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redis服务器负责与多个客户端建立网络连接,处理客户端发送的命令请求,在数据库中保存客户端执行命令所才参数的数据,并通过资源管理来维持服务器自身的运转。 1. 命令请求的执行过程 以SET命令为例: redis SET key valueredis OK 1.1 发送命令请求 1.2读


1. 命令请求的执行过程


redis> SET key value
redis> OK

1.1 发送命令请求




1.3 命令执行器

根据客户端状态的 argv[0] 参数, 在命令表(command table)中查找参数所指定的命令, 并将找到的命令保存到客户端状态的 cmd 属性里面。
命令表是一个字典, 字典的键是一个个命令名字,比如 “set” 、 “get” 、 “del” ,等等; 而字典的值则是一个个 redisCommand 结构, 每个 redisCommand 结构记录了一个 Redis 命令的实现信息。



1.4 将命令回复发送给客户端

命令实现函数会将命令回复保存到客户端的输出缓冲区里面, 并为客户端的套接字关联命令回复处理器, 当客户端套接字变为可写状态时, 服务器就会执行命令回复处理器, 将保存在客户端输出缓冲区中的命令回复发送给客户端。
当命令回复发送完毕之后, 回复处理器会清空客户端状态的输出缓冲区, 为处理下一个命令请求做好准备。

1.5 客户端接收并打印命令回复


2. serverCron函数




/* This is our timer interrupt, called server.hz times per second.
 * 这是 Redis 的时间中断器,每秒调用 server.hz 次。
 * Here is where we do a number of things that need to be done asynchronously.
 * For instance:
 * 以下是需要异步执行的操作:
 * - Active expired keys collection (it is also performed in a lazy way on
 *   lookup).
 *   主动清除过期键。
 * - Software watchdog.
 *   更新软件 watchdog 的信息。
 * - Update some statistic.
 *   更新统计信息。
 * - Incremental rehashing of the DBs hash tables.
 *   对数据库进行渐增式 Rehash
 * - Triggering BGSAVE / AOF rewrite, and handling of terminated children.
 *   触发 BGSAVE 或者 AOF 重写,并处理之后由 BGSAVE 和 AOF 重写引发的子进程停止。
 * - Clients timeout of different kinds.
 *   处理客户端超时。
 * - Replication reconnection.
 *   复制重连
 * - Many more...
 *   等等。。。
 * Everything directly called here will be called server.hz times per second,
 * so in order to throttle execution of things we want to do less frequently
 * a macro is used: run_with_period(milliseconds) { .... }
 * 因为 serverCron 函数中的所有代码都会每秒调用 server.hz 次,
 * 为了对部分代码的调用次数进行限制,
 * 使用了一个宏 run_with_period(milliseconds) { ... } ,
 * 这个宏可以将被包含代码的执行次数降低为每 milliseconds 执行一次。

int serverCron(struct aeEventLoop *eventLoop, long long id, void *clientData) {
    int j;

    /* Software watchdog: deliver the SIGALRM that will reach the signal
     * handler if we don't return here fast enough. */
    if (server.watchdog_period) watchdogScheduleSignal(server.watchdog_period);

    /* Update the time cache. */

    // 记录服务器执行命令的次数
    run_with_period(100) trackOperationsPerSecond();

    /* We have just REDIS_LRU_BITS bits per object for LRU information.
     * So we use an (eventually wrapping) LRU clock.
     * Note that even if the counter wraps it's not a big problem,
     * everything will still work but some object will appear younger
     * to Redis. However for this to happen a given object should never be
     * touched for all the time needed to the counter to wrap, which is
     * not likely.
     * 即使服务器的时间最终比 1.5 年长也无所谓,
     * 对象系统仍会正常运作,不过一些对象可能会比服务器本身的时钟更年轻。
     * 不过这要这个对象在 1.5 年内都没有被访问过,才会出现这种现象。
     * Note that you can change the resolution altering the
     * LRU 时间的精度可以通过修改 REDIS_LRU_CLOCK_RESOLUTION 常量来改变。
    server.lruclock = getLRUClock();

    /* Record the max memory used since the server was started. */
    // 记录服务器的内存峰值
    if (zmalloc_used_memory() > server.stat_peak_memory)
        server.stat_peak_memory = zmalloc_used_memory();

