当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql > [MySQL5.1体验]MySQL实例管理器mysqlmanager初试


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:9人阅读

作/译者:叶金荣(Email: ),来源:http://imysql.cn MySQL实例管理器(IM)是通过TCP/IP端口运行的后台程序,用来监视和管理MySQL数据库服务器实例。MySQL实例管理器适合Unix-类操作系统和Windows。 可以在mysqld_safe脚本使用MySQL实例管理器来启动和停止My

作/译者:叶金荣(Email: ),来源:http://imysql.cn



一、 mysqlmanager 配置文件
一个最常见的 mysqlmanager 配置文件如下:

port = 1999
socket = /tmp/manager.sock
pid-file= /tmp/manager.pid
run-as-service = true
monitoring-interval = 10
default-mysqld-path = /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld
password-file = /etc/mysqlmanager.passwd
log = /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld/mysqlmanager.log

basedir = /usr/local/mysql
datadir = /usr/local/mysql/data1
general-log = true
log-error = /usr/local/mysql/data1/error.log
pid-file = /usr/local/mysql/data1/mysql.pid
port = 13306
socket = /tmp/mysql13306.sock

basedir = /usr/local/mysql
datadir = /usr/local/mysql/data2
general-log = true
log-error = /usr/local/mysql/data2/error.log
pid-file = /usr/local/mysql/data2/mysql.pid
port = 13307
socket = /tmp/mysql13307.sock

basedir = /usr/local/mysql
datadir = /usr/local/mysql/data3
general-log = true
log-error = /usr/local/mysql/data3/error.log
pid-file = /usr/local/mysql/data3/mysql.pid
port = 13308
socket = /tmp/mysql13308.sock

首先,第一个区间是 [manager],它用于指定 mysqlmanager 程序启动时的选项。其中 run-as-service 选项是指 mysqlmanager 以后台守护进程方式运行, default-mysqld-path 选项则指定了 mysqld 程序所在的位置。 password-file 选项则指定了连接到 mysqlmanager 的用户密码文件所在位置。

接下来,后面的 [mysqld1], [mysqld2], [mysqld3] 区间则分别设定了3个 MySQL 运行实例。这些参数就是常见的设置了,在这里不再细说。

二、 mysqlmanager 用户管理

[root@localhost]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlmanager --add-user --username=yejr
[20910/136318976] [07/06/19 11:03:01] [INFO] IM: started.
[20910/136318976] [07/06/19 11:03:01] [INFO] Loading config file 'my.cnf'...
[20910/136318976] [07/06/19 11:03:01] [INFO] Loading the password database...
[20910/136318976] [07/06/19 11:03:01] [INFO] The password database loaded successfully.
Enter password:
Re-type password:
[20910/136318976] [07/06/19 11:03:04] [INFO] IM: finished.
[root@localhost]# cat /etc/mysqlmanager.passwd


[root@localhost]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlmanager --edit-user --username=yejr
[20943/136318976] [07/06/19 11:05:01] [INFO] IM: started.
[20943/136318976] [07/06/19 11:05:01] [INFO] Loading config file 'my.cnf'...
[20943/136318976] [07/06/19 11:05:01] [INFO] Loading the password database...
[20943/136318976] [07/06/19 11:05:01] [INFO] Loaded user 'yejr'.
[20943/136318976] [07/06/19 11:05:01] [INFO] The password database loaded successfully.
Enter password:
Re-type password:
[20943/136318976] [07/06/19 11:05:05] [INFO] IM: finished.
[root@localhost]# cat /etc/mysqlmanager.passwd


[root@localhost]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlmanager --drop-user --username=yejr
[20967/136318976] [07/06/19 11:06:30] [INFO] IM: started.
[20967/136318976] [07/06/19 11:06:30] [INFO] Loading config file 'my.cnf'...
[20967/136318976] [07/06/19 11:06:30] [INFO] Loading the password database...
[20967/136318976] [07/06/19 11:06:30] [INFO] Loaded user 'yejr'.
[20967/136318976] [07/06/19 11:06:30] [INFO] The password database loaded successfully.
[20967/136318976] [07/06/19 11:06:30] [INFO] IM: finished.

