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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:38人阅读

数据库启动监听 addlnctl.sh start instance 启动数据库 addbctl.sh start 启动应用服务器 adstrtal.sh 停止应用服务器 adstpall.sh ------------------------------- 系统启动/关闭相关的脚本 数据库层 名称: addbctl.sh 说明: Start/Stop database 路径: $


addlnctl.sh start instance


addbctl.sh start





  • 数据库层
  • 名称: addbctl.sh
    说明: Start/Stop database
    路径: ${ORACLE_HOME}/appsutil/scripts/VIS_ebs121/addbctl.sh
  • 应用层
  • 名称: adalnctl.sh
    说明: Start / Stop Applications RPC Listener process
    路径: ${INST_TOP}/admin/scripts/adalnctl.sh

    名称: adapcctl.sh
    说明: start, stop and check the status of Oracle HTTP Server.
    路径: ${INST_TOP}/admin/scripts/adapcctl.sh

    名称: adoacorectl.sh
    说明: start, stop and check the status of the oacore oc4j instance
    路径: ${INST_TOP}/admin/scripts/adoacorectl.sh

    名称: adformsctl.sh
    说明: start, stop and check the status of the forms oc4j instance.
    路径: ${INST_TOP}/admin/scripts/adformsctl.sh

    名称: adcmctl.sh
    说明: Start / Stop Concurrent Manager for VIS
    路径: ${INST_TOP}/admin/scripts/adcmctl.sh
  • AllInOne
  • 名称: adstrtal.sh
    说明: start Oracle E-Business Suite Services
    路径: ${INST_TOP}/admin/scripts/adstrtal.sh

    名称: adstpall.sh
    说明: stop Oracle E-Business Suite Services
    路径: ${INST_TOP}/admin/scripts/adstpall.sh

    可以讲这些脚本整合到root用户下, 实现EBS服务的启动与关闭. 以笔者为例:

    su - oracle -c "${ORACLE_HOME}/appsutil/scripts/VIS_ebs121/addbctl.sh start"
    su - oracle -c "${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/lsnrctl start"

    su - applmgr -c "/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs121/admin/scripts/adalnctl.sh start"
    su - applmgr -c "/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs121/admin/scripts/adapcctl.sh start"
    su - applmgr -c "/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs121/admin/scripts/adoacorectl.sh start"
    su - applmgr -c "/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs121/admin/scripts/adformsctl.sh start"
    su - applmgr -c "/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs121/admin/scripts/adcmctl.sh start apps/apps"
    su - applmgr -c "/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs121/admin/scripts/adcmctl.sh stop apps/apps"
    su - applmgr -c "/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs121/admin/scripts/adformsctl.sh stop"
    su - applmgr -c "/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs121/admin/scripts/adoacorectl.sh stop"
    su - applmgr -c "/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs121/admin/scripts/adapcctl.sh stop"
    su - applmgr -c "/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs121/admin/scripts/adalnctl.sh stop"

    su - oracle -c "${ORACLE_HOME}/appsutil/scripts/VIS_ebs121/addbctl.sh stop immediate"

    以上就是一些与EBS启动/关闭相关的脚本介绍, 最后如果不希望打开VBox的窗体而通过ssh进行操作的


查看HTTP/OC4J Status

adopmnctl.sh status

sample output:

Processes in Instance: mc3yd213_bej301441.bej301441.cn.oracle.com
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:oafm | 16924 | Alive
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:forms | 16851 | Alive
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:oacore | 16767 | Alive
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 16710 | Alive


Order of Startup Shutdown

As in Oracle Apps 11i order for startup is
A) Start Database Tier Services
–Start Database Listener
–Start Database
B) Start Application/Middle Tier Services
– adstrtal.sh

Order for shutdown in Oracle Apps R12 is
A) Stop Application/Middle Tier Services
– adstpall.sh
B) Stop Database Tier Services
–Stop Database
–Stop Database Listener

Database Tier Scripts in R12

For Database tier you need to start database and database listener. Scripts are located inDatabase_Install_Dir/db/tech_st/10.2.0/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME- For Database
Use script addbctl.sh

- For Database Listener
Use script addlnctl.sh

or alternatively you can use
lsnrctl startstop listener_name (For Database Listener)
sqlplus “/as sysdba”
SQL> startup shutdownimmediate

Middle/Application Tier Scripts in R12

Scripts for Application Tier services in R12 are located in “Install_base/inst/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/scripts
where CONTEXT_NAME is of format SID_HOSTNAME

i) adstrtal.sh
Master script to start all components/services of middle tier or application tier. This script will use Service ControlAPI to start all services which are enabled after checking them in context file (SID_HOSTNAME.xml or CONTEXT_NAME.xml)

ii) adstpall.sh
Master script to stop all components/services of middle tier or application tier.

iii) adalnctl.sh
Script to start / stop apps listener (FNDFS andFNDFS). This listener will file will be in 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME (i.e. Forms & Reports Home)
listener.ora file will be in $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/ora/10.1.2/network/admin directory
(Mostly similar to one in 11i with only change in ORACLE_HOME i.e. from 8.0.6 to 10.1.2)

iv) adapcctl.sh
Script to start/stop Web Server or Oracle HTTP Server. This script uses opmn (Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server) with syntax similar toopmnctl [startstop]proc ohs
like opmnctlstopproc ohs.

