabase. LIST is a comma-separated list of domain names e.g. -domainsd_email,d_dob, mood

-objecttypes Import the user-defined object types.

-replaceNullChar If null character is part of a column value, the data migrationfails over JDBC protocol. This option can be used to replace null characterwith a user-specified character.

-importPartitionAsTable[LIST] Use this option to import Oracle Partitioned table as a normal table inEnterpriseDB. To apply the rule on a selected set of tables, follow the optionby a comma-separated list of table names.

-enableConstBeforeDataLoadUse this option to re-enable constraints (and triggers) before data load. Thisis useful in the scenario when the migrated table is mapped to a partitiontable in EnterpriseDB.

-checkFunctionBodies[true|false] When set to false, it disables validation of the function bodyduring function creation, this is to avoid errors if function contains forwardreferences. Applicable when target database is Postgres/EnterpriseDB, defaultis true.

-retryCount VALUE Specify the number of re-attempts performedby MTK to migrate objects that failed due to cross-schema dependencies. TheVALUE parameter should be greater than 0, default is 2.

-analyze It invokes ANALYZE operation against a targetPostgres or Postgres Plus Advanced Server database. The ANALYZE collectsstatistics for the migrated tables that are utilized for efficient query plans.

-vacuumAnalyze It invokes VACUUM and ANALYZE operationsagainst a target Postgres or Postgres Plus Advanced Server database. The VACUUMreclaims dead tuple storage whereas ANALYZE collects statistics for themigrated tables that are utilized for efficient query plans.

-loaderCountVALUE Specify the number of jobs (threads)to perform data load in parallel. The VALUE parameter should be greater than 0,default is 1.

DatabaseConnection Information:

The applicationwill read the connectivity information for the source and target databaseservers from toolkit.properties file.

Refer to MTKreadme document for more information.
