当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql > 详细介绍mysql协议的服务端握手包及对其解析


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:20人阅读



|------connect---- >|
   |                   |
   |                   |
   |                   |
   |                   |


int<3>payload长度按照the least significant byte first存储,3个字节的payload和1个字节的序列号组合成报文头



1              [0a] protocol version
string[NUL]    server version
4              connection id
string[8]      auth-plugin-data-part-1
1              [00] filler
2              capability flags (lower 2 bytes)
  if more data in the packet:
1              character set
2              status flags
2              capability flags (upper 2 bytes)
  if capabilities & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH {
1              length of auth-plugin-data
  } else {
1              [00]
string[10]     reserved (all [00])
  if capabilities & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION {
string[$len]   auth-plugin-data-part-2 ($len=MAX(13, length of auth-plugin-data - 8))
  if capabilities & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH {
    if version >= (5.5.7 and < 5.5.10) or (>= 5.6.0 and < 5.6.2) {
string[EOF]    auth-plugin name
    } elseif version >= 5.5.10 or >= 5.6.2 {
string[NUL]    auth-plugin name


  1. 定义版

 * @author seaboat
 * @date 2016-09-25
 * @version 1.0
 * <pre><b>email: </b>849586227@qq.com</pre>
 * <pre><b>blog: </b>http://www.gxlcms.com/;/pre>
 * <p>proxy's version.</p>
 */public interface Versions {

    byte PROTOCOL_VERSION = 10;    byte[] SERVER_VERSION = "5.6.0-snapshot".getBytes();
  1. 随机数工具

 * @author seaboat
 * @date 2016-09-25
 * @version 1.0
 * <pre><b>email: </b>849586227@qq.com</pre>
 * <pre><b>blog: </b>http://www.gxlcms.com/;/pre>
 * <p>a random util .</p>
 */public class RandomUtil {
    private static final byte[] bytes = { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',            
    '8', '9', '0', 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p',            
    'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v',            
    'b', 'n', 'm', 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P',            
    'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',            
    'B', 'N', 'M' };    
    private static final long multiplier = 0x5DEECE66DL;    
    private static final long addend = 0xBL;    
    private static final long mask = (1L << 48) - 1;    
    private static final long integerMask = (1L << 33) - 1;    
    private static final long seedUniquifier = 8682522807148012L;    
    private static long seed;    
    static {        
    long s = seedUniquifier + System.nanoTime();
        s = (s ^ multiplier) & mask;
        seed = s;
    }    public static final byte[] randomBytes(int size) {        
    byte[] bb = bytes;        
    byte[] ab = new byte[size];        
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            ab[i] = randomByte(bb);
        }        return ab;
    }    private static byte randomByte(byte[] b) {        
    int ran = (int) ((next() & integerMask) >>> 16);        
    return b[ran % b.length];
    }    private static long next() {        
    long oldSeed = seed;        
    long nextSeed = 0L;
        do {
            nextSeed = (oldSeed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
        while (oldSeed == nextSeed);
        seed = nextSeed;        
        return nextSeed;