    /* Sample the RSS here since this is a relatively slow call. */
    server.resident_set_size = zmalloc_get_rss();

    /* We received a SIGTERM, shutting down here in a safe way, as it is
     * not ok doing so inside the signal handler. */
    // 服务器进程收到 SIGTERM 信号,关闭服务器
    if (server.shutdown_asap) {

        // 尝试关闭服务器
        if (prepareForShutdown(0) == REDIS_OK) exit(0);

        // 如果关闭失败,那么打印 LOG ,并移除关闭标识
        redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"SIGTERM received but errors trying to shut down the server, check the logs for more information");
        server.shutdown_asap = 0;

    /* Show some info about non-empty databases */
    // 打印数据库的键值对信息
    run_with_period(5000) {
        for (j = 0; j < server.dbnum; j++) {
            long long size, used, vkeys;

            // 可用键值对的数量
            size = dictSlots(server.db[j].dict);
            // 已用键值对的数量
            used = dictSize(server.db[j].dict);
            // 带有过期时间的键值对数量
            vkeys = dictSize(server.db[j].expires);

            // 用 LOG 打印数量
            if (used || vkeys) {
                redisLog(REDIS_VERBOSE,"DB %d: %lld keys (%lld volatile) in %lld slots HT.",j,used,vkeys,size);
                /* dictPrintStats(server.dict); */

    /* Show information about connected clients */
    // 如果服务器没有运行在 SENTINEL 模式下,那么打印客户端的连接信息
    if (!server.sentinel_mode) {
        run_with_period(5000) {
                "%lu clients connected (%lu slaves), %zu bytes in use",

    /* We need to do a few operations on clients asynchronously. */
    // 检查客户端,关闭超时客户端,并释放客户端多余的缓冲区

    /* Handle background operations on Redis databases. */
    // 对数据库执行各种操作

    /* Start a scheduled AOF rewrite if this was requested by the user while
     * a BGSAVE was in progress. */
    // 如果 BGSAVE 和 BGREWRITEAOF 都没有在执行
    if (server.rdb_child_pid == -1 && server.aof_child_pid == -1 &&

    /* Check if a background saving or AOF rewrite in progress terminated. */
    // 检查 BGSAVE 或者 BGREWRITEAOF 是否已经执行完毕
    if (server.rdb_child_pid != -1 || server.aof_child_pid != -1) {
        int statloc;
        pid_t pid;

        // 接收子进程发来的信号,非阻塞
        if ((pid = wait3(&statloc,WNOHANG,NULL)) != 0) {
            int exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(statloc);
            int bysignal = 0;

            if (WIFSIGNALED(statloc)) bysignal = WTERMSIG(statloc);

            // BGSAVE 执行完毕
            if (pid == server.rdb_child_pid) {

            // BGREWRITEAOF 执行完毕
            } else if (pid == server.aof_child_pid) {

            } else {
                    "Warning, detected child with unmatched pid: %ld",
    } else {

        /* If there is not a background saving/rewrite in progress check if
         * we have to save/rewrite now */
        // 既然没有 BGSAVE 或者 BGREWRITEAOF 在执行,那么检查是否需要执行它们

        // 遍历所有保存条件,看是否需要执行 BGSAVE 命令
         for (j = 0; j < server.saveparamslen; j++) {
            struct saveparam *sp = server.saveparams+j;

            /* Save if we reached the given amount of changes,
             * the given amount of seconds, and if the latest bgsave was
             * successful or if, in case of an error, at least
             * REDIS_BGSAVE_RETRY_DELAY seconds already elapsed. */
            // 检查是否有某个保存条件已经满足了
            if (server.dirty >= sp->changes &&
                server.unixtime-server.lastsave > sp->seconds &&
                (server.unixtime-server.lastbgsave_try >
                 REDIS_BGSAVE_RETRY_DELAY ||
                 server.lastbgsave_status == REDIS_OK))
                redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"%d changes in %d seconds. Saving...",
                    sp->changes, (int)sp->seconds);
                // 执行 BGSAVE

