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 * this file was compiled by jsbuild 0.9.6
 * @date Fri, 20 Jul 2012 16:21:18 UTC
 * @author dron
 * @site http://ucren.com

void function(global){
	var mapping = {}, cache = {};
	global.startModule = function(m){
	global.define = function(id, func){
		mapping[id] = func;
	global.require = function(id){
			id += '.js';
			return cache[id];
			return cache[id] = mapping[id]({});

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\collide.js
define("scripts/collide.js", function(exports){
	var fruit = require("scripts/factory/fruit");
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");

	var fruits = fruit.getFruitInView();

	 * 碰撞检测

	exports.check = function( knife ){
		var ret = [], index = 0;

		fruits.forEach(function( fruit ){
		    var ck = lineInEllipse(
		    	knife.slice( 0, 2 ), 
		    	knife.slice( 2, 4 ), 
		    	[ fruit.originX, fruit.originY ],
		    if( ck )
		        ret[ index ++ ] = fruit;
		return ret;

	function sqr(x){
		return x * x;

	function sign(n){
		return n < 0 ? -1 : ( n > 0 ? 1 : 0 );

	function equation12( a, b, c ){
		if(a == 0)return;

		var delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
		if(delta == 0)
			return [ -1 * b / (2 * a), -1 * b / (2 * a) ];
		else if(delta > 0)
			return [ (-1 * b + Math.sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a),  (-1 * b - Math.sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a) ];

	// 返回线段和椭圆的两个交点,如果不相交,返回 null
	function lineXEllipse( p1, p2, c, r, e ){
		// 线段:p1, p2    圆心:c    半径:r    离心率:e
		if (r <= 0) return;
		e = e === undefined ? 1 : e;
		var t1 = r, t2 = r * e, k;

		a = sqr( t2) * sqr(p1[0] - p2[0]) + sqr(t1) * sqr(p1[1] - p2[1]);

		if (a <= 0) return;

		b = 2 * sqr(t2) * (p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p1[0] - c[0]) + 2 * sqr(t1) * (p2[1] - p1[1]) * (p1[1] - c[1]);
		c = sqr(t2) * sqr(p1[0] - c[0]) + sqr(t1) * sqr(p1[1] - c[1]) - sqr(t1) * sqr(t2);

		if (!( k = equation12(a, b, c, t1, t2) )) return;

		var result = [
			[ p1[0] + k[0] * (p2[0] - p1[0]), p1[1] + k[0] * (p2[1] - p1[1]) ],
			[ p1[0] + k[1] * (p2[0] - p1[0]), p1[1] + k[1] * (p2[1] - p1[1]) ]

		if ( !( ( sign( result[0][0] - p1[0] ) * sign( result[0][0] - p2[0] ) <= 0 ) &&
			( sign( result[0][1] - p1[1] ) * sign( result[0][1] - p2[1] ) <= 0 ) ) )
			result[0] = null;

		if ( !( ( sign( result[1][0] - p1[0] ) * sign( result[1][0] - p2[0] ) <= 0 ) &&
			( sign( result[1][1] - p1[1] ) * sign( result[1][1] - p2[1] ) <= 0 ) ) )
			result[1] = null;

		return result;

	// 判断计算线段和椭圆是否相交
	function lineInEllipse( p1, p2, c, r, e ){
		var t = lineXEllipse( p1, p2, c, r, e );
		return t && ( t[0] || t[1] );

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\control.js
define("scripts/control.js", function(exports){
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var knife = require("scripts/object/knife");
	var message = require("scripts/message");
	var state = require("scripts/state");

	var canvasLeft, canvasTop;

	canvasLeft = canvasTop = 0;

	exports.init = function(){

	exports.installDragger = function(){
	    var dragger = new Ucren.BasicDrag({ type: "calc" });

	    dragger.on( "returnValue", function( dx, dy, x, y, kf ){
	    	if( kf = knife.through( x - canvasLeft, y - canvasTop ) )
	            message.postMessage( kf, "slice" );

	    dragger.on( "startDrag", function(){

	    dragger.bind( document.documentElement );

	exports.installClicker = function(){
	    Ucren.addEvent( document, "click", function(){
	        if( state( "click-enable" ).ison() )
	        	message.postMessage( "click" );

	exports.fixCanvasPos = function(){
		var de = document.documentElement;

		var fix = function( e ){
		    canvasLeft = ( de.clientWidth - 640 ) / 2;
		    canvasTop = ( de.clientHeight - 480 ) / 2 - 40;


		Ucren.addEvent( window, "resize", fix );

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\game.js
define("scripts/game.js", function(exports){
	 * game logic
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline");
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var sound = require("scripts/lib/sound");
	var fruit = require("scripts/factory/fruit");
	var score = require("scripts/object/score");
	var message = require("scripts/message");
	var state = require("scripts/state");
	var lose = require("scripts/object/lose");
	var gameOver = require("scripts/object/game-over");
	var knife = require("scripts/object/knife");
	// var sence = require("scripts/sence");
	var background = require("scripts/object/background");
	var light = require("scripts/object/light");

	var scoreNumber = 0;

	var random = Ucren.randomNumber;

	var volleyNum = 2, volleyMultipleNumber = 5;
	var fruits = [];
	var gameInterval;

	var snd;
	var boomSnd;

	// fruit barbette
	var barbette = function(){
	    if( fruits.length >= volleyNum )
	        return ;

	    var startX = random( 640 ), endX = random( 640 ), startY = 600;
	    var f = fruit.create( startX, startY ).shotOut( 0, endX );

	    fruits.push( f );


	// start game
	exports.start = function(){
	    snd = sound.create( "sound/throw" );
	    boomSnd = sound.create( "sound/boom" );
	        state( "game-state" ).set( "playing" );
	        gameInterval = timeline.setInterval( barbette, 1e3 );
	    }, 500);

	exports.gameOver = function(){
	    state( "game-state" ).set( "over" );


	    // timeline.setTimeout(function(){
	    //     // sence.switchSence( "home-menu" );
	    //     // TODO: require 出现互相引用时,造成死循环,这个问题需要跟进,这里暂时用 postMessage 代替
	    //     message.postMessage( "home-menu", "sence.switchSence" );
	    // }, 2000);

	    scoreNumber = 0;
	    volleyNum = 2;
	    fruits.length = 0;

	exports.applyScore = function( score ){
	    if( score > volleyNum * volleyMultipleNumber )
	        volleyNum ++,
	        volleyMultipleNumber += 50;

	exports.sliceAt = function( fruit, angle ){
	    var index;

	    if( state( "game-state" ).isnot( "playing" ) )

	    if( fruit.type != "boom" ){
	        fruit.broken( angle );
	        if( index = fruits.indexOf( fruit ) )
	            fruits.splice( index, 1 );
	        score.number( ++ scoreNumber );
	        this.applyScore( scoreNumber );
	        light.start( fruit );

	exports.pauseAllFruit = function(){
	    fruits.invoke( "pause" );

