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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:12人阅读


Design and prototype UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.

The app was made in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable without a single line of code . Due to the size of the GIF file on Dribbble , it only demonstrates a subset of features. We can also find the full HD version on YouTube orMP4 on Github

Here is the design in Interface Builder (Storyboard).

With IBAnimatable , we can design a UI in an Interface Builder like Sketch, and prototype animations in a Swift playground like Framer Studio. Also we can use the output of the design directly in the production ready App.

As a designer, we love Sketch, which is a simple but yet super powerful tool to design UI. However, Sketch can't design interaction, navigation, transition and animation, we may need another tool like Framer Studio to design some of them. Moreover, to make an App Store ready App, we need to use Xcode and Interface Builder to implement the UI and animations. To speed up the process and minimise the waste, we create IBAnimatable to make Interface Builder designable and animatable.




  • From prototype to shippable App Store ready App - What you design in Interface Builder is what the App exactly looks like.
  • Designer friendly - Sketch style setting panel on Attributes Inspector to lower the learning curve for using Interface Builder.
  • Animation desigin support in Swift playground - Similar to Framer Studio, we can prototype animations in Swift playground to save time for runing on simulator or actual iOS devices.
  • Built-in Auto Layout support - We can use Auto Layout and Size Classes with IBAnimatable to support orientations and multiple iOS devices.
  • Navigation and transition support - We can use default navigation pattern in the App and IBAnimatable also adds unwind segues to navigate back or dismiss scene without any code. More transitions will be added soon.
  • Protocol oriented programming - IBAnimatable uses a protocol oriented programming paradigm. With Swift protocol extension, it is easy to support more designable or animatable features. We can even use these protocol extensions to create other custom UI elements instead of using the default ones from IBAnimatable .

Use cases

  • Prototyping - Create interactive proptotypes to validate ideas quickly.
  • Redesigning in Interface Builder - Redesign UI from Sketch and animation from Framer Studio without writing any code.
  • Making custom UI elements - Use IBAnimatable protocols to make custom UI elements. e.g. Buttons with a default color palette.

How to run the example App

The easy way to learn and understand how powerful of IBAnimatable is to run the example App and play around the settings in Interface Builder. Just few steps we can run the App as below:

1) Clone the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/JakeLin/IBAnimatable.git

2) Open the workspace in Xcode

$ cd IBAnimatable$ open "IBAnimatable.xcworkspace"

3) Compile and run the app in your simulator or iOS device

How to design in Interface Builder

To use IBAnimatable to design the UI and animations in Interface Builder, just follow few steps as below:

  • Open a storyboard or Xib file.
  • Drag and drop a UIKit element eg. UIView to a ViewController.
  • In Identity Inspector, connect the UI element to Animatable custom UI class eg. AnimatableView , you can find all Animatable classes inAPIs section.
  • Configure the UI and animations in Attribute Inspector.
  • How to animate in Swift playground

    We can configure the animation settings in Attribute Inspector. However, Interface Builder doesn't support previewing Animations, but we can still prototype animations in Swift playgournd. There are three sample pages to demostrate how to design animation in Swift playground. You can find them in IBAnimatable.playground . Firstly, select one page in Swift playground, then click on "Assistant editor" button to split the playground. After that, select "Timeline" on the top of right-hand side to preview the animation. We can use Xcode menu "Editor" -> "Execute" to re-run the playground.

    How to animate programmatically

    As you saw above, we can prototype an App fully in Interface Builder withouth single line of code, but IBAnimatable also provides APIs to let us fully control the UI and animations. IBAnimatable provides simple APIs like pop() . We can simplly call them in one line.

    view.pop() // pop animation for the viewview.squeezeFadeInLeft() // squeeze and fade in from left animation

    You can play around with all these predefined animations in the Swift playground Page - Predefined Animations

    Animation properties

    There are some properties we can change to customise the animation. What we need to do is to set the properties and call animate() method to start the animation.

    // Setup the animationview.animationType = "SqueezeInLeft"view.delay = 0.5view.damping = 0.5view.velocity = 2view.force = 1// Start the animationview.animate()

    You can play around with all animations with different properties in the Swift playground Page - Animation Properties

    Chaining animations

    Sometimes, we need to run another animation after the previous one. With IBAnimatble , we can easily chain animations together to provide a sleek user experience.

    // Simplly put the next animation within `{}` closure as below. It is an example to pop the view after squeeze in from the top.view.squeezeInDown{ view.pop() }// Heaps of animations have been chained togehter, it is the source code of animated Gif in "Animate in Swift playground" sectionview.squeezeInDown{ view.pop { view.shake{ view.squeeze{ view.wobble{ view.flipX { view.flash{ view.flipY { view.fadeOutDown() } } } } } } } }

    How to install

    Manually install

    Copy and paste IBAnimatable folder in your Xcode project.

