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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:9人阅读


smoke.js轻量级的JS插件,他标准化浏览器的alert(), comfirm()效果。完全是由html、css、js编写;

  • 要求:CSS3支持
  • 兼容性:大部分浏览器,包括IE6(没有CSS3可视化效果)
  • License:MIT


	alert	confirm	prompt	quiz	signal


.smoke-base {		position: fixed;		top: 0;		left: 0;		bottom: 0;		right: 0;		visibility: hidden;		opacity: 0;	}	.smoke-base.smoke-visible {		opacity: 1;		visibility: visible;	}	.smokebg {		position: fixed;		top: 0;		left: 0;		bottom: 0;		right: 0;	}	.smoke-base .dialog {	  position: absolute;	}	.dialog-prompt {	  margin-top: 15px;	  text-align: center;	}	.dialog-buttons {	  margin: 20px 0 5px 0	}	.smoke {	  font-family: Menlo, 'Andale Mono', monospace;	  text-align: center;	  font-size: 22px;	  line-height: 150%;	}	.dialog-buttons button {	  display: inline-block;	  vertical-align: baseline;	  cursor: pointer;	  font-family: Menlo, 'Andale Mono', monospace;	  font-style: normal;	  text-decoration: none;	  border: 0;	  outline: 0;	  margin: 0 5px;	  -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;	  font-size: 13px;	  line-height: 13px;	  font-weight: normal;	  padding: 9px 12px;	}	.dialog-prompt input {	  margin: 0;	  border: 0;	  font-family: sans-serif;	  outline: none;	  font-family: Menlo, 'Andale Mono', monospace;	  border: 1px solid #aaa;	  width: 75%;	  display: inline-block;	  background-color: transparent;	  font-size: 16px;	  padding: 8px;	}	.smoke-base {	  background: rgba(0,0,0,.3);	  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#90000000,endColorstr=#900000000);	}	.smoke-base .dialog {		top: 25%;		width: 30%;		left: 50%;		margin-left: -20%;	}	.smoke-base .dialog-inner {	  padding: 15px;	  color:#202020;	}	.smoke {	  background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.95);	  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#ffffff,endColorstr=#ffffff);		box-shadow: 0 2px 8px #000;	}	.dialog-buttons button {	  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.85);	  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#222222,endColorstr=#222222);	  border-radius: 0;	  color: #fff;	}	button.cancel {	  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.40);	  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#444444,endColorstr=#444444);	}	.queue{		display:none;	}

alert()效果--smoke.alert(string, fn,obj)


/*alert*/	$('a[rel="demo-alert"]').on('click',function(e){		e.preventDefault();		smoke.alert("Wouldn't it be funny if Animal Collective was an actual
collective of actual animals?", function(e){ smoke.signal('No really...it totally would, dude.
I mean, think about it.'); },{ ok: "Yep", //确定按钮文字 cancel: "Nope", //取消按钮文字 classname: "custom-class" //弹出框样式 }); });


/*confirm*/	$('a[rel="demo-confirm"]').on('click',function(e){		e.preventDefault();		smoke.confirm("Slippery breath inside
banjo melted. Runny smoky. ",function(e){ if (e){ //确定按钮回调 smoke.signal('Perfect. We\'ll be in touch.'); //点击按钮响应lightbox效果,基本上看不见,因为没有设置延迟时间 smoke.signal()会闪一下就消失了。 }else{ //取消按钮回调 smoke.signal('Please...me so sorry. You look good in dress, you look better on my floor.'); } }, { reverseButtons: true, //确定和取消按钮哪个在前;true ok按钮在前,false cancel按钮在前 classname: "custom-class", ok: "AGREE", //确定文字 cancel: "DISAGREE" //取消文字 }); });

quiz效果--smoke.quiz(string, fn, obj),多按钮(最多三个)

/*quiz*/	$('a[rel="demo-quiz"]').on('click',function(e){		e.preventDefault();		smoke.quiz('Which of these things
is the worst thing?', function (e){ if (e == 'DISCO'){  //点击每个按钮的触发的效果 smoke.signal('nope. it\'s funk.'); } if (e == 'REGGAE'){ smoke.signal('nope. it\'s disco.'); } if (e == 'FUNK'){ smoke.signal('nope. it\'s reggae.'); } }, { button_1 : "DISCO", //多按钮(最多三个) button_2 : "REGGAE", button_3 : "FUNK", button_cancel: "NONE OF THEM" //取消按钮 } ); });


/*signal*/	$('a[rel="demo-signal"]').on('click',function(e){		e.preventDefault();		smoke.signal('Congratulations! You have just one a free iPod Touch!', function(){}, {duration: 5000, classname: "custom-class"});  //duration:5000设置延迟时间为5000毫秒	});


/*prompt*/	$('a[rel="demo-prompt"]').on('click',function(e){		e.preventDefault();		o.prompt_demo(1);	});var o={	prompt_demo: function(ver){	  var q = 'What\'s in the bag?';  //设置提示文字,这个是用来遵循文本框的内容约束规则。文本框如果是必填的话就会需要,在用户移除文本框的时候就会触发提示文字。	  if (ver == 2){	    q = 'No no, you HAVE to answer.
What\'s in the bag?';   }   smoke.prompt(q, function(e){     if (e){  //ok按钮的效果       smoke.signal('You have no idea how badly
I need a bag of '+e+'.

Give it to me. Right now.

');     }else{  //cancel按钮效果       o.prompt_demo(2);     } }, { reverseButtons: true,  //翻转按钮顺序 value: 'hammers', //文本框里的默认内容 ok: 'Have a look', //确定按钮文字 cancel: 'None of your business' //取消按钮文字 });  }}

