当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql > MigratingdjangoappfromMySQLtoPostgres_MySQL


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:28人阅读


By :manjunath

In this tutorial, we will take a django app backed by MySQL and will convert MySQL database to postgres database. This is useful if we are deploying our app toHerokubecauseHerokuuses standardPostgres


  • We assume that you have a running django app with MySQL as a database.
  • Also, your app is running on virtualenv.

Converting MySQL to Postgres:

Let's assume that you have a django app running with MySQL and you want to convert this to Postgres.

1) Install dependenicies:

$ pip install psycopg2$ pip install py-mysql2pgsql

2) Create Postgres database:

postgres@agiliq-Inspiron-N5010:~$ psqlpsql (9.1.11)Type "help" for help.postgres=# create database my_database;CREATE DATABASEpostgres=#

3) Run:

$ py-mysql2pgsql

At initial run this command creates a file namedmysql2pgsql.ymlhaving the below info:

mysql:hostname: localhostport: 3306socket: /tmp/mysql.sockusername: foopassword: bardatabase: your_database_namecompress: falsedestination:postgres:hostname: localhostport: 5432username: foopassword: bardatabase: your_database_name

Update the above configuration file with appropriate database credentials for both 'MySQL' andPostgres.

4) Run:

$ py-mysql2pgsql -v -f mysql2pgsql.yml

The above command will transfer the data fromMySQLdatabase toPostgres.


  • The above command may raise someIntegrityerrors, but no worries it can be fixed. :)
  • You can also include or exclude some tables check thisHere

5) Be sure to update your databasesettings.pyfile:

DATABASES = {"default": {	"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2",	"NAME": "your_database_name",	"USER": "your_username",	"PASSWORD": "your_password",	"HOST": "localhost",	"PORT": "5432",}}

6) Verify the correctness by adding some data to your existing database(Postgres).

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