	// message.addEventListener("fruit.fallOff", function( fruit ){
	// 	var index;
	// 	if( ( index = fruits.indexOf( fruit ) ) > -1 )
	// 	    fruits.splice( index, 1 );
	// });

	message.addEventListener("fruit.remove", function( fruit ){
	    var index;
	    if( ( index = fruits.indexOf( fruit ) ) > -1 )
	        fruits.splice( index, 1 );

	var eventFruitFallOutOfViewer = function( fruit ){
	    if( fruit.type != "boom" )
	        lose.showLoseAt( fruit.originX );

	state( "game-state" ).hook( function( value ){
	    if( value == "playing" )
	        message.addEventListener( "fruit.fallOutOfViewer", eventFruitFallOutOfViewer );
	        message.removeEventListener( "fruit.fallOutOfViewer", eventFruitFallOutOfViewer );
	} );

	message.addEventListener("game.over", function(){

	message.addEventListener("overWhiteLight.show", function(){
	    for(var i = fruits.length - 1; i >= 0; i --)

	message.addEventListener("click", function(){
	    state( "click-enable" ).off();
	    message.postMessage( "home-menu", "sence.switchSence" );

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\layer.js
define("scripts/layer.js", function(exports){
	 * layer manager

	var Raphael = require("scripts/lib/raphael");
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");

	var layers = {};
	var zindexs = {
		"default": zi(),
		"light": zi(),
		"knife": zi(),
		"fruit": zi(),
		"juice": zi(),
		"flash": zi(),
		"mask": zi()

	exports.createImage = function( layer, src, x, y, w, h ){
		layer = this.getLayer( layer );
	    return layer.image( src, x, y, w, h );

	exports.createText = function( layer, text, x, y, fill, size ){
		layer = this.getLayer( layer );

		if( Ucren.isIe )
			y += 2;

		return layer.text(x, y, text).attr({
			fill: fill || "#fff",
			"font-size": size || "14px",
			"font-family": "黑体",
			"text-anchor": "start"

	exports.getLayer = function( name ){
		var p, layer;
		name = name || "default";

		if( p = layers[name] ){
		    return p;
			layer = Ucren.makeElement( "p", { "class": "layer", "style": "z-index: " + ( zindexs[name] || 0 ) + ";" } );
			Ucren.Element( "extra" ).add( layer );
			p = layers[name] = Raphael( layer, 640, 480 );
			// if( Ucren.isSafari )
			//     p.safari();
			return p;

	function zi(){
	    return zi.num = ++ zi.num || 2;

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\main.js
define("scripts/main.js", function(exports){
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline");
	var tools = require("scripts/tools");
	var sence = require("scripts/sence");
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var buzz = require("scripts/lib/buzz");
	var control = require("scripts/control");
	var csl = require("scripts/object/console");
	var message = require("scripts/message");
	var state = require("scripts/state");

	var game = require("scripts/game");

	var collide = require("scripts/collide");

	var setTimeout = timeline.setTimeout.bind( timeline );

	var log = function(){
	    var time = 1e3, add = 300, fn;
	    fn = function( text ){
	        setTimeout( function(){ csl.log( text ); }, time );
	        time += add;
	    fn.clear = function(){
	        setTimeout( csl.clear.bind( csl ), time );
	        time += add;
	    return fn;

	exports.start = function(){

	    [ timeline, sence, control ].invoke( "init" );

	    log( "正在加载鼠标控制脚本" );
	    log( "正在加载图像资源" );
		log( "正在加载游戏脚本" );
	    log( "正在加载剧情" );
	    log( "正在初始化" );
		log( "正在启动游戏..." );

	    setTimeout( sence.switchSence.saturate( sence, "home-menu" ), 3000 );

	message.addEventListener("slice", function( knife ){
	    var fruits = collide.check( knife ), angle;
	    if( fruits.length )
	        angle = tools.getAngleByRadian( tools.pointToRadian( knife.slice(0, 2), knife.slice(2, 4) ) ),
	        fruits.forEach(function( fruit ){
	           message.postMessage( fruit, angle, "slice.at" );

	message.addEventListener("slice.at", function( fruit, angle ){

	    if( state( "sence-state" ).isnot( "ready" ) )
	        return ;

	    if( state( "sence-name" ).is( "game-body" ) ){
	        game.sliceAt( fruit, angle );
	        return ;

	    if( state( "sence-name" ).is( "home-menu" ) ){
	        fruit.broken( angle );
	        if( fruit.isHomeMenu )
	            switch( 1 ){
	                case fruit.isDojoIcon:
	                    sence.switchSence( "dojo-body" ); break;
	                case fruit.isNewGameIcon:
	                    sence.switchSence( "game-body" ); break;
	                case fruit.isQuitIcon:
	                    sence.switchSence( "quit-body" ); break;
	        return ;

	var tip = "";

	if( !Ucren.isChrome )
	    tip = "$为了获得最佳流畅度,推荐您使用 <span class='b'>Google Chrome</span> 体验本游戏";

	if( !buzz.isSupported() )
	    tip = tip.replace( "$", "您的浏览器不支持 &lt;audio&gt 播放声效,且" );

	tip = tip.replace( "$", "" );

	Ucren.Element( "browser" ).html( tip );;

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\message.js
define("scripts/message.js", function(exports){
	 * a simple message manager
	 * @author dron
	 * @date 2012-06-27

	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");

	 * send a message
	 * @param  {Any} message,message...		message contents
	 * @param  {String} to 					message address
	exports.postMessage = function( message/*, message, message... */, to ){
		var messages = [].slice.call( arguments, 0 ),
			splitIndex = messages.length - 1;

		to = messages[ splitIndex ];
		messages.slice( 0, splitIndex );

		Ucren.dispatch( to, messages );

	 * bind an message handler
	 * @param {String}   from 	message address
	 * @param {Function} fn 	message handler
	exports.addEventListener = function( from, fn ){
		Ucren.dispatch( from, fn );

	 * remove an message handler
	 * @param {String}   from 	message address
	 * @param {Function} fn 	message handler
	exports.removeEventListener = function( from, fn ){
		Ucren.dispatch.remove( from, fn );

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\sence.js
define("scripts/sence.js", function(exports){
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var sound = require("scripts/lib/sound");
	var fruit = require("scripts/factory/fruit");
	var flash = require("scripts/object/flash");

	var state = require("scripts/state");
	var message = require("scripts/message");

