当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql > 普通ASP编辑器ForAccess源代码


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:161人阅读

% ' Generic ASP Editor for Access Tables ' Version 1.01 - 9 November 1999 ' ?Roman Koch ' ===================================================================== ' Your customisations go here ' ===============================================


' Generic ASP Editor for Access Tables
' Version 1.01 - 9 November 1999
' ?Roman Koch

' =====================================================================
' Your customisations go here
' =====================================================================

' Enter the name of the system DSN
Session("myDSN") = "MP3"

' Enter the name of the table you want to edit
' Note: For text fields, the "Allow Zero Length" attribute must be set to YES
Session("myTable") = "Customer"

' Enter the name of the Primary Key field
' Note: The Primary Key MUST be a "Autonumber"-type field
Session("myKey") = "CustomerID"

' =====================================================================
' End of the customisation section
' =====================================================================

Dim objConn
If isObject(Session("dsnDefined")) Then
Set objConn = Session("dsnDefined")
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open Session("myDSN")
Set Session("dsnDefined") = objConn
End If

strMyOwnPath = Request.Servervariables("PATH_INFO")
intStart = InstrRev(strMyOwnPath,"/",-1,1)
strMyName = Mid(strMyOwnPath,intStart+1)
Session("myName") = strMyName

strAction = Request.Querystring("action")
lngRecord = Request.Querystring("num")

Select Case strAction
Case "list" 'list all records
Call editList()
Case "update" 'Get the current record and display in a form for editing
Call editUpdate(lngRecord)
Case "updateExec" 'Save the changes
Call editUpdateExec(lngRecord)
Case "insert" 'Display an empty form for entering a new record
Call editInsert()
Case "insertExec" 'Save the new record
Call editInsertExec()
Case "delete" 'Display the current record so deletion can be confirmed
Call editDelete(lngRecord)
Case "deleteExec" 'Delete the record
Call editDeleteExec(lngRecord)
Case Else 'same as list parameter
Call editList()
End Select