         /* Trigger an AOF rewrite if needed */
        // 出发 BGREWRITEAOF
         if (server.rdb_child_pid == -1 &&
             server.aof_child_pid == -1 &&
             server.aof_rewrite_perc &&
             // AOF 文件的当前大小大于执行 BGREWRITEAOF 所需的最小大小
             server.aof_current_size > server.aof_rewrite_min_size)
            // 上一次完成 AOF 写入之后,AOF 文件的大小
            long long base = server.aof_rewrite_base_size ?
                            server.aof_rewrite_base_size : 1;

            // AOF 文件当前的体积相对于 base 的体积的百分比
            long long growth = (server.aof_current_size*100/base) - 100;

            // 如果增长体积的百分比超过了 growth ,那么执行 BGREWRITEAOF
            if (growth >= server.aof_rewrite_perc) {
                redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Starting automatic rewriting of AOF on %lld%% growth",growth);
                // 执行 BGREWRITEAOF

    // 根据 AOF 政策,
    // 考虑是否需要将 AOF 缓冲区中的内容写入到 AOF 文件中
    /* AOF postponed flush: Try at every cron cycle if the slow fsync
     * completed. */
    if (server.aof_flush_postponed_start) flushAppendOnlyFile(0);

    /* AOF write errors: in this case we have a buffer to flush as well and
     * clear the AOF error in case of success to make the DB writable again,
     * however to try every second is enough in case of 'hz' is set to
     * an higher frequency. */
    run_with_period(1000) {
        if (server.aof_last_write_status == REDIS_ERR)

    /* Close clients that need to be closed asynchronous */
    // 关闭那些需要异步关闭的客户端

    /* Clear the paused clients flag if needed. */
    clientsArePaused(); /* Don't check return value, just use the side effect. */

    /* Replication cron function -- used to reconnect to master and
     * to detect transfer failures. */
    // 复制函数
    // 重连接主服务器、向主服务器发送 ACK 、判断数据发送失败情况、断开本服务器超时的从服务器,等等
    run_with_period(1000) replicationCron();

    /* Run the Redis Cluster cron. */
    // 如果服务器运行在集群模式下,那么执行集群操作
    run_with_period(100) {
        if (server.cluster_enabled) clusterCron();

    /* Run the Sentinel timer if we are in sentinel mode. */
    // 如果服务器运行在 sentinel 模式下,那么执行 SENTINEL 的主函数
    run_with_period(100) {
        if (server.sentinel_mode) sentinelTimer();

    /* Cleanup expired MIGRATE cached sockets. */
    // 集群。。。TODO
    run_with_period(1000) {

    // 增加 loop 计数器

    return 1000/server.hz;

3. 初始化服务器

3.1 服务器状态结构


struct redisServer {

    /* General */

    // 配置文件的绝对路径
    char *configfile;           /* Absolute config file path, or NULL */

    // serverCron() 每秒调用的次数
    int hz;                     /* serverCron() calls frequency in hertz */

    // 数据库
    redisDb *db;

    // 命令表(受到 rename 配置选项的作用)
    dict *commands;             /* Command table */
    // 命令表(无 rename 配置选项的作用)
    dict *orig_commands;        /* Command table before command renaming. */

    // 事件状态
    aeEventLoop *el;

    // 最近一次使用时钟
    unsigned lruclock:REDIS_LRU_BITS; /* Clock for LRU eviction */

    // 关闭服务器的标识
    int shutdown_asap;          /* SHUTDOWN needed ASAP */

    // 在执行 serverCron() 时进行渐进式 rehash
    int activerehashing;        /* Incremental rehash in serverCron() */

    // 是否设置了密码
    char *requirepass;          /* Pass for AUTH command, or NULL */

    // PID 文件
    char *pidfile;              /* PID file path */

    // 架构类型
    int arch_bits;              /* 32 or 64 depending on sizeof(long) */

    // serverCron() 函数的运行次数计数器
    int cronloops;              /* Number of times the cron function run */

    // 本服务器的 RUN ID
    char runid[REDIS_RUN_ID_SIZE+1];  /* ID always different at every exec. */

    // 服务器是否运行在 SENTINEL 模式
    int sentinel_mode;          /* True if this instance is a Sentinel. */

