当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql > bonecp数据源的使用


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:40人阅读

bonecp.properties jdbc.driverClass=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriverjdbc.jdbcUrl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@ the minimum number of connections that will be contained in every partition. bo


#Sets the minimum number of connections that will be contained in every partition. 
#Sets the maximum number of connections that will be contained in every partition. 
#Setting this to 5 with 3 partitions means you will have 15 unique 
#connections to the database. Note that the connection pool will not create all 
#these connections in one go but rather start off with minConnectionsPerPartition and gradually 
#increase connections as required.
#Sets the acquireIncrement property.  When the available connections are about to run 
#out, BoneCP will dynamically create new ones in batches. This property controls how 
#many new connections to create in one go (up to a maximum of 
#maxConnectionsPerPartition). Note: This is a per partition setting.
#Sets number of partitions to use.  In order to reduce lock contention 
#and thus improve performance, each incoming connection request picks off a connection from 
#a pool that has thread-affinity, i.e. pool[threadId % partition_count]. The higher this number, 
#the better your performance will be for the case when you have plenty 
#of short-lived threads. Beyond a certain threshold, maintenance of these pools will start 
#to have a negative effect on performance (and only for the case when 
#connections on a partition start running out).  Default: 1, minimum: 1, recommended: 
#2-4 (but very app specific)
#Sets the idleConnectionTestPeriod.  This sets the time (in minutes), for a connection 
#to remain idle before sending a test query to the DB. This is 
#useful to prevent a DB from timing out connections on its end. Do 
#not use aggressive values here!   Default: 240 min, set to 0 
#to disable
#Sets the idleConnectionTestPeriod.  This sets the time (in seconds), for a connection 
#to remain idle before sending a test query to the DB. This is 
#useful to prevent a DB from timing out connections on its end. Do 
#not use aggressive values here!   Default: 240 min, set to 0 
#to disable
#Sets Idle max age (in min).  The time (in minutes), for a 
#connection to remain unused before it is closed off. Do not use aggressive 
#values here!  Default: 60 minutes, set to 0 to disable.
#Sets Idle max age (in seconds).  The time (in seconds), for a 
#connection to remain unused before it is closed off. Do not use aggressive 
#values here!  Default: 60 minutes, set to 0 to disable.
#Sets statementsCacheSize setting.  The number of statements to cache.
#Sets number of helper threads to create that will handle releasing a connection. 
#When this value is set to zero, the application thread is blocked 
#until the pool is able to perform all the necessary cleanup to recycle 
#the connection and make it available for another thread.  When a non-zero 
#value is set, the pool will create threads that will take care of 
#recycling a connection when it is closed (the application dumps the connection into 
#a temporary queue to be processed asychronously to the application via the release 
#helper threads).  Useful when your application is doing lots of work on 
#each connection (i.e. perform an SQL query, do lots of non-DB stuff and 
#perform another query), otherwise will probably slow things down. 
#Instruct the pool to create a helper thread to watch over connection acquires 
#that are never released (or released twice). This is for debugging purposes only 
#and will create a new thread for each call to getConnection(). Enabling this 
#option will have a big negative impact on pool performance.
#If enabled, log SQL statements being executed.
#Sets the number of ms to wait before attempting to obtain a connection 
#again after a failure.
#Set to true to force the connection pool to obtain the initial connections 
#Set to true to enable recording of all transaction activity and replay the 
#transaction automatically in case of a connection failure.
#After attempting to acquire a connection and failing, try to connect these many 
#times before giving up. Default 5.
#Set to true to disable JMX.
#Queries taking longer than this limit to execute are logged.
#Sets the Pool Watch thread threshold.  The pool watch thread attempts to 
#maintain a number of connections always available (between minConnections and maxConnections). This value 
#sets the percentage value to maintain. For example, setting it to 20 means 
#that if the following condition holds: Free Connections / MaxConnections < poolAvailabilityThreshold  
#new connections will be created. In other words, it tries to keep at 
#least 20% of the pool full of connections. Setting the value to zero 
#will make the pool create new connections when it needs them but it 
#also means your application may have to wait for new connections to be 
#obtained at times.  Default: 20.
#If set to true, the pool will not monitor connections for proper closure. 
#Enable this option if you only ever obtain your connections via a mechanism 
#that is guaranteed to release the connection back to the pool (eg Spring's 
#jdbcTemplate, some kind of transaction manager, etc).
#Sets the maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait before a call to getConnection 
#is timed out.  Setting this to zero is similar to setting it 
#to Long.MAX_VALUE  Default: 0 ( = wait forever )
#Sets the no of ms to wait when close connection watch threads are 
#enabled. 0 = wait forever.
#Sets number of statement helper threads to create that will handle releasing a 
#statement.  When this value is set to zero, the application thread is 
#blocked until the pool and JDBC driver are able to close off the 
#statement.  When a non-zero value is set, the pool will create threads 
#that will take care of closing off the statement asychronously to the application 
#via the release helper threads).  Useful when your application is opening up 
#lots of statements otherwise will probably slow things down.
#Sets the maxConnectionAge in seconds. Any connections older than this setting will be 
#closed off whether it is idle or not. Connections currently in use will 
#not be affected until they are returned to the pool.
#If set to true, keep track of some more statistics for exposure via 
#JMX. Will slow down the pool operation.
#If set to true, no attempts at passing in a username/password will be 
#attempted when trying to obtain a raw (driver) connection. Useful for cases when 
#you already have another mechanism on authentication eg NTLM.





