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Joel on Software Painless Functional Specifications - Part 4: Tips 无痛功能需求 – 第四部分:技巧 by Joel Spolsky Sunday, October 15, 2000 OK, we've talkedaboutwhy you need aspec,what a spechas in it, andwho shouldwrite them. In this fourt

Joel on Software

Painless Functional Specifications - Part 4: Tips


by Joel Spolsky Sunday, October 15, 2000

OK, we've talkedabout why you need aspec, what a spechas in it, andwho shouldwrite them. In this fourth and final part of the series I'll share some ofmy advice for writing good specs.

好,我们已经讨论了 为什么你需要规范, 规范包含什么内容, 以及谁应该编写规范。 在这些列的第四部分同时也是最后一部分我将和大家分享我编写好规范的建议。

The biggestcomplaint you'll hear from teams that do write specs is that"nobody reads them." When nobody reads specs, the people who writethem tend to get a little bit cynical. It's like the old Dilbert cartoon inwhich engineers use stacks of 4-inch thick specs to build extensions to theircubicles. At your typical big, bureaucratic company, everybody spends monthsand months writing boring specs. Once the spec is done, it goes up on theshelf, never to be taken down again, and the product is implemented fromscratch without any regard to what the spec said, because nobody read the spec,because it was so dang mind-numbing. The very process of writingthe spec might have been a good exercise, because it forced everyone, at least,to think over the issues. But the fact that the spec was shelved (unread andunloved) when it was completed makes people feel like it was all a bunch ofwork for naught.


Also, if yourspec never gets read, you get a lot of arguments when the finished product isdelivered. Somebody (management, marketing, or a customer) says: "wait aminute! You promised me that there would be a Clam Steamer! Where's the clamsteamer?" And the programmers say, "no, actually, if you look on thespec on chapter 3, subchapter 4, paragraph, you'll see it says quiteexplicitly 'no clam steamer.'" But that doesn't satisfy the customer, whois always right, so the grumpy programmers have to go retrofit a clam steamerinto the thing (making them even more cynical about specs). Or a manager says,"hey, all the wording on this dialog is too verbose, and there should bean advertisement at the top of every dialog box." And the programmers say,in frustration, "but you approved the spec whichprecisely listedthe layout and contents of every dialog box!" But of course, the managerhadn't actually read the spec, because when he tried, hisbrain started seeping out through his eye sockets, and anyway, it wasinterfering with his Tuesday golf game.

同时,如果你的规范从来没被阅读过,当你的产品完成并交付的时候你就会遇到很多争端。有人(管理层,销售,或者顾客)就会说:“等等!你答应过我会做蛤蜊蒸笼[w1] !蛤蜊蒸笼在哪儿?”然后程序员就会说,“不,实际上,如果你看看规范第三章第4小节,段,你就会很清楚的看到写着‘没有蛤蜊蒸笼’”。不过这不会让客户满意,因客户永远是对的,所以暴躁的程序员只好去产品里改造出个蛤蜊蒸笼来(这就让规范存在的意义显得更讽刺了)。或者经理会说,“嘿,这个对话框上的文字太冗余了,而且每个对话框的顶部都应该要个广告。”然后程序员就会很沮丧的说,“但你已经批准了这个规范,规范上准确无误的描述了每个对话框的布局和内容。”但是,经理实际上当然没有去读那个规范,因为他刚要尝试,他的思绪就透过他的眼睛飘了出去,再说,这打扰了他礼拜二的高尔夫球比赛。

So. Specs aregood, but not if nobody reads them. As a spec-writer, you have to trickpeople into reading your stuff, and you should also probably make aneffort not to cause any already-too-small brains to leak out througheye-sockets.


Tricking peopleinto reading your stuff is usually just a matter of good writing. But it's notfair of me to just say "be a good writer" and leave it at that. Hereare four easy rules that you absolutely must follow to makespecs that get read.


Rule 1: BeFunny 原则一:要有幽默感

Yep, rule numberone in tricking people into reading your spec is to make the experienceenjoyable. Don't tell me you weren't born funny, I don't buy it. Everybody hasfunny ideas all the time, they just self-censor them because they think thatit's "unprofessional." Feh. Sometimes you have to break the rules.


If you readthe volumesof garbage I've written on this web site, you'll notice that there area few lame attempts at being funny scattered throughout. Just four paragraphsago I was making a grossbody-fluid[w2] joke and making fun of managers for playing golf. Even though I'm notreally that funny, I still try pretty hard, and even the act of flailingaround trying to be funny is in itself amusing, in a sad-clownsort of way. When you're writing a spec, an easy place to be funny is in theexamples. Every time you need to tell a story about how a feature works,instead of saying:


· The user types Ctrl+N to create a new Employee table and startsentering the names of the employees.