	// the fixed elements
	var background = require("scripts/object/background");
	var fps = require("scripts/object/fps");

	// the home page elements
	var homeMask = require("scripts/object/home-mask");
	var logo = require("scripts/object/logo");
	var ninja = require("scripts/object/ninja")
	var homeDesc = require("scripts/object/home-desc");

	var dojo = require("scripts/object/dojo");
	var newGame = require("scripts/object/new-game");
	var quit = require("scripts/object/quit");
	var newSign = require("scripts/object/new");
	var peach, sandia, boom;

	// the elements in game body
	var score = require("scripts/object/score");
	var lose = require("scripts/object/lose");

	// the game logic
	var game = require("scripts/game");

	// the elements in 'developing' module
	var developing = require("scripts/object/developing");
	var gameOver = require("scripts/object/game-over");

	// commons
	var message = require("scripts/message");
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline");
	var setTimeout = timeline.setTimeout.bind( timeline );
	var setInterval = timeline.setInterval.bind( timeline );

	var menuSnd;
	var gameStartSnd;

	// initialize sence
	exports.init = function(){
	    menuSnd = sound.create( "sound/menu" );
	    gameStartSnd = sound.create( "sound/start" );
		[ background, homeMask, logo, ninja, homeDesc, dojo, newSign, newGame, quit, score, lose, developing, gameOver, flash /*, fps */ ].invoke( "set" );
	    // setInterval( fps.update.bind( fps ), 500 );

	// switch sence
	exports.switchSence = function( name ){
	    var curSence = state( "sence-name" );
	    var senceState = state( "sence-state" );

	    if( curSence.is( name ) )
	        return ;

	    var onHide = function(){
	        curSence.set( name );
	        senceState.set( "entering" );
	        switch( name ){
	            case "home-menu": this.showMenu( onShow ); break;
	            case "dojo-body": this.showDojo( onShow ); break;
	            case "game-body": this.showNewGame( onShow ); break;
	            case "quit-body": this.showQuit( onShow ); break;
	    }.bind( this );

	    var onShow = function(){
	        senceState.set( "ready" );

	        if( name == "dojo-body" || name == "quit-body" ){
	            exports.switchSence( "home-menu" );

	    senceState.set( "exiting" );

	    if( curSence.isunset() ) onHide();
	    else if( curSence.is( "home-menu" ) ) this.hideMenu( onHide );
	    else if( curSence.is( "dojo-body" ) ) this.hideDojo( onHide );
	    else if( curSence.is( "game-body" ) ) this.hideNewGame( onHide );
	    else if( curSence.is( "quit-body" ) ) this.hideQuit( onHide );

	// to enter home page menu
	exports.showMenu = function( callback ){
	    var callee = arguments.callee;
	    var times = callee.times = ++ callee.times || 1;

	    peach = fruit.create( "peach", 137, 333, true );
	    sandia = fruit.create( "sandia", 330, 322, true );
	    boom = fruit.create( "boom", 552, 367, true, 2500 );

	    [ peach, sandia, boom ].forEach(function( f ){ f.isHomeMenu = 1; });
	    peach.isDojoIcon = sandia.isNewGameIcon = boom.isQuitIcon = 1;

	    var group = [
	    	[ homeMask, 0 ], 
	    	[ logo, 0 ], 

	    	[ ninja, 500 ], 
	    	[ homeDesc, 1500 ], 

	    	[ dojo, 2000 ], 
	    	[ newGame, 2000 ], 
	    	[ quit, 2000 ],

	        [ newSign, 2000 ],

	        [ peach, 2000 ],
	        [ sandia, 2000 ],
	        [ boom, 2000 ]

	    group.invoke( "show" );
	    [ peach, sandia ].invoke( "rotate", 2500 );

	    setTimeout( callback, 2500 );

	// to exit home page menu
	exports.hideMenu = function( callback ){
	    [ newSign, dojo, newGame, quit ].invoke( "hide" );
	    [ homeMask, logo, ninja, homeDesc ].invoke( "hide" );
	    [ peach, sandia, boom ].invoke( "fallOff", 150 );

	    setTimeout( callback, fruit.getDropTimeSetting() );

	// to enter game body
	exports.showNewGame = function( callback ){

	    setTimeout( callback, 1000 );

	// to exit game body
	exports.hideNewGame = function( callback ){

	    setTimeout( callback, 1000 );

	// to enter dojo mode
	exports.showDojo = function( callback ){
	    developing.show( 250 );
	    setTimeout( callback, 1500 );

	// to exit dojo mode
	exports.hideDojo = function( callback ){
	    // TODO: 
	    setTimeout( callback, 1000 );

	// to enter quit page
	exports.showQuit = function( callback ){
	    developing.show( 250 );
	    setTimeout( callback, 1500 );

	// to exit quit page
	exports.hideQuit = function( callback ){
	    // TODO: 
	    setTimeout( callback, 1000 );

	message.addEventListener("sence.switchSence", function( name ){
	    exports.switchSence( name );

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\state.js
define("scripts/state.js", function(exports){
	 * a simple state manager
	 * @author 	dron
	 * @date 	2012-06-28
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline");

	 * usage:
	 * state( key ).is( value )		->	determine if the value of key is the given value
	 * state( key ).isnot( value )	->	determine if the value of key is not given value
	 * state( key ).ison()			->	determine if the value of key is the boolean value 'true'
	 * state( key ).isoff()			->	determine if the value of key is the boolean value 'false'
	 * state( key ).isunset()		->	determine if the value of key is undefined
	 * state( key ).set( value )	->	set the value of key to a given value
	 * state( key ).get()			->	get the value of key
	 * state( key ).on()			->	set the value of key to boolean value 'true'
	 * state( key ).off()			->	set the value of key to boolean value 'false'

	var stack = {};
	var cache = {};
	var callbacks = {};

	exports = function( key ){

		if( cache[ key ] )
		    return cache[ key ];

		return cache[ key ] = {
			is: function( value ){
			    return stack[key] === value;

			isnot: function( value ){
			    return stack[key] !== value;

			ison: function(){
				return this.is( true );

			isoff: function(){
				return this.isnot( true );

			isunset: function(){
				return this.is( undefined );

			set: function(){
				var lastValue = NaN;
				return function( value ){
				    var c;
				    stack[key] = value;
				    if( lastValue !== value && ( c = callbacks[ key ] ) )
				    	for(var i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i ++)
				    		c[i].call( this, value );
				   	lastValue = value;

			get: function(){
			    return stack[key];

			on: function(){
				var me = this;
				me.set( true );
				return {
					keep: function( time ){
						timeline.setTimeout( me.set.saturate( me, false ), time );

			off: function(){
				var me = this;
			    me.set( false );
			    return {
			    	keep: function( time ){
			    		timeline.setTimeout( me.set.saturate( me, true ), time );

			hook: function( fn ){
				var c;
			    if( !( c = callbacks[ key ] ) )
			        callbacks[ key ] = [ fn ];
			    	c.push( fn );

			unhook: function(){
			    // TODO: 