    /* Networking */

    // TCP 监听端口
    int port;                   /* TCP listening port */

    int tcp_backlog;            /* TCP listen() backlog */

    // 地址
    char *bindaddr[REDIS_BINDADDR_MAX]; /* Addresses we should bind to */
    // 地址数量
    int bindaddr_count;         /* Number of addresses in server.bindaddr[] */

    // UNIX 套接字
    char *unixsocket;           /* UNIX socket path */
    mode_t unixsocketperm;      /* UNIX socket permission */

    // 描述符
    int ipfd[REDIS_BINDADDR_MAX]; /* TCP socket file descriptors */
    // 描述符数量
    int ipfd_count;             /* Used slots in ipfd[] */

    // UNIX 套接字文件描述符
    int sofd;                   /* Unix socket file descriptor */

    int cfd[REDIS_BINDADDR_MAX];/* Cluster bus listening socket */
    int cfd_count;              /* Used slots in cfd[] */

    // 一个链表,保存了所有客户端状态结构
    list *clients;              /* List of active clients */
    // 链表,保存了所有待关闭的客户端
    list *clients_to_close;     /* Clients to close asynchronously */

    // 链表,保存了所有从服务器,以及所有监视器
    list *slaves, *monitors;    /* List of slaves and MONITORs */

    // 服务器的当前客户端,仅用于崩溃报告
    redisClient *current_client; /* Current client, only used on crash report */

    int clients_paused;         /* True if clients are currently paused */
    mstime_t clients_pause_end_time; /* Time when we undo clients_paused */

    // 网络错误
    char neterr[ANET_ERR_LEN];   /* Error buffer for anet.c */

    // MIGRATE 缓存
    dict *migrate_cached_sockets;/* MIGRATE cached sockets */

    /* RDB / AOF loading information */

    // 这个值为真时,表示服务器正在进行载入
    int loading;                /* We are loading data from disk if true */

    // 正在载入的数据的大小
    off_t loading_total_bytes;

    // 已载入数据的大小
    off_t loading_loaded_bytes;

    // 开始进行载入的时间
    time_t loading_start_time;
    off_t loading_process_events_interval_bytes;

    /* Fast pointers to often looked up command */
    // 常用命令的快捷连接
    struct redisCommand *delCommand, *multiCommand, *lpushCommand, *lpopCommand,

    /* Fields used only for stats */

    // 服务器启动时间
    time_t stat_starttime;          /* Server start time */

    // 已处理命令的数量
    long long stat_numcommands;     /* Number of processed commands */

    // 服务器接到的连接请求数量
    long long stat_numconnections;  /* Number of connections received */

    // 已过期的键数量
    long long stat_expiredkeys;     /* Number of expired keys */

    // 因为回收内存而被释放的过期键的数量
    long long stat_evictedkeys;     /* Number of evicted keys (maxmemory) */

    // 成功查找键的次数
    long long stat_keyspace_hits;   /* Number of successful lookups of keys */

    // 查找键失败的次数
    long long stat_keyspace_misses; /* Number of failed lookups of keys */

    // 已使用内存峰值
    size_t stat_peak_memory;        /* Max used memory record */

    // 最后一次执行 fork() 时消耗的时间
    long long stat_fork_time;       /* Time needed to perform latest fork() */

    // 服务器因为客户端数量过多而拒绝客户端连接的次数
    long long stat_rejected_conn;   /* Clients rejected because of maxclients */

    // 执行 full sync 的次数
    long long stat_sync_full;       /* Number of full resyncs with slaves. */

    // PSYNC 成功执行的次数
    long long stat_sync_partial_ok; /* Number of accepted PSYNC requests. */

    // PSYNC 执行失败的次数
    long long stat_sync_partial_err;/* Number of unaccepted PSYNC requests. */

    /* slowlog */

    // 保存了所有慢查询日志的链表
    list *slowlog;                  /* SLOWLOG list of commands */

    // 下一条慢查询日志的 ID
    long long slowlog_entry_id;     /* SLOWLOG current entry ID */

    // 服务器配置 slowlog-log-slower-than 选项的值
    long long slowlog_log_slower_than; /* SLOWLOG time limit (to get logged) */

