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mysql >
时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17
Next step is to enable MySQL's JDBC driver for
OSGi , then deploy it to SMP 3.0 server, create OData Modeling & deploy to SMP server.
Enabling MySQL's JDBC driver for OSGi
- Since MySQL JDBC driver is not archived as OSGi bundle, so it can not be read and understood by SMP3 (as SMP3 is based on OSGi), hence to make it work we need to create an OSGi enabled bundle which includes MySQL JDBC driver.
- Download MySQL's JDBC driver from here .
- Open Eclipse>New>Other>Plug-in Development>Plug-in from Existing JAR Archives
- Click on ' Add External ' and browse to jar file
5. Provide some project name
- Make sure you select Target Platform as Equinox
- Uncheck unzip the JAR archives into the project
6. Once done, Right click project> Export>Plug-in Development>Deployable plug-ins and fragments
- Define some location to store OSGi enabled jar file
- Click on 'Finish'
Configure SMP 3.0 server for Integration Gateway JDBC connection
- As already mentioned above, SMP3 is based on OSGi so it is very much possible to deploy any JDBC driver as OSGi enabled jar package on SMP runtime.
7. Copy the OSGi enabled jar file (in my case, it is at Desktop) , paste it into C:/SAP/MobilePlatform3/server/pickup
- To verify if jar file has been deployed successfully, open . state folder and see the ' OK ' message
OData modeling
8. Make sure you have added GWPA plugin in the eclipse. For more information, checkthisdocument.
9. Create an OData project. File>New>Service Implementation Project
10. Check 'Create OData file manually ' option
11. Create a model file. Right Click Model>New>Other>OData model
- Give some name for Model i.e. empModel
- Make sure you have selected 'Blank OData Model ' from Initial Model content option
- Click on 'Finish'.
12. Create an Entity model same like your table structure in backend system.
13. Right click model>empModel.odata>Implement service
14. Right click empModel.odatasrv>Select Data source as JDBC
15. Right click project>Generate and Deploy Integration content
- You may prefer any other name for Service Namespace. By default it is ' sap '.
Make sure you get a success message.
NextPart 3