当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql > AIX环境下EXPDP卡住问题处理


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:58人阅读

问题现象: 最近一用户准备搭建测试环境,由于该用户正式库是AIX小机,测试环境是X86平台,因此只能通过expdp进行数据导出,但是在导出的时候,发现EXPDP一直卡在如下位置,几个小时都不动弹: Export: Release - Production on Fri Dec 5 13:06:2



Export: Release - Production on Fri Dec 5 13:06:21 2014
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Starting "SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_FULL_01": system/******** dumpfile=dump:full20141204b_%U_db.dmp logfile=dump:full_expdp1204b_db.log full=y exclude=PACKAGE,FUNCTION,PROCEDURE,INDEX,TABLE:"IN (select table_name from dba_tables where table_name in ('电子病历图形','检验图像结果','检验报告图像') and owner='ZLHIS')" cluster=n TRACE=480300 Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method... Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TABLE/TABLE_DATA Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 125.3 GB Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/TABLESPACE Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/PROFILE Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SYS_USER/USER Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/USER Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/ROLE Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/GRANT/SYSTEM_GRANT/PROC_SYSTEM_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/GRANT/SYSTEM_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/ROLE_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/DEFAULT_ROLE Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TABLESPACE_QUOTA Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/RESOURCE_COST Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/DB_LINK Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/TRUSTED_DB_LINK Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/SEQUENCE/SEQUENCE Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/SEQUENCE/GRANT/OWNER_GRANT/OBJECT_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/SEQUENCE/GRANT/CROSS_SCHEMA/OBJECT_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/DIRECTORY/DIRECTORY Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/DIRECTORY/GRANT/OWNER_GRANT/OBJECT_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/CONTEXT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/PUBLIC_SYNONYM/SYNONYM Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/SYNONYM Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TYPE/TYPE_SPEC Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TYPE/GRANT/OWNER_GRANT/OBJECT_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TYPE/GRANT/CROSS_SCHEMA/OBJECT_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SYSTEM_PROCOBJACT/PRE_SYSTEM_ACTIONS/PROCACT_SYSTEM Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SYSTEM_PROCOBJACT/PROCOBJ Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SYSTEM_PROCOBJACT/POST_SYSTEM_ACTIONS/PROCACT_SYSTEM Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/PROCACT_SCHEMA Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TABLE/TABLE Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TABLE/PRE_TABLE_ACTION Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TABLE/GRANT/OWNER_GRANT/OBJECT_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TABLE/GRANT/CROSS_SCHEMA/OBJECT_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TABLE/COMMENT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/VIEW/VIEW Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/VIEW/GRANT/OWNER_GRANT/OBJECT_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/VIEW/GRANT/CROSS_SCHEMA/OBJECT_GRANT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/VIEW/COMMENT Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TYPE/TYPE_BODY





这里可以看到有个表统计信息的信息,但是执行该SQL语句,发现无法查询出结果,上metalink上,找到一篇如下文档:<喎?http://www.2cto.com/kf/ware/vc/" target="_blank" class="keylink">vcD4KPGgyPjxzdHJvbmc+RVhQRFAgSEFOR1MgT04gQUlYIFdIRU4gRVhDTFVERSBJUyBVU0VEIFdJVEggUVVFUlkgQ0xBVVNFICjOxLW1IElEIDE1MTMyMzguMSk8L3N0cm9uZz48L2gyPgo8cD48L3A+CjxoMiBjbGFzcz0="km"> YMPTOMS

This article is specifically written for EXPDP/HANG on AIX platforms. If the HANG is seen on WIN/Linux then this article is not likely to assist

and if seen on any other platform it is worth looking at the symptoms to see if they match, if they do then there is no adverse impact

in applying the advised solution to see if it resolves.

The following symptoms are relevant :-

a) EXPDP at FULL or SCHEMA level gets beyond the 'Total estimation using BLOCKS method' phase and then seems to hang

b) The INCLUDE/EXCLUDE option is being used with a QUERY clause e.g.

INCLUDE=TABLE:"not in (select do.object_name from dba_objects do where do.object_name = 'DUAL')"

EXCLUDE=TABLE:"IN (select table_name from all_tables where ((table_name like 'XN_%' ) or (table_name like 'TR_%' ))) "

c) If in addition to the EXLUDE in (B) we also use EXCLUDE=STATISTICS the EXPDP no longer hangs and runs to completion.


To implement a solution for unpublished Bug:14095143, please execute any of the below alternative solutions:

    Upgrade to 12.1 when it will become available

      Apply patchset release when it becomes available (not available as of time of publishing this article: DEC-2012) in which Bug:14095143 is fixed.

        Download and apply interim Patch:14095143, if available for your platform and RDBMS release. To check for conflicting patches, please use the MOS Patch Planner Tool. If no patch is available, file a Service Request through My Oracle Support for your specific Oracle version and platform. An AIX oneoff fix is made for 11203

        ORUse the workaround of specifying the EXCLUDE=STATISTICS command line option for EXPDP. 可以看到,我们确实EXPDP中使用了EXCLUDE=TABLE:"IN (select * ) 这种类似的排除语句,文档给出的解决方法是排除统计信息,尝试修改导出语句,排除统计信息,EXPDP顺利完成。