    Git submodule

    TBD, more details on Issue #22 - Swift package manager support

    Swift package manager

    TBD, more details on Issue #5 - Swift package manager support


    TBD, more details on Issue #7 - CocoaPods support


    TBD, more details on Issue #6 - Carthage support


    Animatable UI elements

    The easiest way to use IBAnimatable is to drag and drop UIKit elements and connect with Animatable UI elements in Identity Inspector. Here are the supported Animatable UI elements to map UIKit elements.

    UIKit elements Animatable UI elements Remark
    UIView AnimatableView
    UIBarButtonItem AnimatableBarButtonItem
    UIButton AnimatableButton
    UIButton AnimatableCheckBox Connect UIButton as AnimatableCheckBox to make CheckBox control
    UIImageView AnimatableImageView
    UILabel AnimatableLabel To style the text in Label, we can use Interface Builder built-in Attributed Text
    UIStackView AnimatableStackView
    UITableView AnimatableTableView
    UITableViewCell AnimatableTableViewCell
    UITextField AnimatableTextField
    UITextView AnimatableTextView
    UIView DesignableGradientView
    UINavigationBar DesignableNavigationBar
    UIViewController DesignableViewController

    Designable protocols

    IBAnimatable provides a set of Designable protocols as below. Because of the power of protocol oriented programming in Swift, we don't even have to use Animatable default UI elements eg. AnimatableView to unlocked the power of IBAnimatable . We can conform to IBAnimatable protocols to use the default implementation in protocol extension to create other custom UI elements.


    Property name Data type Remark
    roundedImage Optional By default, Interface Builder can only support outline images for Bar Button Item. With roundedImage , we can display a rounded image. The image can not be previewed in Interface Builder.


    Property name Data type Remark
    blurEffectStyle Optional Support three different blur effects: ExtraLight , Light and Dark . They ard defined in BlurEffectStyle enum. The look of blur effect in Interface Builder is different from Simulator or device.
    blurOpacity CGFloat Opacity of the blur effect specified above. Default value is CGFloat.NaN , the value is from 0.0 to 1.0.


    Property name Data type Remark
    borderColor Optional border color
    borderWidth CGFloat border width. Default value is CGFloat.NaN , the value is greater than 0.
    borderSide Optional border side, Top , Right , Bottom or Left . If not specify, then display four sides.


    Property name Data type Remark
    checked Bool Default value is false
    checkedImage Optional The image to display when CheckBox is checked.
    uncheckedImage Optional The image to display when CheckBox is unchecked.


    Property name Data type Remark
    cornerRadius CGFloat rounded corner radius. Default value is CGFloat.NaN , the value is greater than 0.


    Property name Data type Remark
    fillColor Optional fill color of the UI Element
    opacity CGFloat opacity, alpha of the UI Element, Dafault value is CGFloat.NaN , the value is from 0.0 to 1.0.


    Property name Data type Remark
    startColor Optional start gradient color
    endColor Optional end gradient color
    startPoint Optional start direction point, can find in GradientStartPoint .


    Property name Data type Remark
    solidColor Bool whether to display solid color only. Default value is false . Need to manually untick translucent in Interface Builder, otherwise, it will have constrait issue in IB although it is correct in run time.


    Property name Data type Remark
    maskType Optional maks type, eg. Circle .


    It is used in AnimatableTextField to add padding on either or both sides.

    Property name Data type Remark
    paddingLeft CGFloat padding on left-hand side. Default value is CGFloat.NaN .
    paddingRight CGFloat padding on right-hand side. Default value is CGFloat.NaN .
    paddingSide CGFloat padding on both sides. Default value is CGFloat.NaN .


    Property name Data type Remark
    placeholderColor Optional placeholder text color in AnimatableTextField .


    Property name Data type Remark
    rootWindowBackgroundColor Optional root window background color. Can be seen when we use flip transition.


    Property name Data type Remark
    rotate CGFloat rotation of the UI element in degrees. Default value is CGFloat.NaN , value is from 0 to 360.


    Drop shadow of the UI element, it is popular in Material Design. These properties are not able to render in IB correctly, it maybe an Interface Builder's bug.

    Property name Data type Remark
    shadowColor Optional shadow color
    shadowRadius CGFloat shadow corner radius. Default value is CGFloat.NaN , the value is greater than 0.
    shadowOpacity CGFloat shadow opacity. Default value is CGFloat.NaN , the value is from 0.0 to 1.0.
    shadowOffset CGPoint x is horizontal offset and y is vertical offset.