    // 服务器配置 slowlog-max-len 选项的值
    unsigned long slowlog_max_len;     /* SLOWLOG max number of items logged */
    size_t resident_set_size;       /* RSS sampled in serverCron(). */
    /* The following two are used to track instantaneous "load" in terms
     * of operations per second. */
    // 最后一次进行抽样的时间
    long long ops_sec_last_sample_time; /* Timestamp of last sample (in ms) */
    // 最后一次抽样时,服务器已执行命令的数量
    long long ops_sec_last_sample_ops;  /* numcommands in last sample */
    // 抽样结果
    long long ops_sec_samples[REDIS_OPS_SEC_SAMPLES];
    // 数组索引,用于保存抽样结果,并在需要时回绕到 0
    int ops_sec_idx;

    /* Configuration */

    // 日志可见性
    int verbosity;                  /* Loglevel in redis.conf */

    // 客户端最大空转时间
    int maxidletime;                /* Client timeout in seconds */

    // 是否开启 SO_KEEPALIVE 选项
    int tcpkeepalive;               /* Set SO_KEEPALIVE if non-zero. */
    int active_expire_enabled;      /* Can be disabled for testing purposes. */
    size_t client_max_querybuf_len; /* Limit for client query buffer length */
    int dbnum;                      /* Total number of configured DBs */
    int daemonize;                  /* True if running as a daemon */
    // 客户端
输出缓冲区大小限制 // 数组的元素有 REDIS_CLIENT_LIMIT_NUM_CLASSES 个 // 每个代表一类客户端:普通、从服务器、pubsub,诸如此类 clientBufferLimitsConfig client_obuf_limits[REDIS_CLIENT_LIMIT_NUM_CLASSES]; /* AOF persistence */ // AOF 状态(开启/关闭/可写) int aof_state; /* REDIS_AOF_(ON|OFF|WAIT_REWRITE) */ // 所使用的 fsync 策略(每个写入/每秒/从不) int aof_fsync; /* Kind of fsync() policy */ char *aof_filename; /* Name of the AOF file */ int aof_no_fsync_on_rewrite; /* Don't fsync if a rewrite is in prog. */ int aof_rewrite_perc; /* Rewrite AOF if % growth is > M and... */ off_t aof_rewrite_min_size; /* the AOF file is at least N bytes. */ // 最后一次执行 BGREWRITEAOF 时, AOF 文件的大小 off_t aof_rewrite_base_size; /* AOF size on latest startup or rewrite. */ // AOF 文件的当前字节大小 off_t aof_current_size; /* AOF current size. */ int aof_rewrite_scheduled; /* Rewrite once BGSAVE terminates. */ // 负责进行 AOF 重写的子进程 ID pid_t aof_child_pid; /* PID if rewriting process */ // AOF 重写缓存链表,链接着多个缓存块 list *aof_rewrite_buf_blocks; /* Hold changes during an AOF rewrite. */ // AOF 缓冲区 sds aof_buf; /* AOF buffer, written before entering the event loop */ // AOF 文件的描述符 int aof_fd; /* File descriptor of currently selected AOF file */ // AOF 的当前目标数据库 int aof_selected_db; /* Currently selected DB in AOF */ // 推迟 write 操作的时间 time_t aof_flush_postponed_start; /* UNIX time of postponed AOF flush */ // 最后一直执行 fsync 的时间 time_t aof_last_fsync; /* UNIX time of last fsync() */ time_t aof_rewrite_time_last; /* Time used by last AOF rewrite run. */ // AOF 重写的开始时间 time_t aof_rewrite_time_start; /* Current AOF rewrite start time. */ // 最后一次执行 BGREWRITEAOF 的结果 int aof_lastbgrewrite_status; /* REDIS_OK or REDIS_ERR */ // 记录 AOF 的 write 操作被推迟了多少次 unsigned long aof_delayed_fsync; /* delayed AOF fsync() counter */ // 指示是否需要每写入一定量的数据,就主动执行一次 fsync() int aof_rewrite_incremental_fsync;/* fsync incrementally while rewriting? */ int aof_last_write_status; /* REDIS_OK or REDIS_ERR */ int aof_last_write_errno; /* Valid if aof_last_write_status is ERR */ /* RDB persistence */ // 自从上次 SAVE 执行以来,数据库被修改的次数 long long dirty; /* Changes to DB from the last save */ // BGSAVE 执行前的数据库被修改次数 long long dirty_before_bgsave; /* Used to restore dirty on failed BGSAVE */ // 负责执行 BGSAVE 的子进程的 ID // 没在执行 BGSAVE 时,设为 -1 pid_t rdb_child_pid; /* PID of RDB saving child */ struct saveparam *saveparams; /* Save points array for RDB */ int saveparamslen; /* Number of saving points */ char *rdb_filename; /* Name of RDB file */ int