时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:21人阅读
First of all, we’re really sorry. We have been saying that Python support for the embedded database is coming in “a few weeks” or “next month” for over half a year now, and so far, you have waited patiently, and you have waited in vain.
#import相应的包 from neo4j import GraphDatabase #创建基于本地文件的图数据库 db = GraphDatabase('/my/db/location') #存储数据 with db.transaction: oscar = db.node(name=’Oscar Wilde’) jacob = db.node(name=’Jacob’) # Create a relationship oscar.impressed_by_blogging_skills_of(jacob) #关闭数据库 db.shutdown()目前最新版本在CPython2.7.2 Windows和Linux下都经过测试,在Python2.6版本下也可以正常工作。你需要安装JPype以在Python和Java间建立桥梁。更多详细介绍及使用说明见neo4j的官方文档:docs.neo4j.org