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\timeline.js
define("scripts/timeline.js", function(exports){
	 * a easy timeline manager
	 * @version 1.0
	 * @author dron

	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var timerCache = {};
	var timeline = {};

	// var timer = timeline;
	// <or>
	// var timer = timeline.use( name ).init( 10 ); // to use a new timeline instance
	// var t = timer.createTask(...);
	// t.stop();
	// timer.setTimeout(...);
	// timer.setInterval(...);
	// timer.getFPS();

	function ClassTimer(){
	    this.tasks = [];
	    this.addingTasks = [];
	    this.adding = 0;

	 * initialize timeline
	ClassTimer.prototype.init = function( ms ){
		var me = this;

		if( me.inited )
		    return ;
			me.inited = 1;

		me.startTime = now();
		me.intervalTime = ms || 5;
		me.count = 0;

		me.intervalFn = function(){
		    me.count ++;
		    me.update( now() );


		return me;

	 * create a task
	 * @param  {Object} conf 	the config
	 * @return {Task} 			a task instance
	ClassTimer.prototype.createTask = function( conf ){
		/* e.g. timer.createTask({
			start: 500, duration: 2000, data: [a, b, c,..], object: module, 
			onTimeUpdate: fn(time, a, b, c,..), onTimeStart: fn(a, b, c,..), onTimeEnd: fn(a, b, c,..),
			recycle: []
		}); */
		var task = createTask( conf );
	    this.addingTasks.unshift( task );
	    this.adding = 1;

	    if( conf.recycle )
	    	this.taskList( conf.recycle, task );


	    return task;

	 * use a array to recycle the task
	 * @param  {Array} queue	be use for recycling task
	 * @param  {Task} task 		a task instance		
	 * @return {Array}			this queue
	ClassTimer.prototype.taskList = function( queue, task ){
		if( !queue.clear )
			queue.clear = function(){
				var i = this.length;
				while( i -- )
					task = this[i],
					this.splice( i, 1 );
				return this;

		if( task )
		    queue.unshift( task );

		return queue;

	 * create a timer for once callback
	 * @param {Function} fn 	callback function
	 * @param {Number}   time 	time, unit: ms
	ClassTimer.prototype.setTimeout = function( fn, time ){
	    // e.g. setTimeout(fn, time);
	    return this.createTask({ start: time, duration: 0, onTimeStart: fn });

	 * create a timer for ongoing callback
	 * @param {Function} fn 	callback function
	 * @param {Number}   time 	time, unit: ms
	ClassTimer.prototype.setInterval = function( fn, time ){
	    // e.g. setInterval(fn, time);
	    var timer = setInterval( fn, time );
	    return {
	    	stop: function(){
	    	    clearInterval( timer );

	 * get the current fps
	 * @return {Number} fps number
	ClassTimer.prototype.getFPS = function(){
		var t = now(), c = this.count, fps = c / ( t - this.startTime ) * 1e3;
		if( c > 1e3 )
			this.count = 0,
			this.startTime = t;
		return fps;

	// privates

	ClassTimer.prototype.start = function(){
		clearInterval( this.interval );
		this.interval = setInterval( this.intervalFn, this.intervalTime );

	ClassTimer.prototype.stop = function(){
		clearInterval( this.interval );

	ClassTimer.prototype.update = function( time ){
		var tasks = this.tasks, addingTasks = this.addingTasks, adding = this.adding;
		var i = tasks.length, t, task, start, duration, data;

		while( i -- ){
	    	task = tasks[i];
	    	start = task.start;
	    	duration = task.duration;

	    	if( time >= start ){

	    		if( task.stopped ){
	    		    tasks.splice( i, 1 );

		    	checkStartTask( task );
		    	if( ( t = time - start ) < duration )
		    	    updateTask( task, t );
		    		updateTask( task, duration ),
		    		task.onTimeEnd.apply( task.object, task.data.slice(1) ),
		    		tasks.splice( i, 1 );

	    if( adding )
	    	tasks.unshift.apply( tasks, addingTasks ),
	    	addingTasks.length = adding = 0;

	    if( !tasks.length )

	timeline.use = function( name ){
		var module;

		if( module = timerCache[ name ] )
		    return module;
			module = timerCache[ name ] = new ClassTimer;

		return module;

	 * @functions

	var now = function(){
		return new Date().getTime();

	var createTask = function( conf ){
		var object = conf.object || {};
		conf.start = conf.start || 0;
		return {
			start: conf.start + now(),
			duration: conf.duration == -1 ? 86400000 : conf.duration,
			data: conf.data ? [ 0 ].concat( conf.data ) : [ 0 ],
			started: 0,
			object: object,
			onTimeStart: conf.onTimeStart || object.onTimeStart || Ucren.nul,
			onTimeUpdate: conf.onTimeUpdate || object.onTimeUpdate || Ucren.nul,
			onTimeEnd: conf.onTimeEnd || object.onTimeEnd || Ucren.nul,
			stop: function(){
			    this.stopped = 1;

	var updateTask = function( task, time ){
		var data = task.data;
		data[0] = time;
		task.onTimeUpdate.apply( task.object, data );

	var checkStartTask = function( task ){
		if( !task.started )
			task.started = 1,
		    task.onTimeStart.apply( task.object, task.data.slice(1) ),
		    updateTask( task, 0 );

	 * for compatible the old version
	exports = timeline.use( "default" ).init( 10 );
	exports.use = function( name ){
		if( Ucren.isIe )
		return timeline.use( name );

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\tools.js
define("scripts/tools.js", function(exports){
	exports.unsetObject = function( object ){
		for(var i in object)
		    if(object.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof object[i] == "function")
		    	object[i] = function(){};

	exports.getAngleByRadian = function( radian ){
		return radian * 180 / Math.PI;

	exports.pointToRadian =	function( origin, point ){
		var PI = Math.PI;

		if( point[0] === origin[0] ){
			if ( point[1] > origin[1] )
				return PI * 0.5;
			return PI * 1.5
		}else if( point[1] === origin[1] ){
			if ( point[0] > origin[0] )
				return 0;
			return PI;

		var t = Math.atan( ( origin[1] - point[1] ) / ( origin[0] - point[0] ) );

		if( point[0] > origin[0] && point[1] < origin[1] )
			return t + 2 * PI;

		if( point[0] > origin[0] && point[1] > origin[1] )
			return t;

		return t + PI;

