当前位置:Gxlcms > html代码 > 在七牛上传之后如何自己自定义上传完成处理并在页面显示。_html/css_WEB-ITnose


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:35人阅读

Qiniu 七牛问题解答




/*global Qiniu *//*global plupload *//*global FileProgress *//*global hljs */$(function() {    var uploader = Qiniu.uploader({        runtimes: 'html5,flash,html4',        browse_button: 'pickfiles',        container: 'container',        drop_element: 'container',        max_file_size: '100mb',        flash_swf_url: 'js/plupload/Moxie.swf',        dragdrop: true,        chunk_size: '4mb',        uptoken_url: "servlet/responseHandler",        domain: $('#domain').val(),        // downtoken_url: '/downtoken',        // unique_names: true,        // save_key: true,        // x_vars: {        // 'id': '1234',        // 'time': function(up, file) {        // var time = (new Date()).getTime();        // // do something with 'time'        // return time;        // },        // },        auto_start: true,        init: {            'FilesAdded': function(up, files) {                $('table').show();                $('#success').hide();                plupload.each(files, function(file) {                    var progress = new FileProgress(file, 'fsUploadProgress');                    progress.setStatus("缁?澶?绶?...");                });            },            'BeforeUpload': function(up, file) {                var progress = new FileProgress(file, 'fsUploadProgress');                var chunk_size = plupload.parseSize(this.getOption('chunk_size'));                if (up.runtime === 'html5' && chunk_size) {                    progress.setChunkProgess(chunk_size);                }            },            'UploadProgress': function(up, file) {                var progress = new FileProgress(file, 'fsUploadProgress');                var chunk_size = plupload.parseSize(this.getOption('chunk_size'));                progress.setProgress(file.percent + "%", up.total.bytesPerSec, chunk_size);            },            'UploadComplete': function() {                $('#success').show();               // alert("woaini");               // var v = 4,              // document.getElementById('woaini').outerHTML = 'woaini';              // alert("wobuai");            },            'FileUploaded': function(up, file, info) {                var progress = new FileProgress(file, 'fsUploadProgress');                progress.setComplete(up, info);            },            'Error': function(up, err, errTip) {                $('table').show();                var progress = new FileProgress(err.file, 'fsUploadProgress');                progress.setError();                progress.setStatus(errTip);            }            // ,            // 'Key': function(up, file) {            // var key = "";            // // do something with key            // return key            // }        }    });    uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function() {        console.log('hello man,a file is uploaded');    });    $('#container').on(        'dragenter',        function(e) {            e.preventDefault();            $('#container').addClass('draging');            e.stopPropagation();        }    ).on('drop', function(e) {        e.preventDefault();        $('#container').removeClass('draging');        e.stopPropagation();    }).on('dragleave', function(e) {        e.preventDefault();        $('#container').removeClass('draging');        e.stopPropagation();    }).on('dragover', function(e) {        e.preventDefault();        $('#container').addClass('draging');        e.stopPropagation();    });    $('#show_code').on('click', function() {        $('#myModal-code').modal();        $('pre code').each(function(i, e) {            hljs.highlightBlock(e);        });    });    $('body').on('click', 'table button.btn', function() {        $(this).parents('tr').next().toggle();    });    var getRotate = function(url) {        if (!url) {            return 0;        }        var arr = url.split('/');        for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {            if (arr[i] === 'rotate') {                return parseInt(arr[i + 1], 10);            }        }        return 0;    };    $('#myModal-img .modal-body-footer').find('a').on('click', function() {        var img = $('#myModal-img').find('.modal-body img');        var key = img.data('key');        var oldUrl = img.attr('src');        var originHeight = parseInt(img.data('h'), 10);        var fopArr = [];        var rotate = getRotate(oldUrl);        if (!$(this).hasClass('no-disable-click')) {            $(this).addClass('disabled').siblings().removeClass('disabled');            if ($(this).data('imagemogr') !== 'no-rotate') {                fopArr.push({                    'fop': 'imageMogr2',                    'auto-orient': true,                    'strip': true,                    'rotate': rotate,                    'format': 'png'                });            }        } else {            $(this).siblings().removeClass('disabled');            var imageMogr = $(this).data('imagemogr');            if (imageMogr === 'left') {                rotate = rotate - 90 < 0 ? rotate + 270 : rotate - 90;            } else if (imageMogr === 'right') {                rotate = rotate + 90 > 360 ? rotate - 270 : rotate + 90;            }            fopArr.push({                'fop': 'imageMogr2',                'auto-orient': true,                'strip': true,                'rotate': rotate,                'format': 'png'            });        }        $('#myModal-img .modal-body-footer').find('a.disabled').each(function() {            var watermark = $(this).data('watermark');            var imageView = $(this).data('imageview');            var imageMogr = $(this).data('imagemogr');            if (watermark) {                fopArr.push({                    fop: 'watermark',                    mode: 1,                    image: 'http://www.b1.qiniudn.com/images/logo-2.png',                    dissolve: 100,                    gravity: watermark,                    dx: 100,                    dy: 100                });            }            if (imageView) {                var height;                switch (imageView) {                    case 'large':                        height = originHeight;                        break;                    case 'middle':                        height = originHeight * 0.5;                        break;                    case 'small':                        height = originHeight * 0.1;                        break;                    default:                        height = originHeight;                        break;                }                fopArr.push({                    fop: 'imageView2',                    mode: 3,                    h: parseInt(height, 10),                    q: 100,                    format: 'png'                });            }            if (imageMogr === 'no-rotate') {                fopArr.push({                    'fop': 'imageMogr2',                    'auto-orient': true,                    'strip': true,                    'rotate': 0,                    'format': 'png'                });            }        });        var newUrl = Qiniu.pipeline(fopArr, key);        var newImg = new Image();        img.attr('src', 'loading.gif');        newImg.onload = function() {            img.attr('src', newUrl);            img.parent('a').attr('href', newUrl);        };        newImg.src = newUrl;        return false;    });});



     var res = eval("(" + info.toString() + ")");                alert(res.key);                var sourceLink = domain + res.key; //获取上传成功后的文件的Url                alert(sourceLink);                $("#images").attr("src",sourceLink);                var input=top.document.getElementById("photo_small");                input.setAttribute("src",sourceLink);