(In 11i this script directly used to callapachectl executable but now callsopmnctl whichin turn calls apachectl. In 11i web server oracle home was but in R12 its 10.1.3)

v) adcmctl.sh
Script to start / stop concurrent manager, Similar to one in 11i. (This script in turn calls startmgr.sh )

vi) adformsctl.sh
Script to start / stop Forms OC4J from 10.1.3 Oracle_Home. This script will also use opmnctl to start/stop Forms OC4J like
opmnctl stopproc type=oc4jinstancename=forms

vii) adformsrvctl.sh
This script is used only if you wish to start forms in socket mode. Default forms connect method in R12 isservlet.
If started this will start frmsrv executable from 10.1.2 Oracle_Home in Apps R12

viii) adoacorectl.sh
This script will start/stop oacoreOC4J in 10.1.3 Oracle_Home. This scripts will also useopmnctl (similar toadapcctl &adformsctl) to startoacore instance ofOC4J like
opmnctlstartproc type=oc4jinstancename=oacore

ix) adoafmctl.sh
This script will start/stop oafmOC4J in 10.1.3 Oracle_Home. This scripts will also useopmnctl (similar to above) to startoacore instance ofOC4J like
opmnctlstartproc type=oc4jinstancename=oafm

x) adopmnctl.sh
This script will start/stop opmn service in 10.1.3 Oracle_Home. opmn will control all services in 10.1.3 Oracle_Home like web server or variousoc4j instances. If any services are stopped abnormallyopmn will/should start them automatically.

xi) jtffmctl.sh
This script will be used to start/stop one to one fulfilment server.

xii) mwactl.sh
To start / stop mwa telnet server wheremwa is mobile application.

Log File Location for Startup Shutdown Services in R12

Log files for startup/shutdown scripts for application/mid tier in R12 are in$INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/appl/admin/log
(adalnctl.txt,adapcctl.txt,adcmctl.txt,adformsctl.txt,adoacorectl.txt,adoafmctl.txt,adopmnctl.txt,adstrtal.log,jtffmctl.txt )


RDBMS ORACLE_HOME Control scripts
(located under /appsutil/scripts/)

Control Script


addbctl.sh Control database server
addlnctl.sh Control Oracle Net listener for the database server

RDBMS ORACLE_HOME Install scripts

(located under /appsutil/install/)

Install Script


adsvdlsn.sh Start Oracle Net listener during installation
adcrdb.sh Start database and create database control files
addbprf.sh Set profile option values
adsvdcnv.sh Perform character set conversion and licensing tasks
adsvdb.sh Start database during installation

Application Service Control scripts

(located under /admin/scripts)

Control Script



adalnctl.sh Control Oracle Net8 listener for Applications servicesAll application tier server nodes
adstrtal.sh Start all Applications server processesAll application tier server nodes
adstpall.sh Stop all Applications server processesAll application tier server nodes
adcmctl.sh Control Concurrent managersConcurrent processing server node
adapcctl.sh Control Apache processesHTTP server node
adopmnctl.sh Controls Oracle Process ManagerHTTP server node
adoacorectl.shControls Oacore Oc4j InstanceHTTP server node
adformsctl.sh Controls Forms Oc4j InstanceHTTP server node
adoafmctl.sh Controls Oafm Oc4j InstanceHTTP server node
jtffmctl.sh Control Oracle fulfillment serverHTTP server node


Instance Home($INST_TOP) Directory Structure

Instance Home contains all the config files, log files, SSL certificates etc.

  • $INST_TOP/admin/scripts ($ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME): All AD scripts are located here
  • $INST_TOP/appl ($APPL_CONFIG_HOME) : For standalone envs, this is set to $APPL_TOP
    $INST_TOP/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure FND_SECURE: The dbc file is located here
    $INST_TOP/appl/admin All the env config files are located here
  • $INST_TOP/certs SSL Certificates go here
  • $INST_TOP/logs LOG_HOME: Central log file location. All log files are placed here (except adconfig)
    $INST_TOP/logs/ora ($ORA_CONFIG_HOME)
    $INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.2 ‘C’ Oracle home config, Contains tnsnames and forms listener servlet config files
    $INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.3 Apache & OC4J config home, Apache, OC4J and opmn. This is the ‘Java’ oracle home configuration for OPMN, Apache and OC4J
  • $INST_TOP/pids Apache/Forms server PID files are located here
  • $INST_TOP/portal Apache’s DocumentRoot folder
  • ==================================================

    AD Command Line Utilities
    AD Utility NameExecutable or ScriptDescription
    AD Administration adadmin Performs maintenance tasks for Oracle E-Business Suite.
    AD Check Digest adchkdig Checks the integrity of Oracle E-Business Suite patches downloaded from My Oracle Support.
    AD Configuration adutconf.sql Reports standard information about the installed configuration of Oracle E-Business Suite.
    AD Controller adctrl Manages parallel workers in AD Administration and AutoPatch.
    AD File Identification adident Reports the version and translation level of an Oracle E-Business Suite file.
    AD File Character Set Converter adncnv Converts a file from one character set to another.
    AD Merge Patch* admrgpch Merges multiple patches into a single merged patch.
    AD Relink adrelink.sh Relinks Oracle E-Business Suite executable programs with the Oracle server product libraries.
    AD Splicer adsplice Adds off-cycle products.
    AD Job Timing ReportReports a summary of the timing for jobs run by parallel workers.
    AutoPatch* adpatch Applies patches and other system updates.
    Patch Application Assistant* admsi.pl Generates customized installation instructions for a patch.
    Rapid Install** rapidwiz Provides a wizard for entering parameters that are specific to a new installation or an upgrade of an Oracle E-Business Suite system.


    Oracle Applications(Apps) R12 (12.1.1) Installation on Linux


    R12 Instance Home Overview


    Start-up Shutdown Scripts in Oracle Apps R12


    Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Utilities



