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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:35人阅读

什么是session 会话(Session)是Oracle数据库服务器对连接数据库的用户进行记录的一种手段。 通俗来讲,session 是通信双方从开始通信到通信结束期间的一个上下文(context)。这个上下文是一段位于服务器端的内存:记录了本次连接的客户端机器、通过哪个应用



通俗来讲,session 是通信双方从开始通信到通信结束期间的一个上下文(context)。这个上下文是一段位于服务器端的内存:记录了本次连接的客户端机器、通过哪个应用程序、哪个用户在登录等信息[在pl/sql developer中,通过Tools-->Sessions可以查看当前数据库的session]。session 是和connection同时建立的,两者是对同一件事情不同层次的描述。简单讲,connection是物理上的客户机同服务器段的通信链路,session是逻辑上的用户同服务器的通信交互。session被应用于oracle层次而非操作系统层次.在不考虑通过专用服务器或共享服务器进行登录的情况下,这个参数限制了对指定实例的并发登陆数.

oracle中一个用户登录oracle服务器的前提,就是该用户具有oracle的 “create session”权限。oracle允许同一个用户在同一个客户机上建立多个同服务器的连接,这一点从oracle的视图V$session中可以看到[select * from v$session;]。每个session都代表了用户与服务器的一个交互。就像两个国家之间可以同时开展很多谈判,经济的,环境的等等。关闭了有关经济的谈判,不会影响到环境谈判的进行。后台进程PMON会每隔一段时间,就会测试用户连接状况,如果连接已断开,PMON会清理现场,释放相关的资源。


1.1 connection:

A connection is a physical path from a client to an Oracle instance. A connection is established either over a network or over an IPC mechanism. A connection is typically between a client process and either a dedicated server or a dispatcher. However,using Oracle’s Connection Manager (CMAN), a connection may be between a client and CMAN, and CMAN and the database.

1.2 session

A session is a logical entity that exists in the instance. It is your session state, or a collection of data structures in memory that represents your unique session. It is what would come first to most people’s minds when thinking of a “database connection.” It is your session in the server, where you execute SQL, commit transactions, and run stored procedures.

1.3 connection vs. session

A connection may have zero, one, or more sessions established on it. Each session is separate and independent,even though they all share the same physical connection to the database. A commit in one session does not affect any other session on that connection. In fact, each session using that connection could use different user identities!

In Oracle, a connection is simply a physical circuit between your client process and the database instance—a network connection, most commonly. The connection may be to a dedicated server process or to a dispatcher. As previously stated, a connection may have zero or more sessions, meaning that a connection may exist with no corresponding sessions. Additionally, a session may or may not have a connection. Using advanced Oracle Net features such as connection pooling, a physical connection may be dropped by a client, leaving the session intact (but idle). When the client wants to perform some operation in that session, it would reestablish the physical connection.