  1. mysql包基类

 * @author seaboat
 * @date 2016-09-25
 * @version 1.0
 * <pre><b>email: </b>849586227@qq.com</pre>
 * <pre><b>blog: </b>http://www.gxlcms.com/;/pre>
 * <p>MySQLPacket is mysql's basic packet.</p>
 */public abstract class MySQLPacket {
     * none, this is an internal thread state
    public static final byte COM_SLEEP = 0;    /**
     * mysql_close
    public static final byte COM_QUIT = 1;    /**
     * mysql_select_db
    public static final byte COM_INIT_DB = 2;    /**
     * mysql_real_query
    public static final byte COM_QUERY = 3;    /**
     * mysql_list_fields
    public static final byte COM_FIELD_LIST = 4;    /**
     * mysql_create_db (deprecated)
    public static final byte COM_CREATE_DB = 5;    /**
     * mysql_drop_db (deprecated)
    public static final byte COM_DROP_DB = 6;    /**
     * mysql_refresh
    public static final byte COM_REFRESH = 7;    /**
     * mysql_shutdown
    public static final byte COM_SHUTDOWN = 8;    /**
     * mysql_stat
    public static final byte COM_STATISTICS = 9;    /**
     * mysql_list_processes
    public static final byte COM_PROCESS_INFO = 10;    /**
     * none, this is an internal thread state
    public static final byte COM_CONNECT = 11;    /**
     * mysql_kill
    public static final byte COM_PROCESS_KILL = 12;    /**
     * mysql_dump_debug_info
    public static final byte COM_DEBUG = 13;    /**
     * mysql_ping
    public static final byte COM_PING = 14;    /**
     * none, this is an internal thread state
    public static final byte COM_TIME = 15;    /**
     * none, this is an internal thread state
    public static final byte COM_DELAYED_INSERT = 16;    /**
     * mysql_change_user
    public static final byte COM_CHANGE_USER = 17;    /**
     * used by slave server mysqlbinlog
    public static final byte COM_BINLOG_DUMP = 18;    /**
     * used by slave server to get master table
    public static final byte COM_TABLE_DUMP = 19;    /**
     * used by slave to log connection to master
    public static final byte COM_CONNECT_OUT = 20;    /**
     * used by slave to register to master
    public static final byte COM_REGISTER_SLAVE = 21;    /**
     * mysql_stmt_prepare
    public static final byte COM_STMT_PREPARE = 22;    /**
     * mysql_stmt_execute
    public static final byte COM_STMT_EXECUTE = 23;    /**
     * mysql_stmt_send_long_data
    public static final byte COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA = 24;    /**
     * mysql_stmt_close
    public static final byte COM_STMT_CLOSE = 25;    /**
     * mysql_stmt_reset
    public static final byte COM_STMT_RESET = 26;    /**
     * mysql_set_server_option
    public static final byte COM_SET_OPTION = 27;    /**
     * mysql_stmt_fetch
    public static final byte COM_STMT_FETCH = 28;    /**
     * mysql packet length
    public int packetLength;    /**
     * mysql packet id
    public byte packetId;    /**
     * calculate mysql packet length
    public abstract int calcPacketSize();    /**
     * mysql packet info
    protected abstract String getPacketInfo();    @Override
    public String toString() {        return new StringBuilder().append(getPacketInfo()).append("{length=")

  1. 握手包类

 * @author seaboat
 * @date 2016-09-25
 * @version 1.0
 * <pre><b>email: </b>849586227@qq.com</pre>
 * <pre><b>blog: </b>http://www.gxlcms.com/;/pre>
 * <p>AuthPacket means mysql initial handshake packet .</p>
 */public class HandshakePacket extends MySQLPacket {
    private static final byte[] FILLER_13 = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,            
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };    
    public byte protocolVersion;    
    public byte[] serverVersion;    
    public long threadId;    
    public byte[] seed;    
    public int serverCapabilities;    
    public byte serverCharsetIndex;    
    public int serverStatus;    
    public byte[] restOfScrambleBuff;    
    public void read(byte[] data) {
        MySQLMessage mm = new MySQLMessage(data);
        packetLength = mm.readUB3();
        packetId = mm.read();
        protocolVersion = mm.read();
        serverVersion = mm.readBytesWithNull();
        threadId = mm.readUB4();
        seed = mm.readBytesWithNull();
        serverCapabilities = mm.readUB2();
        serverCharsetIndex = mm.read();
        serverStatus = mm.readUB2();
        restOfScrambleBuff = mm.readBytesWithNull();
    }    @Override
    public int calcPacketSize() {        int size = 1;
        size += serverVersion.length;// n
        size += 5;// 1+4
        size += seed.length;// 8
        size += 19;// 1+2+1+2+13
        size += restOfScrambleBuff.length;// 12
        size += 1;// 1
        return size;
    }    public void write(ByteBuffer buffer) {
        BufferUtil.writeUB3(buffer, calcPacketSize());
        BufferUtil.writeWithNull(buffer, serverVersion);
        BufferUtil.writeUB4(buffer, threadId);
        BufferUtil.writeWithNull(buffer, seed);
        BufferUtil.writeUB2(buffer, serverCapabilities);
        BufferUtil.writeUB2(buffer, serverStatus);
        BufferUtil.writeWithNull(buffer, restOfScrambleBuff);
    }    @Override
    protected String getPacketInfo() {        
    return "MySQL Handshake Packet";