rdb_compression; /* Use compression in RDB? */ int rdb_checksum; /* Use RDB checksum? */ // 最后一次完成 SAVE 的时间 time_t lastsave; /* Unix time of last successful save */ // 最后一次尝试执行 BGSAVE 的时间 time_t lastbgsave_try; /* Unix time of last attempted bgsave */ // 最近一次 BGSAVE 执行耗费的时间 time_t rdb_save_time_last; /* Time used by last RDB save run. */ // 数据库最近一次开始执行 BGSAVE 的时间 time_t rdb_save_time_start; /* Current RDB save start time. */ // 最后一次执行 SAVE 的状态 int lastbgsave_status; /* REDIS_OK or REDIS_ERR */ int stop_writes_on_bgsave_err; /* Don't allow writes if can't BGSAVE */ /* Propagation of commands in AOF / replication */ redisOpArray also_propagate; /* Additional command to propagate. */ /* Logging */ char *logfile; /* Path of log file */ int syslog_enabled; /* Is syslog enabled? */ char *syslog_ident; /* Syslog ident */ int syslog_facility; /* Syslog facility */ /* Replication (master) */ int slaveseldb; /* Last SELECTed DB in replication output */ // 全局复制偏移量(一个累计值) long long master_repl_offset; /* Global replication offset */ // 主服务器发送 PING 的频率 int repl_ping_slave_period; /* Master pings the slave every N seconds */ // backlog 本身 char *repl_backlog; /* Replication backlog for partial syncs */ // backlog 的长度 long long repl_backlog_size; /* Backlog circular buffer size */ // backlog 中数据的长度 long long repl_backlog_histlen; /* Backlog actual data length */ // backlog 的当前索引 long long repl_backlog_idx; /* Backlog circular buffer current offset */ // backlog 中可以被还原的第一个字节的偏移量 long long repl_backlog_off; /* Replication offset of first byte in the backlog buffer. */ // backlog 的过期时间 time_t repl_backlog_time_limit; /* Time without slaves after the backlog gets released. */ // 距离上一次有从服务器的时间 time_t repl_no_slaves_since; /* We have no slaves since that time. Only valid if server.slaves len is 0. */ // 是否开启最小数量从服务器写入功能 int repl_min_slaves_to_write; /* Min number of slaves to write. */ // 定义最小数量从服务器的最大延迟值 int repl_min_slaves_max_lag; /* Max lag of slaves to write. */ // 延迟良好的从服务器的数量 int repl_good_slaves_count; /* Number of slaves with lag <= max_lag. */ /* Replication (slave) */ // 主服务器的验证密码 char *masterauth; /* AUTH with this password with master */ // 主服务器的地址 char *masterhost; /* Hostname of master */ // 主服务器的端口 int masterport; /* Port of master */ // 超时时间 int repl_timeout; /* Timeout after N seconds of master idle */ // 主服务器所对应的客户端 redisClient *master; /* Client that is master for this slave */ // 被缓存的主服务器,PSYNC 时使用 redisClient *cached_master; /* Cached master to be reused for PSYNC. */ int repl_syncio_timeout; /* Timeout for synchronous I/O calls */ // 复制的状态(服务器是从服务器时使用) int repl_state; /* Replication status if the instance is a slave */ // RDB 文件的大小 off_t repl_transfer_size; /* Size of RDB to read from master during sync. */ // 已读 RDB 文件内容的字节数 off_t repl_transfer_read; /* Amount of RDB read from master during sync. */ // 最近一次执行 fsync 时的偏移量 // 用于 sync_file_range 函数 off_t repl_transfer_last_fsync_off; /* Offset when we fsync-ed last time. */ // 主服务器的套接字 int repl_transfer_s; /* Slave -> Master SYNC socket */ // 保存 RDB 文件的临时文件的描述符 int repl_transfer_fd; /* Slave -> Master SYNC temp file descriptor */ // 保存 RDB 文件的临时文件名字 char *repl_transfer_tmpfile; /* Slave-> master SYNC temp file name */ // 最近一次读入 RDB 内容的时间 time_t repl_transfer_lastio; /* Unix time of the latest read, for timeout */ int repl_serve_stale_data; /* Serve stale data when link is down? */ // 是否只读从服务器? int repl_slave_ro; /* Slave is read only? */ // 连接断开的时长 time_t repl_down_since; /* Unix time at which link with master went down */ // 是否要在 SYNC 之后关闭 NODELAY ? int repl_disable_tcp_nodelay; /* Disable TCP_NODELAY after SYNC? */ // 从服务器优先级 int