默认情况下,mysqlmanager 的密码文件是 /etc/mysqlmanager.passwd,如果你的密码文件不是放在这里,那么就需要自行指定,增加一个参数 --password-file=path_to_passwd_file,让 mysqlmanager 根据指定的位置去找到正确的密码文件。如:

[root@localhost]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlmanager --password-file=/usr/local/mysql/.mysqlmanager.passwd --add-user --username=yejr

注意:修改或者删除用户后,只有重启 mysqlmanager 才能生效,而不是立刻生效。

三、 mysqlmanager 管理
1、mysqlmanager 启动

[root@localhost]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlmanager --defaults-file=/usr/local/mysql/my.cnf
[21032/136318976] [07/06/19 11:11:03] [INFO] IM: started.
[21032/136318976] [07/06/19 11:11:03] [INFO] Loading config file '/usr/local/mysql/my.cnf'...
[21032/136318976] [07/06/19 11:11:03] [INFO] Angel: started.
[21032/136318976] [07/06/19 11:11:03] [INFO] Angel: opening log file '/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld/mysqlmanager.log'...
[21032/136318976] [07/06/19 11:11:03] [INFO] Angel: daemonizing...
[21032/136318976] [07/06/19 11:11:03] [INFO] Angel: exiting from the original process...
[21032/136318976] [07/06/19 11:11:03] [INFO] IM: finished.
[21033/136318976] [07/06/19 11:11:03] [INFO] Angel: preparing standard streams.

在启动 mysqlmanager 的同时,也会把它管理的所有 MySQL实例 全部启动。

[root@localhost]# mysql -uyejr -P1999 -hlocalhost -S/tmp/manager.sock -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or /g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 1.0-beta

Type 'help;' or '/h' for help. Type '/c' to clear the buffer.

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> SHOW INSTANCES;
| instance_name | state |
| mysqld1 | online |
| mysqld2 | online |
| mysqld3 | online |

2、mysqlmanager 状态查看

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> SHOW INSTANCE STATUS mysqld1/G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
instance_name: mysqld1
state: online
version_number: 5.1.19
version: 5.1.19-beta for unknown-freebsd6.0 on i386 (MySQL Community Server (GPL))
mysqld_compatible: no

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> SHOW INSTANCE OPTIONS mysqld1;
| option_name | value |
| instance_name | mysqld1 |
| basedir | /usr/local/mysql |
| datadir | /usr/local/mysql/data1 |
| general-log | true |
| log-error | /usr/local/mysql/data1/error.log |
| pid-file | /usr/local/mysql/data1/mysql.pid |
| port | 13306 |
| socket | /tmp/mysql13306.sock |

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> SHOW mysqld1 LOG FILES;
| Logfile | Path | File size |
| ERROR LOG | /usr/local/mysql/data1/error.log | 2976 |

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> SHOW mysqld13306 LOG ERROR 2976/G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
070619 11:17:57 [Warning] Server variable data_file_path of plugin InnoDB was forced to be read-only: string variable
without update_func and PLUGIN_VAR_MEMALLOC flag
070619 11:17:57 [Warning] Server variable data_home_dir of plugin InnoDB was forced to be read-only: string variable
without update_func and PLUGIN_VAR_MEMALLOC flag
070619 11:17:57 [Warning] Server variable flush_method of plugin InnoDB was forced to be read-only: string variable
without update_func and PLUGIN_VAR_MEMALLOC flag
070619 11:17:57 [Warning] Server variable log_arch_dir of plugin InnoDB was forced to be read-only: string variable
without update_func and PLUGIN_VAR_MEMALLOC flag
070619 11:17:57 [Warning] Server variable log_group_home_dir of plugin InnoDB was forced to be read-only: string
variable without update_func and PLUGIN_VAR_MEMALLOC flag
070619 11:17:57 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 48402
070619 11:17:57 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
070619 11:17:57 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.1.19-beta' socket: '/tmp/mysql13306.sock' port: 13306 MySQL Community Server (GPL)


3、mysqlmanager 管理
停止 MySQL实例:

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> STOP INSTANCE mysqld1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.81 sec)

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> SHOW INSTANCES;
| instance_name | state |
| mysqld1 | offline |
| mysqld2 | online |
| mysqld3 | online |

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> START INSTANCE mysqld1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Instance started

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> SHOW INSTANCES;
| instance_name | state |
| mysqld1 | online |
| mysqld2 | online |
| mysqld3 | online |

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> STOP INSTANCE mysqld2;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.81 sec)

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> STOP INSTANCE mysqld3;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.81 sec)

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> SHOW INSTANCES;
| instance_name | state |
| mysqld1 | offline |
| mysqld2 | offline |
| mysqld3 | offline |

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> FLUSH INSTANCES;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)

(yejr:localhost:)(none)> SHOW INSTANCES;
| instance_name | state |
| mysqld1 | online |
| mysqld2 | online |
| mysqld3 | online |

在 MySQL实例 停止的状态下,还可以动态的修改端口等参数。
注意: FLUSH INSTANCES 语法会在 MySQL 5.2 以后不再使用。

总结:通过 mysqlmanager 我们就可以远程来管理 mysqld,包括重启,查看日志,设定系统参数等。而无需直接登录服务器或者通过 mysql 客户端登录服务器,也进一步保护了 MySQL 账户的安全,这在有较多数量的 MySQL 服务器引用环境中还是很有帮助的。