  1. 服务端能力类

 * @author seaboat
 * @date 2016-09-25
 * @version 1.0
 * <pre><b>email: </b>849586227@qq.com</pre>
 * <pre><b>blog: </b>http://www.gxlcms.com/;/pre>
 * <p>server capabilities .</p>
 */public interface Capabilities {

    // new more secure passwords
    int CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD = 1;    // Found instead of affected rows
    int CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS = 2;    // Get all column flags
    int CLIENT_LONG_FLAG = 4;    // One can specify db on connect
    int CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB = 8;    // Don't allow database.table.column
    int CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA = 16;    // Can use compression protocol
    int CLIENT_COMPRESS = 32;    // Odbc client
    int CLIENT_ODBC = 64;    // Can use LOAD DATA LOCAL
    int CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES = 128;    // Ignore spaces before '('
    int CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE = 256;    // New 4.1 protocol This is an interactive client
    int CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 = 512;    // This is an interactive client
    int CLIENT_INTERACTIVE = 1024;    // Switch to SSL after handshake
    int CLIENT_SSL = 2048;    // IGNORE sigpipes
    int CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE = 4096;    // Client knows about transactions
    int CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS = 8192;    // Old flag for 4.1 protocol
    int CLIENT_RESERVED = 16384;    // New 4.1 authentication
    int CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION = 32768;    // Enable/disable multi-stmt support
    int CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS = 65536;    // Enable/disable multi-results
    int CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS = 131072;

  1. 测试类

 * @author seaboat
 * @date 2016-09-25
 * @version 1.0
 * <pre><b>email: </b>849586227@qq.com</pre>
 * <pre><b>blog: </b>http://www.gxlcms.com/;/pre>
 * <p>test handshake packet.</p>
 */public class HandshakePacketTest {
    private final static byte[] hex = "0123456789ABCDEF".getBytes();    @Test
    public void produce() {        
    byte[] rand1 = RandomUtil.randomBytes(8);        
    byte[] rand2 = RandomUtil.randomBytes(12);        
    byte[] seed = new byte[rand1.length + rand2.length];
        System.arraycopy(rand1, 0, seed, 0, rand1.length);
        System.arraycopy(rand2, 0, seed, rand1.length, rand2.length);
        HandshakePacket hs = new HandshakePacket();
        hs.packetId = 0;
        hs.protocolVersion = Versions.PROTOCOL_VERSION;
        hs.serverVersion = Versions.SERVER_VERSION;
        hs.threadId = 1000;
        hs.seed = rand1;
        hs.serverCapabilities = getServerCapabilities();
        hs.serverCharsetIndex = (byte) (CharsetUtil.getIndex("utf8") & 0xff);
        hs.serverStatus = 2;
        hs.restOfScrambleBuff = rand2;

        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(256);
        byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
        buffer.get(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
        String result = Bytes2HexString(bytes);
    }    public static String Bytes2HexString(byte[] b) {        
    byte[] buff = new byte[2 * b.length];        
    for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
            buff[2 * i] = hex[(b[i] >> 4) & 0x0f];
            buff[2 * i + 1] = hex[b[i] & 0x0f];
        }        return new String(buff);
    }    public static String str2HexStr(String str) {        
    char[] chars = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");        
        byte[] bs = str.getBytes();        
        int bit;        
        for (int i = 0; i < bs.length; i++) {
            bit = (bs[i] & 0x0f0) >> 4;
            bit = bs[i] & 0x0f;
        }        return sb.toString();
    }    protected int getServerCapabilities() {        
    int flag = 0;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_LONG_FLAG;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_ODBC;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_INTERACTIVE;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION;        
        return flag;


以上就是详细介绍mysql 协议的服务端握手包及对其解析的详细内容,更多请关注Gxl网其它相关文章!