    Display a side hint image in AnimatableTextField

    Property name Data type Remark
    leftImage Optional the image to display on the left-hand side.
    leftImageLeftPadding CGFloat left padding of hint image. Default value is CGFloat.NaN .
    leftImageRightPadding CGFloat right padding of hint image. Default value is CGFloat.NaN .
    leftImageTopPadding CGFloat top padding of hint image. Default value is CGFloat.NaN . If not specified, the image will center vertically.


    Property name Data type Remark
    lightStatusBar Bool to display white or black text status bar. Default value is false to display black text.


    Property name Data type Remark
    removeSeparatorMargins Bool whether to remove separator margins in AnimatableTableViewCell . Default value is false . There maybe a bug of Interface Builder when setting "Separator Insert" to 0 doesn't work.


    Easily add color layer on top of the UI element especially AnimatableImageView .

    Property name Data type Remark
    tintOpacity CGFloat opacity of tint color (white color). Default value is CGFloat.NaN .
    shadeOpacity CGFloat opacity of shade color (black color). Default value is CGFloat.NaN .
    toneColor Optional tone color
    toneOpacity CGFloat opacity of tone color. Default value is CGFloat.NaN .


    Property name Data type Remark
    hideNavigationBar Bool whether to hide navigation bar. Default value is false .

    Animatable protocol


    Property name Data type Remark
    animationType Optional Supported animations. All supported predefined animations are in enum AnimationType
    autoRun Bool Whether to automatically start the animation. Default value is true . if it is true, the animation will automatically run when the view is loaded. If want to manually start the animation should set it to false .
    duration CGFloat Animation duration in seconds. Default value is 0.7.
    delay Double Delay to start the animation in seconds. Default value is 0.
    damping CGFloat Used in UIView Spring animation (0 ~ 1 seconds). To smoothly decelerate the animation without oscillation, use a value of 1. Employ a damping ratio closer to zero to increase oscillation. Default value is 0.7. Notice: FadeOutIn, FadeInOut, Shake, Pop, Morph, Squeeze, Flash, Wobble and Swing animations do not use damping.
    velocity CGFloat used in UIView Spring animation. A value of 1 corresponds to the total animation distance traversed in one second. For example, if the total animation distance is 200 points and you want the start of the animation to match a view velocity of 100 pt/s, use a value of 0.5. Default is 0.7. Notice: FadeOutIn, FadeInOut, Shake, Pop, Morph, Squeeze, Flash, Wobble and Swing animations do not use damping.
    force CGFloat used to apply force to the animation. The number is higher, the animation property has more changes. eg. for Pop animation, higher force causes the view poping bigger. Default value is 1.
    repeatCount Float Used to sepecify the count to repeat the animation. Can noly used in Shake, Pop, Morph, Squeeze, Flash, Wobble and Swing animations. Default value is 1.



    With these methods, we can navigate back or dismiss current ViewController with any code in Interface Builder.

    Method name Remark
    func unwindToViewController(sender: UIStoryboardSegue) Used in Interface Builder to uswind from Naviagation Controller
    func dismissCurrentViewController(sender: UIStoryboardSegue) Used in Interface Builder to dismiss current ViewController

    How to contribute

    All of us can contribute to this project. Fewer overheads mean less time to build quality Apps and more time to enjoy coffee :coffee:️ .

    • If you are a designer, you can design in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable without designing tool like Sketch, or implement your existing design from Sketch or Photoshop in Interface Builder rapidly. With IBAnimatable , you should be able to do

      all most of design work in Interface Builder. If you have any feature request, please create a GitHub Issue and we will put it in the backlog. If you have done any design with IBAnimatable , please let us know via creating Pull Request or GitHub Issue. We will add it to Readme file.
    • If you are a developer, you can work on features or fix bugs, please check outGitHub Issues to find out the backlog. If you have used IBAnimatable in your App, please let us know via creating Pull Request or GitHub Issue. We will add it to Readme file.

    • If you are good at English, please correct my English :grin: . If you are good at other languages, please create a Readme file in those languages.

    • If you like the project, please share it with the other designers and developers, and star :star2: the project. ��


    • IBDesignable and IBInspectable - The entire project is based on that.
    • Sketch - Interface Builder should be as easy as Sketch to use.
    • Framer Studio - Design and preview animations in one place.
    • Spring by Meng To - steal a lot of animation parameters from this project.
    • Invision ToDo App UI Kit , The demo App's original design is from this UI Kit and redone in Interface Builder. We also added interaction, navigation and animations.


    IBAnimatable is released under the MIT license. SeeLICENSE for details.

    来自: https://github.com/JakeLin/IBAnimatable