· 用户按下Ctrl+N来创建新员工表,并且开始录入员工姓名。

write somethinglike:


· Miss Piggy, poking at the keyboard with a eyeliner stick because herchubby little fingers are too fat to press individual keys, types Ctrl+N tocreate a new Boyfriend table and types in the single record "Kermit."

· Piggy小姐用眼线棒敲着键盘,因为她的丰满的手指太胖了没办法按下一个键位,按下Ctrl+N来创建一个新的男友表,然后输入了一条记录“Kermit”。

If you read a lotof DaveBarry, you'll discover that one of the easiest ways to be funny is tobe specific when it's not called for. "Scrappy pugs"are funnier than "dogs." "Miss Piggy" is funnier than"the user". Instead of saying "special interests," say"left-handed avocado farmers." Instead of saying "People whorefuse to clean up after their dogs should be punished," say that theyshould be "sent to prisons so lonely that the inmates have to pay spidersfor sex."

如果你读过很多Dave Barry的著作,你就会发现幽默最简单的方式就是在不需要的时候特定点。“旺财”比“狗”幽默。“Piggy小姐”比“用户”幽默。与其说“特殊爱好”,不如说“左撇子梨树农夫”。 与其说“在他们的狗做了应该被惩罚的事之后人们不愿意打扫”不如说“他们应该被关进那种监狱,在那里,囚犯们太寂寞以致于要付钱跟蜘蛛乱搞。”。

Oh, and, by theway, if you think that it's unprofessional to be funny, then I'm sorry, but youjust don't have a sense of humor. (Don't deny it. People without senses ofhumors always deny it. You can't fool me.) And if you work in a company wherepeople will respect you less because your specs are breezy, funny, andenjoyable to read, then gofind anothercompany to work for, because life is just too damn shorttospend your daylight hours in such a stern and miserable place.


Rule 2: Writinga spec is like writing code for a brain to execute


Here's why Ithink that programmers have trouble writing good specs.


When youwrite code, your primary audience is the compiler.Yeah, I know, people have to read code, too, but it's generally very hard forthem. For most programmers it's hard enough to get the code into a statewhere the compiler reads it and correctly interprets it; worrying about makinghuman-readable code is a luxury. Whether you write:


void print_count(FILE* a, char * b, int c ){
fprintf(a, "there are %d %s\n", c, b);}

main(){ int n; n =
10; print_count(stdout, "employees", n) /* code deliberatelyobfuscated 代码被故意混淆过了 */ }

or 或是

printf("thereare 10 employees\n");

you getthe same output. Which is why, if you think about it, you tend to getprogrammers who write things like:


Assume a functionAddressOf(x) which is defined as the mapping from a user x,to the RFC-822 compliant email address of that user, an ANSI string. Let usassume user A and user B, where A wants to send an email to user B. So user Ainitiates a new message using any (but not all) of the techniques definedelsewhere, and types AddressOf(B) in the To: editbox.

假定一个函数 AddressOf(x) 定义了从一个用户x到该用户的符合RFC-822标准规定的email地址映射ANSI字符串,假定用户A和用户B,用户A想要给用户B发送电子邮件。所以用户A采用其他任意定义的技术(但不是所有)起草了一个新的信息,并在“发送到”编辑框内输入了AddressOf(B)。

This could alsohave been speced as:


Miss Piggy wantsto go to lunch, so she starts a new email and types Kermit's address in the"To:" box.

肥肥小姐想要去吃午饭,所以她就起草了封新邮件并且把Kermit的地址输入到了 “发送到”地址框内。
Technical note: the address must be a standard Internet address(RFC-822 compliant.)


They both"mean" the same thing, theoretically, except that thefirst example is impossible to understand unless you carefully decode it, andthe second example is easy to understand. Programmers often try to write specswhich look like dense academic papers. They think that a "correct"spec needs to be "technically" correct and then they are off thehook.


The mistake isthat when you write a spec, in addition to being correct, it has to be understandable,which, in programming terms, means that it needs to be written so that thehuman brain can "compile" it. One of the big differences betweencomputers and human brains is that computers are willing to sit there patientlywhile you define the terms that you want to use later. But humans won'tunderstand what you're talking about unless you motivate it first. Humans don'twant to have to decode something, they just want to read it inorder and understand it. For humans, you have to provide the big pictureand then fill in the details. With computer programs, youstart at the top and work your way to the bottom, with full details throughout.A computer doesn't care if your variable names are meaningful. A human brainunderstands things much better if you can paint a vivid picture in their mindby telling a story, even if it's just a fragment of a story, because our brainshave evolved to understand stories.