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\factory\displacement.js
define("scripts/factory/displacement.js", function(exports){
	var layer = require("scripts/layer");
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline");
	var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween");

	 * 位移类模块模型

	exports.create = function( imageSrc, width, height, origX, origY, targetX, targetY, animMap, animDur ){
		var module = {};
		var image;

		var anim = {};

		if( typeof animMap === "function" )
		    anim.show = anim.hide = animMap;
			anim = animMap;

		var createTask = function( start, duration, sx, sy, ex, ey, anim, mode ){
				start: start,
				duration: duration,
				object: module, data: [ sx, sy, ex, ey, anim, mode ],
				onTimeUpdate: module.onTimeUpdate, onTimeStart: module.onTimeStart, onTimeEnd: module.onTimeEnd,
				recycle: module.anims

		module.anims = [];

		module.set = function(){
			image = layer.createImage( "default", imageSrc, origX, origY, width, height );

		module.show = function( start ){
			createTask(  start, animDur, origX, origY, targetX, targetY, anim.show, "show" );

		module.hide = function(){
			createTask( 0, animDur, targetX, targetY, origX, origY, anim.hide, "hide" );

		module.onTimeUpdate = function( time, sx, sy, ex, ey, anim ){
		    image.attr( {
		    	x: anim( time, sx, ex - sx, animDur ),
		    	y: anim( time, sy, ey - sy, animDur )
		    } );

		module.onTimeStart = function(){


		module.onTimeEnd = function( sx, sy, ex, ey, anim ){
		    if( anim === "hide" )

		return module;

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\factory\fruit.js
define("scripts/factory/fruit.js", function(exports){
	var layer = require("scripts/layer");
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline").use( "fruit" ).init( 1 );
	var timeline2 = require("scripts/timeline").use( "fruit-apart" ).init( 1 );
	var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween");
	var message = require("scripts/message");
	var flame = require("scripts/object/flame");
	var flash = require("scripts/object/flash");
	var juice = require("scripts/factory/juice");

	var ie = Ucren.isIe;
	var safari = Ucren.isSafari;

	 * 水果模块模型

	var zoomAnim = tween.exponential.co;
	var rotateAnim = tween.circular;
	var linearAnim = tween.linear;
	var dropAnim = tween.quadratic.ci;
	var fallOffAnim = tween.quadratic.co;

	var random = Ucren.randomNumber;
	var min = Math.min;
	var average = function( a, b ){ return ( ( a + b ) / 2 ) >> 0; };

	var dropTime = 1200, dropXScope = 200, shadowPos = 50;

	var infos = {
		// type: [ imageSrc, width, height, radius, fixAngle, isReverse, juiceColor ]
		boom: [ "images/fruit/boom.png", 66, 68, 26, 0, 0, null ],
		peach: [ "images/fruit/peach.png", 62, 59, 37, -50, 0, "#e6c731" ],
		sandia: [ "images/fruit/sandia.png", 98, 85, 38, -100, 0, "#c00" ],
		apple: [ "images/fruit/apple.png", 66, 66, 31, -54, 0, "#c8e925" ],
		banana: [ "images/fruit/banana.png", 126, 50, 43, 90, 0, null ],
		basaha: [ "images/fruit/basaha.png", 68, 72, 32, -135, 0, "#c00" ]

	// TODO: 是否水果全开?
	var types = [ "peach", "sandia", "apple", "banana", "basaha" ];
	// var types = [ "sandia", "boom" ];
	var rotateSpeed = [ 60, 50, 40, -40, -50, -60 ];

	var fruitCache = [];

	function ClassFruit(conf){
	    var info = infos[ conf.type ], radius = info[3];

		this.type = conf.type;
	    this.originX = conf.originX;
	    this.originY = conf.originY;
	    this.radius = radius;
	    this.startX = conf.originX;
	    this.startY = conf.originY;
	    this.radius = radius;

	    this.anims = [];

	    if( this.type === "boom" )
	        this.flame = flame.create( this.startX - radius + 4, this.startY - radius + 5, conf.flameStart || 0 );

	ClassFruit.prototype.set = function( hide ){
		var inf = infos[ this.type ], radius = this.radius;

		this.shadow = layer.createImage( "fruit", "images/shadow.png", this.startX - radius, this.startY - radius + shadowPos, 106, 77 );
		this.image = layer.createImage( "fruit", inf[0], this.startX - radius, this.startY - radius, inf[1], inf[2] );

		if( hide )

		return this;

	ClassFruit.prototype.pos = function( x, y ){
		if( x == this.originX && y == this.originY )
		    return ;

		var r = this.radius;

		this.originX = x;
		this.originY = y;

		this.image.attr({ x: x -= r, y: y -= r });
		this.shadow.attr({ x: x, y: y + shadowPos });

		if( this.type === "boom" )
		    this.flame.pos( x + 4, y + 5 );

	ClassFruit.prototype.show = function( start ){
			start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1e-5, 1, "show" ], 
			object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onScaling, onTimeStart: this.onShowStart,
			recycle: this.anims

	ClassFruit.prototype.hide = function( start ){
		if( this.type !== "boom" ) // if it is not a boom, it can't to be hide.
		    return ;

			start: start, duration: 500, data: [ 1, 1e-5, "hide" ], 
			object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onScaling, onTimeEnd: this.onHideEnd,
			recycle: this.anims

	ClassFruit.prototype.rotate = function( start, speed ){
		this.rotateSpeed = speed || rotateSpeed[ random( 6 ) ];
		this.rotateAnim = timeline.createTask({
			start: start, duration: -1, 
			object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onRotating,
			recycle: this.anims

	ClassFruit.prototype.broken = function( angle ){
		if( this.brokend )return;
		this.brokend = true;

		var index;
		if( ( index = fruitCache.indexOf( this ) ) > -1 )
		    fruitCache.splice( index, 1 );

		if( this.type !== "boom" )
			flash.showAt( this.originX, this.originY, angle ),
			juice.create( this.originX, this.originY, infos[ this.type ][6] ),
		    this.apart( angle );

	ClassFruit.prototype.pause = function(){
		if( this.brokend )
		if( this.type == "boom" )

	// 分开
	ClassFruit.prototype.apart = function( angle ){
		this.aparted = true;

		var inf = infos[ this.type ], preSrc = inf[0].replace( ".png", "" ), radius = this.radius;
		var create = layer.createImage.saturate( layer, this.startX - radius, this.startY - radius, inf[1], inf[2] );

		angle = ( ( angle % 180 ) + 360 + inf[4] ) % 360;

		this.bImage1 = create( "fruit", preSrc + "-1.png" );
		this.bImage2 = create( "fruit", preSrc + "-2.png" );

