当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql >单独安装tfa单独安装tfa

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:59人阅读

在11.2.0.4安装rac执行root.sh之时需要在root的环境变量中指定可以直接执行unzip命令(在非Linux,Win环境下root用户默认环境变量无unzip命令),如果忘记执行配置相应的PATH环境变量,将导致tfa不被安装,事后安装步骤 未安装tfa现状 --/etc/inittab中只有这一条


h1:2:respawn:/etc/init.ohasd run >/dev/null 2>&1 


xifenf01/#export PATH=$PATH:/u01/oracle/app/grid/bin
xifenf01/#/u01/oracle/app/grid/crs/install/tfa_setup.sh -silent -crshome /u01/oracle/app/grid
Starting TFA installation
TFA requires BASH shell. Please install bash and try again.

提示缺少bash shell,下载相关包安装安装(系统AIX 7.1)

xifenf01/oradata/sys/soft#rpm -ivh bash-4.2-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm
bash                        ##################################################


xifenf01/oradata/sys/soft#/u01/oracle/app/grid/crs/install/tfa_setup.sh -silent -crshome /u01/oracle/app/grid
Starting TFA installation
Using JAVA_HOME : /u01/oracle/app/grid/jdk/jre
Running Auto Setup for TFA as user root...
The following installation requires temporary use of SSH.
If SSH is not configured already then we will remove SSH 
when complete.
Installing TFA now...
TFA Will be Installed on xifenf01...
TFA will scan the following Directories
|                       xifenf01                      |
| Trace Directory                          | Resource |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/OPatch/crs/log      | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/cfgtoollogs         | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/crs/log             | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/cv/log              | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/admin/log       | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/admin/logger    | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/log             | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/install             | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/log                 | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/log/                | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/network/log         | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/oc4j/j2ee/home/log  | CRSOC4J  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/opmn/logs           | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/racg/log            | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/rdbms/log           | ASM      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/scheduler/log       | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/srvm/log            | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/oraInventory/ContentsXML | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/oraInventory/logs        | INSTALL  |
Installing TFA on xifenf01
HOST: xifenf01  TFA_HOME: /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/xifenf01/tfa_home
| Host     | Status of TFA | PID     | Port | Version |
| xifenf01 | RUNNING       | 7536914 | 5000 | |
Summary of TFA Installation:
|                             xifenf01                             |
| Parameter           | Value                                      |
| Install location    | /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/xifenf01/tfa_home |
| Repository location | /u01/oracle/app/oracle/tfa/repository      |
| Repository usage    | 0 MB out of 10240 MB                       |
TFA is successfully installed..
Usage : /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/bin/tfactl  [options]
         print        Print requested details
         purge        Delete collections from TFA repository
         directory    Add or Remove or Modify directory in TFA
         host         Add or Remove host in TFA
         set          Turn ON/OFF or Modify various TFA features
         diagcollect  Collect logs from across nodes in cluster 
For help with a command: /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/bin/tfactl  -help


h1:2:respawn:/etc/init.ohasd run >/dev/null 2>&1 /dev/null 2>&1 


xifenf02/#export PATH=$PATH:/u01/oracle/app/grid/bin
xifenf02/oradata/sys/soft#rpm -ivh bash-4.2-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm.rpm
bash                        ##################################################
xifenf02/#/u01/oracle/app/grid/crs/install/tfa_setup.sh -silent -crshome /u01/oracle/app/grid
Starting TFA installation
Using JAVA_HOME : /u01/oracle/app/grid/jdk/jre
Running Auto Setup for TFA as user root...
The following installation requires temporary use of SSH.
If SSH is not configured already then we will remove SSH 
when complete.
Installing TFA now...
TFA Will be Installed on xifenf02...
TFA will scan the following Directories
|                       xifenf02                      |
| Trace Directory                          | Resource |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/OPatch/crs/log      | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/cfgtoollogs         | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/crs/log             | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/cv/log              | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/admin/log       | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/admin/logger    | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/log             | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/install             | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/log                 | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/log/                | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/network/log         | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/oc4j/j2ee/home/log  | CRSOC4J  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/opmn/logs           | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/racg/log            | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/rdbms/log           | ASM      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/scheduler/log       | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/srvm/log            | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/oraInventory/ContentsXML | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/oraInventory/logs        | INSTALL  |
Installing TFA on xifenf02
HOST: xifenf02  TFA_HOME: /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/xifenf02/tfa_home
| Host     | Status of TFA | PID     | Port | Version |
| xifenf02 | RUNNING       | 5898636 | 5000 | |
| xifenf01 | RUNNING       | 7536914 | 5000 | |
Summary of TFA Installation:
|                             xifenf02                             |
| Parameter           | Value                                      |
| Install location    | /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/xifenf02/tfa_home |
| Repository location | /u01/oracle/app/oracle/tfa/repository      |
| Repository usage    | 0 MB out of 10240 MB                       |
TFA is successfully installed..
Usage : /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/bin/tfactl  [options]
         print        Print requested details
         purge        Delete collections from TFA repository
         directory    Add or Remove or Modify directory in TFA
         host         Add or Remove host in TFA
         set          Turn ON/OFF or Modify various TFA features
         diagcollect  Collect logs from across nodes in cluster 
For help with a command: /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/bin/tfactl  -help
  • 打patch出现Copy failed—tfa服务导致部分lib未释放
  • 11gR2 GI打PSU ORACLE_HOME空间不足案例—需要20G以上空闲空间
  • OLR相关维护
  • 在11GR2 GI上配置第二个监听
  • 因asm sga_target设置不当导致11gr2 rac无法正常启动
  • multipath实现设备用户组设置
  • 使用dd复制asm中文件
  • root 用户操作 ORACLE 数据库导致悲剧
