当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql > MYSQL数据库状态检查脚本(Python版)_MySQL


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bitsCN.com #原shell版View Code
  1 #!/bin/bash   2   3 # Script Name: mysql_status_check.sh   4 # Description: check mysql servers status   5 # Author: Xinggang Wang - OpsEye.com   6 # Create Date: 2012/3/30   7   8 #获取MySQL所在服务器IP/端口/用户名/密码   9 read -p "Host=" HOST  10 read -p "Port=" PORT  11 read -p "User=" USER  12 read -sp "Password=" PASSWORD  13 echo  14  15 #默认为127.0.0.1/3306/root  16 if [ "${HOST}" = "" ]  17 then  18 HOST=''  19 fi  20  21 if [ "${PORT}" = "" ]  22 then  23 PORT='3306'  24 fi  25  26 if [ "${USER}" = "" ]  27 then  28 USER='root'  29 fi  30  31 #注意密码为空的时候的格式  32 mysql_list="  33 $HOST:$PORT:$USER:$PASSWORD  34 "  35 #计算函数,提高脚本效率  36 compute(){  37 formula="$1"  38 awk 'BEGIN{printf("%.2f",'$formula')}' 2>/dev/null &&  39 echo $value || echo NULL  40 }  41  42 for mysql in $mysql_list  43 {  44 host=${mysql%%:*}  45 port=$(echo $mysql|awk -F: '{print $2}')  46 user=$(echo $mysql|awk -F: '{print $3}')  47 passwd=${mysql##*:}  48  49 [ -z "$passwd" ] && mysql="mysql -h$host -P$port -u$user" ||  50 mysql="mysql -h$host -P$port -u$user -p$passwd"  51  52 unset Uptime  53 # 把show global status的值赋给相应的参数名称(这里相当于大量的变量赋值操作)  54 eval $( $mysql -e "show global status" | awk '{print $1"=/x27"$2"/047"}')  55 [ X = X"$Uptime" ] && continue  56  57 # Mysql VER  58 VER=`$mysql -e"status;"|grep 'Server version'|awk '{print $3}'`  59  60 # Uptime  61 UPTIME=`compute "$Uptime/3600/24"`  62  63 # Threads_connected  64 threads_connected=`compute "$Threads_connected"`  65  66 # QPS Questions/Uptime  67 qps=`compute "$Questions/$Uptime"`  68  69 # TPS (Com_commit + Com_rollback)/Uptime  70 tps=`compute "($Com_commit+$Com_rollback)/$Uptime"`  71  72 # Reads Com_select + Qcache_hits  73 reads=`compute "$Com_select+$Qcache_hits"`  74  75 # Writes Com_insert + Com_update + Com_delete + Com_replace  76 writes=`compute "$Com_insert+$Com_update+$Com_delete+$Com_replace"`  77  78 # Read/Writes Ratio reads/writes*100%  79 rwratio=`compute "$reads/$writes*100"`%  80  81 # MyISAM Key_buffer_read_hits (1 - Key_reads/Key_read_requests) * 100  82 key_buffer_read_hits=`compute "(1-$Key_reads/$Key_read_requests)*100"`%  83  84 # MyISAM Key_buffer_write_hits (1 - Key_writes/Key_write_requests) * 100  85 key_buffer_write_hits=`compute "(1-$Key_writes/$Key_write_requests)*100"`%  86  87 # Query_cache_hits (Qcache_hits / (Qcache_hits + Qcache_inserts)) * 100%  88 query_cache_hits=`compute "$Qcache_hits/($Qcache_hits+$Qcache_inserts)*100"`%  89  90 # Innodb_buffer_read_hits (1 - Innodb_buffer_pool_reads/Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests) * 100  91 innodb_buffer_read_hits=`compute "(1-$Innodb_buffer_pool_reads/$Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests)*100"`%  92  93 # Thread_cache_hits (1 - Threads_created / Connections) * 100%  94 thread_cache_hits=`compute "(1-$Threads_created/$Connections)*100"`%  95  96 # Slow_queries_per_second Slow_queries / Uptime * 60  97 slow_queries_per_second=`compute "$Slow_queries/$Uptime"`  98  99 # Select_full_join_per_second Select_full_join / Uptime * 60 100 select_full_join_per_second=`compute "$Select_full_join/$Uptime*60"` 101 102 # select_full_join_in_all_select (Select_full_join / Com_select) * 100 103 select_full_join_in_all_select=`compute "($Select_full_join/$Com_select)*100"`% 104 105 # MyISAM Lock Contention (Table_locks_waited / Table_locks_immediate) * 100 106 myisam_lock_contention=`compute "($Table_locks_waited/$Table_locks_immediate)*100"`% 107 108 # Temp_tables_to_disk (Created_tmp_disk_tables / Created_tmp_tables) * 100 109 temp_tables_to_disk_ratio=`compute "($Created_tmp_disk_tables/$Created_tmp_tables)*100"`% 110 111 # print formated MySQL status report 112 title="******************** MySQL--${HOST}--${PORT} ***********************" 113 width=$((`echo "$title"|wc -c`-1)) 114 115 