		[ this.bImage1, this.bImage2 ].invoke( "rotate", angle );

		this.apartAngle = angle;
			start: 0, duration: dropTime, object: this, 
			onTimeUpdate: this.onBrokenDropUpdate, onTimeStart: this.onBrokenDropStart, onTimeEnd: this.onBrokenDropEnd,
			recycle: this.anims

	// 抛出
	ClassFruit.prototype.shotOut = function(){
		var sign = [ -1, 1 ];
	    return function( start, endX ){

			this.shotOutStartX = this.originX;
			this.shotOutStartY = this.originY;
			this.shotOutEndX = average( this.originX, endX );
			this.shotOutEndY = min( this.startY - random( this.startY - 100 ), 200 );
			this.fallOffToX = endX;

				start: start, duration: dropTime, object: this,
				onTimeUpdate: this.onShotOuting, onTimeStart: this.onShotOutStart, onTimeEnd: this.onShotOutEnd,
				recycle: this.anims

			if( this.type != "boom" )
			 	this.rotate( 0, ( random( 180 ) + 90 ) * sign[ random( 2 ) ] );

			return this;

	// 掉落
	ClassFruit.prototype.fallOff = function(){
		var sign = [ -1, 1 ];
		var signIndex = 0;
	    return function( start, x ){

			if( this.aparted || this.brokend )
				return ;

			var y = 600;

			if( typeof x !== "number" )
			    x = this.originX + random( dropXScope ) * sign[ ( signIndex ++ ) % 2 ];

			this.fallTargetX = x;
			this.fallTargetY = y;

				start: start, duration: dropTime, object: this,
				onTimeUpdate: this.onFalling, onTimeStart: this.onFallStart, onTimeEnd: this.onFallEnd,
				recycle: this.anims

	ClassFruit.prototype.remove = function(){
		var index;


		if( this.image )

		if( this.bImage1 )

		if( this.type === "boom" )

		if( ( index = fruitCache.indexOf( this ) ) > -1 )
		    fruitCache.splice( index, 1 );

		for(var name in this)
			if( typeof this[name] === "function" )
				this[name] = function( name ){
				    return function(){
					    throw new Error( "method " + name + " has been removed" );
				}( name );
			else delete this[name];

		message.postMessage( this, "fruit.remove" );

	// 显示/隐藏 相关

	ClassFruit.prototype.onShowStart = function(){
		// this.shadow.show();

	ClassFruit.prototype.onScaling = function( time, a, b, z ){
		this.image.scale( z = zoomAnim( time, a, b - a, 500 ), z );
		this.shadow.scale( z, z );

	ClassFruit.prototype.onHideEnd = function(){

	// 旋转相关

	ClassFruit.prototype.onRotateStart = function(){


	ClassFruit.prototype.onRotating = function( time ){
		this.image.rotate( ( this.rotateSpeed * time / 1e3 ) % 360, true );

	// 裂开相关

	ClassFruit.prototype.onBrokenDropUpdate = function( time ){
		var radius = this.radius;
			x: linearAnim( time, this.brokenPosX - radius, this.brokenTargetX1, dropTime ), 
			y: dropAnim( time, this.brokenPosY - radius, this.brokenTargetY1 - this.brokenPosY + radius, dropTime ) 
		}).rotate( linearAnim( time, this.apartAngle, this.bImage1RotateAngle, dropTime ), true );
			x: linearAnim( time, this.brokenPosX - radius, this.brokenTargetX2, dropTime ), 
			y: dropAnim( time, this.brokenPosY - radius, this.brokenTargetY2 - this.brokenPosY + radius, dropTime ) 
		}).rotate( linearAnim( time, this.apartAngle, this.bImage2RotateAngle, dropTime ), true );

	ClassFruit.prototype.onBrokenDropStart = function(){
		this.brokenTargetX1 = -( random( dropXScope ) + 75 );
		this.brokenTargetX2 = random( dropXScope + 75 );
		this.brokenTargetY1 = 600;
		this.brokenTargetY2 = 600;
		this.brokenPosX = this.originX;
		this.brokenPosY = this.originY;
		this.bImage1RotateAngle = - random( 150 ) - 50;
		this.bImage2RotateAngle = random( 150 ) + 50;

		for(var f, i = fruitCache.length - 1; i >= 0; i --)
			if( fruitCache[i] === this )
				fruitCache.splice( i, 1 );

	ClassFruit.prototype.onBrokenDropEnd = function(){

	// 抛出相关

	ClassFruit.prototype.onShotOuting = function( time ){
			linearAnim( time, this.shotOutStartX, this.shotOutEndX - this.shotOutStartX, dropTime ),
			fallOffAnim( time, this.shotOutStartY, this.shotOutEndY - this.shotOutStartY, dropTime )

	ClassFruit.prototype.onShotOutStart = function(){
		// body...

	ClassFruit.prototype.onShotOutEnd = function(){
		this.fallOff( 0, this.fallOffToX );

	// 掉落相关

	ClassFruit.prototype.onFalling = function( time ){
		var y;
			linearAnim( time, this.brokenPosX, this.fallTargetX - this.brokenPosX, dropTime ), 
			y = dropAnim( time, this.brokenPosY, this.fallTargetY - this.brokenPosY, dropTime ) 
		this.checkForFallOutOfViewer( y );

	ClassFruit.prototype.onFallStart = function(){
		this.brokenPosX = this.originX;
		this.brokenPosY = this.originY;

	ClassFruit.prototype.onFallEnd = function(){
		message.postMessage( this, "fruit.fallOff" );

	// privates

	ClassFruit.prototype.checkForFallOutOfViewer = function( y ){
		if( y > 480 + this.radius )
			this.checkForFallOutOfViewer = Ucren.nul,
			this.rotateAnim && this.rotateAnim.stop(),
		    message.postMessage( this, "fruit.fallOutOfViewer" );

	exports.create = function( type, originX, originY, isHide, flameStart ){
		if( typeof type == "number" ) // 缺省 type
			isHide = originY,
			originY = originX,
		    originX = type,
		    type = getType();

		var fruit = new ClassFruit({ type: type, originX: originX, originY: originY, flameStart: flameStart }).set( isHide );
		fruitCache.unshift( fruit );

		return fruit;

	exports.getFruitInView = function(){
	    return fruitCache;

	exports.getDropTimeSetting = function(){
		return dropTime;

	function getType(){
		if( random( 8 ) == 4 )
		    return "boom";
	    	return types[ random( 5 ) ];