slave_priority; /* Reported in INFO and used by Sentinel. */ // 本服务器(从服务器)当前主服务器的 RUN ID char repl_master_runid[REDIS_RUN_ID_SIZE+1]; /* Master run id for PSYNC. */ // 初始化偏移量 long long repl_master_initial_offset; /* Master PSYNC offset. */ /* Replication script cache. */ // 复制脚本缓存 // 字典 dict *repl_scriptcache_dict; /* SHA1 all slaves are aware of. */ // FIFO 队列 list *repl_scriptcache_fifo; /* First in, first out LRU eviction. */ // 缓存的大小 int repl_scriptcache_size; /* Max number of elements. */ /* Synchronous replication. */ list *clients_waiting_acks; /* Clients waiting in WAIT command. */ int get_ack_from_slaves; /* If true we send REPLCONF GETACK. */ /* Limits */ int maxclients; /* Max number of simultaneous clients */ unsigned long long maxmemory; /* Max number of memory bytes to use */ int maxmemory_policy; /* Policy for key eviction */ int maxmemory_samples; /* Pricision of random sampling */ /* Blocked clients */ unsigned int bpop_blocked_clients; /* Number of clients blocked by lists */ list *unblocked_clients; /* list of clients to unblock before next loop */ list *ready_keys; /* List of readyList structures for BLPOP & co */ /* Sort parameters - qsort_r() is only available under BSD so we * have to take this state global, in order to pass it to sortCompare() */ int sort_desc; int sort_alpha; int sort_bypattern; int sort_store; /* Zip structure config, see redis.conf for more information */ size_t hash_max_ziplist_entries; size_t hash_max_ziplist_value; size_t list_max_ziplist_entries; size_t list_max_ziplist_value; size_t set_max_intset_entries; size_t zset_max_ziplist_entries; size_t zset_max_ziplist_value; size_t hll_sparse_max_bytes; time_t unixtime; /* Unix time sampled every cron cycle. */ long long mstime; /* Like 'unixtime' but with milliseconds resolution. */ /* Pubsub */ // 字典,键为频道,值为链表 // 链表中保存了所有订阅某个频道的客户端 // 新客户端总是被添加到链表的表尾 dict *pubsub_channels; /* Map channels to list of subscribed clients */ // 这个链表记录了客户端订阅的所有模式的名字 list *pubsub_patterns; /* A list of pubsub_patterns */ int notify_keyspace_events; /* Events to propagate via Pub/Sub. This is an xor of REDIS_NOTIFY... flags. */ /* Cluster */ int cluster_enabled; /* Is cluster enabled? */ mstime_t cluster_node_timeout; /* Cluster node timeout. */ char *cluster_configfile; /* Cluster auto-generated config file name. */ struct clusterState *cluster; /* State of the cluster */ int cluster_migration_barrier; /* Cluster replicas migration barrier. */ /* Scripting */ // Lua 环境 lua_State *lua; /* The Lua interpreter. We use just one for all clients */ // 复制执行 Lua 脚本中的 Redis 命令的伪客户端 redisClient *lua_client; /* The "fake client" to query Redis from Lua */ // 当前正在执行 EVAL 命令的客户端,如果没有就是 NULL redisClient *lua_caller; /* The client running EVAL right now, or NULL */ // 一个字典,值为 Lua 脚本,键为脚本的 SHA1 校验和 dict *lua_scripts; /* A dictionary of SHA1 -> Lua scripts */ // Lua 脚本的执行时限 mstime_t lua_time_limit; /* Script timeout in milliseconds */ // 脚本开始执行的时间 mstime_t lua_time_start; /* Start time of script, milliseconds time */ // 脚本是否执行过写命令 int lua_write_dirty; /* True if a write command was called during the execution of the current script. */ // 脚本是否执行过带有随机性质的命令 int lua_random_dirty; /* True if a random command was called during the execution of the current script. */ // 脚本是否超时 int lua_timedout; /* True if we reached the time limit for script execution. */ // 是否要杀死脚本 int lua_kill; /* Kill the script if true. */ /* Assert & bug reporting */ char *assert_failed; char *assert_file; int assert_line; int bug_report_start; /* True if bug report header was already logged. */ int watchdog_period; /* Software watchdog period in ms. 0 = off */ };