echo "$title" 116 117 export IFS=':' 118 while read name value ;do 119 printf "%36s :/t%10s/n" $name $value 120 done <99%):$key_buffer_read_hits 130 MyISAM Key buffer write hits:$key_buffer_write_hits 131 Query cache hits:$query_cache_hits 132 InnoDB buffer read hits(>95%):$innodb_buffer_read_hits 133 Thread cache hits(>90%):$thread_cache_hits 134 Slow queries per second:$slow_queries_per_second 135 Select full join per second:$select_full_join_per_second 136 Select full join in all select:$select_full_join_in_all_select 137 MyiSAM lock contention(<1%):$myisam_lock_contention 138 Temp tables to disk ratio:$temp_tables_to_disk_ratio 139 EOF 140 141 unset IFS 142 143 for i in `seq $width`;{ echo -n "*";};echo 144 } 145 146 exit 0
#Python版View Code
  1 #!/usr/bin/env python  2   3 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-  4   5 # Script Name: mysql_status_check.py  6   7 # Description: check mysql servers status  8   9 # Author: Bruce.Zuo  10  11 # Create Date: 2012/06/05 12  13 import os,sys 14  15 import MySQLdb 16  17 import getpass 18  19  20  21 host=raw_input("host:") 22  23 user=raw_input("user:") 24  25 password=getpass.getpass() 26  27  28  29 try: 30  31    conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = host, user=user ,passwd = password, db = 'test') 32  33 except MySQLdb.ERROR,e: 34  35    print "Error %d:%s"%(e.args[0],e.args[1]) 36  37    exit(1) 38  39 cursor=conn.cursor() 40  41  42  43 cursor.execute('show global status;') 44  45 result_set=cursor.fetchall() 46  47 cursor.close() 48  49 conn.close() 50  51  52  53 def get_value(key_name): 54  55         for rows in result_set: 56  57                 if rows[0]==key_name: 58  59                         return float(rows[1]) 60  61  62  63 print ('MySQL-'+host+'-3306').center(60,'*') 64  65 print 'Uptime:'.rjust(40),get_value('Uptime') 66  67 print 'Threads_connected:'.rjust(40),get_value('Threads_connected') 68  69 print 'QPS:'.rjust(40),round(get_value('Questions') / get_value('Uptime'),2) 70  71 print 'TPS:'.rjust(40),round(get_value('Com_commit')+get_value('Com_rollback') / get_value('Uptime'),2) 72  73 reads=get_value('Com_select')+ get_value('Qcache_hits') 74  75 writes=get_value('Com_insert')+get_value('Com_update')+get_value('Com_delete')+get_value('Com_replace') 76  77 print 'Reads:'.rjust(40),get_value('Com_select')+ get_value('Qcache_hits') 78  79 print 'Writes:'.rjust(40),get_value('Com_insert')+get_value('Com_update')+get_value('Com_delete')+get_value('Com_replace') 80  81 print 'Read/Writes Ratio:'.rjust(40),round(reads / writes,2),'%' 82  83 print 'MyISAM Key buffer read hits(>99%):'.rjust(40),round(1-get_value('Key_reads') / (get_value('Key_read_requests')*100),2),'%' 84  85 print 'MyISAM Key buffer write hits:'.rjust(40),round(1-get_value('Key_writes') / (get_value('Key_write_requests')*100),2),'%' 86  87 print 'Query cache hits:'.rjust(40),round(get_value('Qcache_hits') / (get_value('Qcache_hits')+get_value('Qcache_inserts'))*100,2),'%' 88  89 print 'InnoDB buffer read hits(>95%):'.rjust(40),round(1-get_value('Innodb_buffer_pool_reads') / (get_value('Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests')*100),2),'%' 90  91 print 'Thread cache hits(>90%):'.rjust(40),round(1-get_value('Threads_created') / (get_value('Connections')*100),2),'%' 92  93 print 'Slow queries per second:'.rjust(40),round(get_value('Slow_queries') / get_value('Uptime'),2) 94  95 print 'Select full join per second:'.rjust(40),round(get_value('Select_full_join') / get_value('Uptime'),2) 96  97 print 'Select full join in all select:'.rjust(40),round(get_value('Select_full_join') / (get_value('Com_select')*100),2),'%' 98  99 print 'MyiSAM lock contention(<1%):'.rjust(40),round(get_value('Table_locks_waited') / (get_value('Table_locks_immediate')*100),2),'%'100 101 print 'Temp tables to disk ratio:'.rjust(40),round(get_value('Created_tmp_disk_tables') / (get_value('Created_tmp_tables')*100),2),'%'102 103 print '*'*60