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\factory\juice.js
define("scripts/factory/juice.js", function(exports){
	 * 果汁
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");
	var layer = require("scripts/layer").getLayer("juice");
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline").use( "juice" ).init( 10 );
	var tween = require("scripts/lib/tween");
	var tools = require("scripts/tools");

	var random = Ucren.randomNumber;
	var dur = 1500;
	var anim = tween.exponential.co;
	var dropAnim = tween.quadratic.co;
	var sin = Math.sin;
	var cos = Math.cos;

	var num = 10;
	var radius = 10;

	// if( Ucren.isIe6 || Ucren.isSafari )
	//     switchOn = false;

	// if( Ucren.isIe || Ucren.isSafari )
	// 	num = 6;

	function ClassJuice( x, y, color ){
		this.originX = x;
		this.originY = y;
		this.color = color;

	    this.distance = random( 200 ) + 100;
	    this.radius = radius;
	    this.dir = random( 360 ) * Math.PI / 180;

	ClassJuice.prototype.render = function(){
		this.circle = layer.circle( this.originX, this.originY, this.radius ).attr({
			fill: this.color,
			stroke: "none"

	ClassJuice.prototype.sputter = function(){
			start: 0, duration: dur,
			object: this, onTimeUpdate: this.onTimeUpdate, onTimeEnd: this.onTimeEnd

	ClassJuice.prototype.onTimeUpdate = function( time ){
		var distance, x, y, z;

		distance = anim( time, 0, this.distance, dur );
		x = this.originX + distance * cos( this.dir );
		y = this.originY + distance * sin( this.dir ) + dropAnim( time, 0, 200, dur );
		z = anim( time, 1, -1, dur );

		this.circle.attr({ cx: x, cy: y }).scale( z, z );

	ClassJuice.prototype.onTimeEnd = function(){
		tools.unsetObject( this );

	exports.create = function( x, y, color ){
	    for(var i = 0; i < num; i ++)
	    	this.createOne( x, y, color );

	exports.createOne = function( x, y, color ){
		if( !color )

		var juice = new ClassJuice( x, y, color );

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\factory\rotate.js
define("scripts/factory/rotate.js", function(exports){
	var layer = require("scripts/layer");
	var timeline = require("scripts/timeline");
	var Ucren = require("scripts/lib/ucren");

	 * 旋转类模块模型

	exports.create = function( imageSrc, x, y, w, h, z, anim, animDur ){
		var module = {}, image;
		var rotateDire = [12, -12][Ucren.randomNumber(2)];
		var defaultAngle = Ucren.randomNumber(360);

		module.anims = [];

		module.set = function(){
		    image = layer.createImage( "default", imageSrc, x, y, w, h ).scale( z, z ).rotate( defaultAngle, true );

		module.show = function(start){
				start: start, 
				duration: animDur, 
				object: this, 
				data: [z, 1], 
				onTimeUpdate: this.onZooming,
				onTimeEnd: this.onShowEnd,
				recycle: this.anims

		module.hide = function(start){
				start: start, 
				duration: animDur, 
				object: this, 
				data: [ 1, z ], 
				onTimeUpdate: this.onZooming,
				recycle: this.anims

		module.onShowEnd = function(name){
				start: 0, 
				duration: -1, 
				object: this, 
				onTimeUpdate: module.onRotating,
				recycle: this.anims

		module.onZooming = function(){
			var z;
			return function( time, a, b ){
			    image.scale( z = anim( time, a, b - a, animDur ), z );

		module.onRotating = function(){
			var lastTime = 0, an = defaultAngle;
		    return function( time, name, a, b ){
		    	an = ( an + ( time - lastTime ) / 1e3 * rotateDire ) % 360;
		    	image.rotate( an, true );
		        lastTime = time;

		return module;

	return exports;

 * @source D:\hosting\demos\fruit-ninja\output\scripts\lib\buzz.js
define("scripts/lib/buzz.js", function(exports){
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Buzz, a Javascript HTML5 Audio library
	// v 1.0.x beta
	// Licensed under the MIT license.
	// http://buzz.jaysalvat.com/
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Copyright (C) 2011 Jay Salvat
	// http://jaysalvat.com/
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
	// of this software and associated documentation files ( the "Software" ), to deal
	// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
	// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
	// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
	// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
	// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
	// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	var buzz = {
	    defaults: {
	        autoplay: false,
	        duration: 5000,
	        formats: [],
	        loop: false,
	        placeholder: '--',
	        preload: 'metadata',
	        volume: 80
	    types: {
	        'mp3': 'audio/mpeg',
	        'ogg': 'audio/ogg',
	        'wav': 'audio/wav',
	        'aac': 'audio/aac',
	        'm4a': 'audio/x-m4a'
	    sounds: [],
	    el: document.createElement( 'audio' ),

	    sound: function( src, options ) {
	        options = options || {};

	        var pid = 0,
	            events = [],
	            eventsOnce = {},
	            supported = buzz.isSupported();

	        // publics
	        this.load = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this;

	        this.play = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this;

	        this.togglePlay = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            if ( this.sound.paused ) {
	            } else {
	            return this;

	        this.pause = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this;

	        this.isPaused = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return this.sound.paused;

	        this.stop = function() {
	            if ( !supported  ) {
	              return this;

	            this.setTime( this.getDuration() );
	            return this;

	        this.isEnded = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return this.sound.ended;

	        this.loop = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.sound.loop = 'loop';
	            this.bind( 'ended.buzzloop', function() {
	                this.currentTime = 0;
	            return this;

	        this.unloop = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.sound.removeAttribute( 'loop' );
	            this.unbind( 'ended.buzzloop' );
	            return this;

	        this.mute = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.sound.muted = true;
	            return this;

	        this.unmute = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.sound.muted = false;
	            return this;

	        this.toggleMute = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.sound.muted = !this.sound.muted;
	            return this;

	        this.isMuted = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return this.sound.muted;

	        this.setVolume = function( volume ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            if ( volume < 0 ) {
	              volume = 0;
	            if ( volume > 100 ) {
	              volume = 100;

	            this.volume = volume;
	            this.sound.volume = volume / 100;
	            return this;

	        this.getVolume = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this.volume;

	        this.increaseVolume = function( value ) {
	            return this.setVolume( this.volume + ( value || 1 ) );

	        this.decreaseVolume = function( value ) {
	            return this.setVolume( this.volume - ( value || 1 ) );

	        this.setTime = function( time ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.whenReady( function() {
	                this.sound.currentTime = time;
	            return this;

	        this.getTime = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            var time = Math.round( this.sound.currentTime * 100 ) / 100;
	            return isNaN( time ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : time;

