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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:7人阅读




type = ALL,全表扫描,MYSQL扫描全表来找到匹配的行


mysql> explain extended select * from film where rating > 9\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: film

type: ALL

possible_keys: NULL

key: NULL

key_len: NULL

ref: NULL

rows: 1024

filtered: 100.00

Extra: Using where

1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

type = index,索引全扫描,MYSQL遍历整个索引来查找匹配的行。(虽然where条件中没有用到索引,但是要取出的列title是索引包含的列,所以只要全表扫描索引即可,直接使用索引树查找数据)

mysql> explain select title from film\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: film

type: index

possible_keys: NULL

key: idx_title

key_len: 767

ref: NULL

rows: 1024

Extra: Using index

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

type = range ,索引范围扫描,常见于<、<=、>、>=、between等操作符(因为customer_id是索引,所以只要查找索引的某个范围即可,通过索引找到具体的数据)

mysql> explain select * from payment where customer_id > 300 and customer_id < 350\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: payment

type: range

possible_keys: idx_fk_customer_id

key: idx_fk_customer_id

key_len: 2

ref: NULL

rows: 1294

Extra: Using where

1 row in set (0.01 sec)

type = ref ,使用非唯一性索引或者唯一索引的前缀扫描,返回匹配某个单独值的记录行。


mysql> explain select * from payment where customer_id = 350\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: payment

type: ref

possible_keys: idx_fk_customer_id

key: idx_fk_customer_id

key_len: 2

ref: const

rows: 23


1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> explain select b.*, a.* from payment a ,customer b where a.customer_id = b.customer_id\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: b

type: ALL

possible_keys: PRIMARY

key: NULL

key_len: NULL

ref: NULL

rows: 541


*************************** 2. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: a

type: ref

possible_keys: idx_fk_customer_id

key: idx_fk_customer_id

key_len: 2

ref: sakila.b.customer_id

rows: 14


2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

type = eq_ref,相对于ref来说就是使用的是唯一索引,对于每个索引键值,只有唯一的一条匹配记录(在联表查询中使用primary key或者unique key作为关联条件)


mysql> explain select * from film a ,film_text b where a.film_id = b.film_id\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: b

type: ALL

possible_keys: PRIMARY

key: NULL

key_len: NULL

ref: NULL

rows: 1000


*************************** 2. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: a

type: eq_ref

possible_keys: PRIMARY


key_len: 2

ref: sakila.b.film_id

rows: 1

Extra: Using where

2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

type = const/system,单表中最多只有一条匹配行,查询起来非常迅速,所以这个匹配行中的其他列中的值可以被优化器在当前查询中当做常量来处理。例如根据主键或者唯一索引进行的查询。

mysql> explain select * from film where film_id = 1\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: film

type: const

possible_keys: PRIMARY


key_len: 2

ref: const

rows: 1


1 row in set (0.02 sec)


type = NULL,MYSQL不用访问表或者索引就直接能到结果。

mysql> explain select 1 from dual where 1\G (dual是一个虚拟的表,可以直接忽略)

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: NULL

type: NULL

possible_keys: NULL

key: NULL

key_len: NULL

ref: NULL

rows: NULL

Extra: No tables used

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select 1+1 from dual;


| 1+1 |


| 2 |


1 row in set (0.05 sec)

explain extended

mysql> explain extended select sum(amount) from customer a ,payment b where 1 = 1 and a.customer_id = b.customer_id and email = 'JANE.BENNETT@sakilacustomer.org'\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: a

type: ALL

possible_keys: PRIMARY

key: NULL

key_len: NULL

ref: NULL

rows: 541

filtered: 100.00

Extra: Using where

*************************** 2. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: SIMPLE

table: b

type: ref

possible_keys: idx_fk_customer_id

key: idx_fk_customer_id

key_len: 2

ref: sakila.a.customer_id

rows: 14

filtered: 100.00


2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

mysql> show warnings\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

Level: Note

Code: 1003

Message: select sum(`sakila`.`b`.`amount`) AS `sum(amount)` from `sakila`.`customer` `a` join `sakila`.`payment` `b` where ((`sakila`.`b`.`customer_id` = `sakila`.`a`.`customer_id`) and (`sakila`.`a`.`email` = 'JANE.BENNETT@sakilacustomer.org'))

1 row in set (0.00 sec)
