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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:39人阅读

cocos2dx的代码风受其原生引擎cocos2d-iphone的影响,沿袭了oc的代码风。但3.0版在此基础上又引入了C的编程风。 命名空间与类名 cocos2d-x有一个包含其他所有头文件的“cocos2d.h”。通常在需要使用引擎类库的头文件中包含了这个文件,所以我们能使用引擎的

  • 命名空间与类名



  • 构造函数与初始化


    auto butterFly = new Sprite();

    auto sprite = Sprite::create("HelloWorld.png");


    virtual bool init();  
bool HelloWorld::init()
    // 1. super init first
    if ( !Layer::init() )
        return false;
    return true;

  • 选择器
typedef void (Object::*SEL_SCHEDULE)(float);
typedef void (Object::*SEL_CallFunc)();
typedef void (Object::*SEL_CallFuncN)(Node*);
typedef void (Object::*SEL_CallFuncND)(Node*, void*);
typedef void (Object::*SEL_CallFuncO)(Object*);
typedef void (Object::*SEL_MenuHandler)(Object*);
typedef int (Object::*SEL_Compare)(Object*);

#define schedule_selector(_SELECTOR) static_cast(&_SELECTOR)
#define callfunc_selector(_SELECTOR) static_cast(&_SELECTOR)
#define callfuncN_selector(_SELECTOR) static_cast(&_SELECTOR)
#define callfuncND_selector(_SELECTOR) static_cast(&_SELECTOR)
#define callfuncO_selector(_SELECTOR) static_cast(&_SELECTOR)
#define menu_selector(_SELECTOR) static_cast(&_SELECTOR)
#define event_selector(_SELECTOR) static_cast(&_SELECTOR)
#define compare_selector(_SELECTOR) static_cast(&_SELECTOR)


// new callbacks based on C++11
#define CC_CALLBACK_0(__selector__,__target__, ...) std::bind(&__selector__,__target__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define CC_CALLBACK_1(__selector__,__target__, ...) std::bind(&__selector__,__target__, std::placeholders::_1, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define CC_CALLBACK_2(__selector__,__target__, ...) std::bind(&__selector__,__target__, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define CC_CALLBACK_3(__selector__,__target__, ...) std::bind(&__selector__,__target__, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3 ##__VA_ARGS__)

    auto closeItem = MenuItemImage::create(

  • 属性
/** CC_PROPERTY is used to declare a protected variable.
 We can use getter to read the variable, and use the setter to change the variable.
 @param varType     the type of variable.
 @param varName     variable name.
 @param funName     "get + funName" will be the name of the getter.
                    "set + funName" will be the name of the setter.
 @warning   The getter and setter are public virtual functions, you should rewrite them first.
            The variables and methods declared after CC_PROPERTY are all public.
            If you need protected or private, please declare.
#define CC_PROPERTY(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual varType get##funName(void);\
public: virtual void set##funName(varType var);

#define CC_PROPERTY_PASS_BY_REF(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual const varType& get##funName(void) const;\
public: virtual void set##funName(const varType& var);


/** CC_SYNTHESIZE is used to declare a protected variable.
 We can use getter to read the variable, and use the setter to change the variable.
 @param varType     the type of variable.
 @param varName     variable name.
 @param funName     "get + funName" will be the name of the getter.
                    "set + funName" will be the name of the setter.
 @warning   The getter and setter are public inline functions.
            The variables and methods declared after CC_SYNTHESIZE are all public.
            If you need protected or private, please declare.
#define CC_SYNTHESIZE(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual varType get##funName(void) const { return varName; }\
public: virtual void set##funName(varType var){ varName = var; }

#define CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual const varType& get##funName(void) const { return varName; }\
public: virtual void set##funName(const varType& var){ varName = var; }

#define CC_SYNTHESIZE_RETAIN(varType, varName, funName)    \
private: varType varName; \
public: virtual varType get##funName(void) const { return varName; } \
public: virtual void set##funName(varType var)   \
{ \
    if (varName != var) \
    { \
        CC_SAFE_RETAIN(var); \
        CC_SAFE_RELEASE(varName); \
        varName = var; \
    } \


/** CC_PROPERTY_READONLY is used to declare a protected variable.
 We can use getter to read the variable.
 @param varType     the type of variable.
 @param varName     variable name.
 @param funName     "get + funName" will be the name of the getter.
 @warning   The getter is a public virtual function, you should rewrite it first.
            The variables and methods declared after CC_PROPERTY_READONLY are all public.
            If you need protected or private, please declare.
#define CC_PROPERTY_READONLY(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual varType get##funName(void) const;

#define CC_PROPERTY_READONLY_PASS_BY_REF(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual const varType& get##funName(void) const;

/** CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY is used to declare a protected variable.
 We can use getter to read the variable.
 @param varType     the type of variable.
 @param varName     variable name.
 @param funName     "get + funName" will be the name of the getter.
 @warning   The getter is a public inline function.
            The variables and methods declared after CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY are all public.
            If you need protected or private, please declare.
#define CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual varType get##funName(void) const { return varName; }

#define CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY_PASS_BY_REF(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual const varType& get##funName(void) const { return varName; }

  • 单例
    auto director = Director::getInstance();
    auto glView = EGLView::getInstance();