	        this.setPercent = function( percent ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this.setTime( buzz.fromPercent( percent, this.sound.duration ) );

	        this.getPercent = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

				var percent = Math.round( buzz.toPercent( this.sound.currentTime, this.sound.duration ) );
	            return isNaN( percent ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : percent;

	        this.setSpeed = function( duration ) {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.sound.playbackRate = duration;

	        this.getSpeed = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return this.sound.playbackRate;

	        this.getDuration = function() {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            var duration = Math.round( this.sound.duration * 100 ) / 100;
	            return isNaN( duration ) ? buzz.defaults.placeholder : duration;

	        this.getPlayed = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return timerangeToArray( this.sound.played );

	        this.getBuffered = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return timerangeToArray( this.sound.buffered );

	        this.getSeekable = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return timerangeToArray( this.sound.seekable );

	        this.getErrorCode = function() {
	            if ( supported && this.sound.error ) {
	                return this.sound.error.code;
	            return 0;

	        this.getErrorMessage = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            switch( this.getErrorCode() ) {
	                case 1:
	                    return 'MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED';
	                case 2:
	                    return 'MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK';
	                case 3:
	                    return 'MEDIA_ERR_DECODE';
	                case 4:
	                    return 'MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED';
	                    return null;

	        this.getStateCode = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return this.sound.readyState;

	        this.getStateMessage = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            switch( this.getStateCode() ) {
	                case 0:
	                    return 'HAVE_NOTHING';
	                case 1:
	                    return 'HAVE_METADATA';
	                case 2:
	                    return 'HAVE_CURRENT_DATA';
	                case 3:
	                    return 'HAVE_FUTURE_DATA';
	                case 4:
	                    return 'HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA';
	                    return null;

	        this.getNetworkStateCode = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return this.sound.networkState;

	        this.getNetworkStateMessage = function() {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            switch( this.getNetworkStateCode() ) {
	                case 0:
	                    return 'NETWORK_EMPTY';
	                case 1:
	                    return 'NETWORK_IDLE';
	                case 2:
	                    return 'NETWORK_LOADING';
	                case 3:
	                    return 'NETWORK_NO_SOURCE';
	                    return null;

	        this.set = function( key, value ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.sound[ key ] = value;
	            return this;

	        this.get = function( key ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            return key ? this.sound[ key ] : this.sound;

	        this.bind = function( types, func ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            types = types.split( ' ' );

	            var that = this,
					efunc = function( e ) { func.call( that, e ); };

	            for( var t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
	                var type = types[ t ],
	                    idx = type;
	                    type = idx.split( '.' )[ 0 ];

	                    events.push( { idx: idx, func: efunc } );
	                    this.sound.addEventListener( type, efunc, true );
	            return this;

	        this.unbind = function( types ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            types = types.split( ' ' );

	            for( var t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
	                var idx = types[ t ],
	                    type = idx.split( '.' )[ 0 ];

	                for( var i = 0; i < events.length; i++ ) {
	                    var namespace = events[ i ].idx.split( '.' );
	                    if ( events[ i ].idx == idx || ( namespace[ 1 ] && namespace[ 1 ] == idx.replace( '.', '' ) ) ) {
	                        this.sound.removeEventListener( type, events[ i ].func, true );
	                        // remove event
	                        events.splice(i, 1);
	            return this;

	        this.bindOnce = function( type, func ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            var that = this;

	            eventsOnce[ pid++ ] = false;
	            this.bind( pid + type, function() {
	               if ( !eventsOnce[ pid ] ) {
	                   eventsOnce[ pid ] = true;
	                   func.call( that );
	               that.unbind( pid + type );

	        this.trigger = function( types ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            types = types.split( ' ' );

	            for( var t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
	                var idx = types[ t ];

	                for( var i = 0; i < events.length; i++ ) {
	                    var eventType = events[ i ].idx.split( '.' );
	                    if ( events[ i ].idx == idx || ( eventType[ 0 ] && eventType[ 0 ] == idx.replace( '.', '' ) ) ) {
	                        var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
	                        evt.initEvent( eventType[ 0 ], false, true );
	                        this.sound.dispatchEvent( evt );
	            return this;

	        this.fadeTo = function( to, duration, callback ) {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            if ( duration instanceof Function ) {
	                callback = duration;
	                duration = buzz.defaults.duration;
	            } else {
	                duration = duration || buzz.defaults.duration;

	            var from = this.volume,
					delay = duration / Math.abs( from - to ),
	                that = this;

	            function doFade() {
	                setTimeout( function() {
	                    if ( from < to && that.volume < to ) {
	                        that.setVolume( that.volume += 1 );
	                    } else if ( from > to && that.volume > to ) {
	                        that.setVolume( that.volume -= 1 );
	                    } else if ( callback instanceof Function ) {
	                        callback.apply( that );
	                }, delay );
	            this.whenReady( function() {

	            return this;

	        this.fadeIn = function( duration, callback ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this.setVolume(0).fadeTo( 100, duration, callback );

	        this.fadeOut = function( duration, callback ) {
				if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            return this.fadeTo( 0, duration, callback );

	        this.fadeWith = function( sound, duration ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return this;

	            this.fadeOut( duration, function() {

	            sound.play().fadeIn( duration );

	            return this;

	        this.whenReady = function( func ) {
	            if ( !supported ) {
	              return null;

	            var that = this;
	            if ( this.sound.readyState === 0 ) {
	                this.bind( 'canplay.buzzwhenready', function() {
	                    func.call( that );
	            } else {
	                func.call( that );

	        // privates
	        function timerangeToArray( timeRange ) {
	            var array = [],
	                length = timeRange.length - 1;

	            for( var i = 0; i <= length; i++ ) {
	                    start: timeRange.start( length ),
	                    end: timeRange.end( length )
	            return array;

	        function getExt( filename ) {
	            return filename.split('.').pop();

	        function addSource( sound, src ) {
	            var source = document.createElement( 'source' );
	            source.src = src;
	            if ( buzz.types[ getExt( src ) ] ) {
	                source.type = buzz.types[ getExt( src ) ];
	            sound.appendChild( source );

	        // init
	        if ( supported && src ) {

	            for(var i in buzz.defaults ) {
	              if(buzz.defaults.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
	                options[ i ] = options[ i ] || buzz.defaults[ i ];

	            this.sound = document.createElement( 'audio' );

	            if ( src instanceof Array ) {
	                for( var j in src ) {
	                  if(src.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
	                    addSource( this.sound, src[ j ] );
	            } else if ( options.formats.length ) {
	                for( var k in options.formats ) {
	                  if(options.formats.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