初始化服务器的第一步:创建一个struct redisServer 类型的实例变量server作为服务器状态,并为各个属性设置默认值。

extern struct redisServer server;


void initServerConfig() {
    int j;

    // 服务器状态

    // 设置服务器的运行 ID
    // 设置默认配置文件路径
    server.configfile = NULL;
    // 设置默认服务器频率
    server.hz = REDIS_DEFAULT_HZ;
    // 为运行 ID 加上结尾字符
    server.runid[REDIS_RUN_ID_SIZE] = '\0';
    // 设置服务器的运行架构
    server.arch_bits = (sizeof(long) == 8) ? 64 : 32;
    // 设置默认服务器端口号
    server.port = REDIS_SERVERPORT;
    server.tcp_backlog = REDIS_TCP_BACKLOG;
    server.bindaddr_count = 0;
    server.unixsocket = NULL;
    server.unixsocketperm = REDIS_DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET_PERM;
    server.ipfd_count = 0;
    server.sofd = -1;
    server.dbnum = REDIS_DEFAULT_DBNUM;
    server.verbosity = REDIS_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY;
    server.maxidletime = REDIS_MAXIDLETIME;
    server.tcpkeepalive = REDIS_DEFAULT_TCP_KEEPALIVE;
    server.active_expire_enabled = 1;
    server.client_max_querybuf_len = REDIS_MAX_QUERYBUF_LEN;
    server.saveparams = NULL;
    server.loading = 0;
    server.logfile = zstrdup(REDIS_DEFAULT_LOGFILE);
    server.syslog_enabled = REDIS_DEFAULT_SYSLOG_ENABLED;
    server.syslog_ident = zstrdup(REDIS_DEFAULT_SYSLOG_IDENT);
    server.syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL0;
    server.daemonize = REDIS_DEFAULT_DAEMONIZE;
    server.aof_state = REDIS_AOF_OFF;
    server.aof_fsync = REDIS_DEFAULT_AOF_FSYNC;
    server.aof_no_fsync_on_rewrite = REDIS_DEFAULT_AOF_NO_FSYNC_ON_REWRITE;
    server.aof_rewrite_perc = REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_PERC;
    server.aof_rewrite_min_size = REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_MIN_SIZE;
    server.aof_rewrite_base_size = 0;
    server.aof_rewrite_scheduled = 0;
    server.aof_last_fsync = time(NULL);
    server.aof_rewrite_time_last = -1;
    server.aof_rewrite_time_start = -1;
    server.aof_lastbgrewrite_status = REDIS_OK;
    server.aof_delayed_fsync = 0;
    server.aof_fd = -1;
    server.aof_selected_db = -1; /* Make sure the first time will not match */
    server.aof_flush_postponed_start = 0;
    server.aof_rewrite_incremental_fsync = REDIS_DEFAULT_AOF_REWRITE_INCREMENTAL_FSYNC;
    server.pidfile = zstrdup(REDIS_DEFAULT_PID_FILE);
    server.rdb_filename = zstrdup(REDIS_DEFAULT_RDB_FILENAME);
    server.aof_filename = zstrdup(REDIS_DEFAULT_AOF_FILENAME);
    server.requirepass = NULL;
    server.rdb_compression = REDIS_DEFAULT_RDB_COMPRESSION;
    server.rdb_checksum = REDIS_DEFAULT_RDB_CHECKSUM;
    server.stop_writes_on_bgsave_err = REDIS_DEFAULT_STOP_WRITES_ON_BGSAVE_ERROR