If you show achess board, in the middle of a real game of chess, to an experienced chessplayer for even a second or two, they will instantly be able to memorize theposition of every piece. But if you move around a couple of pieces innonsensical ways that couldn't happen in normal play (for example, put somepawns on the first row, or put both black bishops on black squares), it becomesmuch, much harder for them to memorize the board. This is different from theway computers think. A computer program that could memorize a chess board couldmemorize both possible and impossible layouts with equal ease. The way thehuman brain works is not random access; pathways tend to bestrengthened in our brains and some things are just easier to understand thanother things because they are more common.

如果你向一个经验丰富的棋手展示一幅进行中的真实棋盘,哪怕只有一两秒,他们马上能够记起每个棋子的位置。但如果你用正常比赛中不会出现的非理性方式走两步棋(例如,在第一排布两个卒,或者把两个相都放在黑格子中[w3] ),要让他们再记住棋盘就困难多了。这跟计算机的记忆方式是不一样的。计算机程序要记忆可能和不可能的布局是一样容易的。而人脑的工作方式并不是随机访问;过程更容易在我们大脑中得到加强,而有些东西就是比其他东西更容易记忆因为它们更加平常。

So, when you'rewriting a spec, try to imagine the person you are addressing it to, and try toimagine what you're asking them to understand at every step. Sentence bysentence, ask yourself if the person reading this sentence will understandit at a deep level, in the context of what you've already told them.If some members of your target audience don't know what RFC-822 is, you eitherhave to define it, or, at the very least, bury the mention of RFC-822 in atechnical note, so that the executive-types who read the spec won't give up andstop reading the first time they see a lot of technical jargon.


Rule 3: Writeas simply as possible


Don't usestilted, formal language because you think it's unprofessional to write insimple sentences. Use the simplest language you can.


People use wordslike "utilize" because they think that "use" looksunprofessional. (There's that word "unprofessional" again. Any timesomebody tells you that you shouldn't do something because it's"unprofessional," you know that they've run out of real arguments.)In fact I think that many people think that clear writing means that somethingis wrong.


Break things down to short sentences. If you're having trouble writing a sentence clearly, break it into two or three shorter sentences.


Avoid walls of text: entire pages with just text. People get scared and don't read them. When was the last time you noticed a popular magazine or newspaper with entire pages of text? Magazines will go so far as to take a quote from the article and print it, in the middle of the page, in a giant font, just to avoid the appearance of a full page of text. Use numbered or bulleted lists, pictures, charts, tables, and lots of whitespace so that the reading "looks" fluffier.


"Magazines will go so far as to take a quote from the article and print it, in the middle of the page, in a giant font, just to avoid the appearance of a full page of text."


Nothing improvesa spec more than lots and lots of screenshots. A picture can be worth athousand words. Anyone who writes specs for Windows software should invest in acopy of Visual Basic, and learn to use it at least well enoughto create mockups of the screens. (For the Mac, use REAL Basic; for Web pages,use Front Page or Dreamweaver). Then capture these screenshots (Ctrl+PrtSc) andpaste them into your spec.

没有什么能够比大批大批的截图更能改进规范了。 一张图胜过一千句话。任何为Windows软件写规范的人都应该投资买一份VisualBasic,然后至少要学会用它来创建屏幕模型。(Mac用户请使用RealBasic;网页开发请使用FrontPage或Dreamwaver)。然后捕捉截屏(Ctrl+PrtSc)并把它们粘贴进你的规范。

Rule 4: Reviewand reread several times


Um, well, I wasoriginally planning to have a lengthy exegesis of this rule here, but this ruleis just too simple and obvious. Review and reread your spec several times, OK?When you find a sentence that isn't super easy to understand,rewrite it.


I've saved somuch time by not explaining Rule 4 that I'm going to add another rule.


Rule 5:Templates considered harmful


Avoid thetemptation to make a standard template for specs. At first you might just thinkthat it's important that "every spec look the same." Hint: it's not.What difference does it make? Does every book on your bookshelf at home lookexactly the same? Would you want them to?


Worse, if youhave templates, what tends to happen is that you add a bunch of divs to thetemplate for things that you think are important for every feature. Example:Big Bill decrees that from here on forward, every Microsquish product shallhave an Internet component. So the spec template now has a div that says"Internet Component." Whenever somebody writes a spec, no matter howtrivial, they have to fill in that div that says "InternetComponent", even if they're just creating the spec for the MicrosquishKeyboard. (And you wondered why those useless Internet shopping buttons startedcropping up like mushrooms on keyboards).


As these divsaccumulate, the template gets pretty large. (Here is an example of a very, very badtemplate for specifications. Who needs a bibliography in aspec, for heaven's sake? Or a glossary?) The trouble with such a large templateis that it scares people away from writing specs because it looks like such adaunting task.


A spec is adocument that you want people to read. In that way, it is no different than anessay in The New Yorker or a college paper. Have you everheard of a professor passing out templates for students to write their collegepapers? Have you ever read two good essays that could be fit into a template?Just drop the idea.




