Free Wall

Creating dynamic grid layouts.

What is Freewall?

Freewall is a cross-browser and responsive jQuery plugin to help you create many types of grid layouts: flexible layouts, images layouts, nested grid layouts, metro style layouts, pinterest like layouts ... with nice CSS3 animation effects and call back events. Freewall is all-in-one solution for creating dynamic grid layouts for desktop, mobile and tablet.

Some example layouts:

How it works

Based on the width (or height) of a container and the width (height) of a cell unit, It will create a virtual matrix. Scaning the matrix at each cell will find a free cell around to made a free area, then try to fit a block element into it. In case no block can fit the gap, it will resize the block to fill the gap (that is one of the options).


Google +


  • Draggable support
  • Direction support
  • Custom plugin
  • Responsive grid
  • Gaps control
  • Filter items
  • CSS3 animation (js fallback)
  • Nested grid
  • Images grid/layout
  • Fit container
  • Vertical grid/layout
  • Horizontal grid/layout
  • Window 8 metro style
  • Pinterest like grid/layout


  • draggable
  • animate
  • cellW
  • cellH
  • delay
  • fixSize
  • gutterX
  • gutterY
  • selector
  • rightToLeft
  • bottomToTop
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All options are parameters of Reset method

  • draggable : boolean

    Default: false
    True: to make block can be drag & drop
  • animate : boolean

    True: to make block move with animation
  • cellW: mix

    Default: 100
    The width of unit, base on it will build grid container. It can be a function and return value.


    var wall = new freewall('.free-wall');
      selector: '.brick',
      cellW: function(width) {
          var cellWidth = width / 3;
          return cellWidth - 20;
      cellH: 160
  • cellH: mix

    Default: 100
    The height of unit, base on it will build grid container. It can be a function and return value.
  • delay : number

    Default: 0
    The time delay for show block. It will increase by each block.
  • fixSize : boolean

    Default: null
    value is null or not set let blocks can adjust and resize to fill gap
    value is 0 or false let blocks can adjust size but can't resize to fill gap.
    value is 1 or true let blocks keep the size as init, can't resize to fill gap.
    Can override the fixSize option by set data-fixSize attribute in the block.


    <div class="brick size22" data-fixSize=true>
      <div class='cover'>
        <div class="item size12"></div>
        <div class="item size12"></div>
  • gutterX : mixed

    Default: 10
    The horizon spacing between the column. Default is number, but can set it with 'auto' value.
  • gutterY : mixed

    Default: 10
    The vertical spacing between the row. Default is number, but can set it with 'auto' value.
  • selector : string

    Get all blocks to made layout
  • Example

    var wall = new freewall('.free-wall');
      selector: '.brick',
      animate: true,
      cellW: 150,
      cellH: 150,
      gutterY: 10,
      gutterX: 'auto'
  • rightToLeft : boolean

    Default: false
    True: let layout start render from right to left
  • bottomToTop : boolean

    Default: false
    True: let layout start render from bottom up to top


  • onGapFound
  • onComplete
  • onResize
  • onBlockReady
  • onBlockActive
  • onBlockFinish
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  • onGapFound

    Registry callback when a gap found.
  • onComplete

    Registry callback when all block arrange.
  • onResize

    Registry callback when browser resize.
  • Example

    var wall = new freewall('.free-wall');
      selector: '.brick',
      onResize: function() {
  • onBlockReady

    Fire when block adjusted.
  • onBlockActive

    Fire before block show or hide in the layout.
  • onBlockFinish

    Fire when block finish show or hide in the layout.


  • addCustomEvent
  • appendBlock
  • appendHoles
  • fillHoles
  • filter
  • fireEvent
  • fitHeight
  • fitWidth
  • fitZone
  • fixPos
  • fixSize
  • prepend
  • refresh
  • reset
  • setHoles
  • unFilter
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  • addCustomEvent(name, handler)

    Support create custom event when arrange layout
  • appendBlock(items)

    Append one or more items into layout
  • appendHoles(holes)

    Add one or more blank area into layout
  • fillHoles()

    Let layout without gaps
  • filter(selector)

    Fillter blocks to show
  • fireEvent()

    Fire custom event
  • fitHeight(height)

    Made the layout fit with limit height
  • fitWidth(width)

    Made the layout fit with limit width
  • fitZone(width, height)

    Made the layout fit with limit width and height
  • fixPos(object)

    Set a block at fixed position, top/left is multiple of cell with/height
  • fixSize(object)

    Set a block with special width or height
    var wall = new freewall('.free-wall');
    var dna = $(".free-wall .flex-layout");
      block: dna,
      width: 150,
      height: 150
  • prepend(items)

    Prepend one or more items into layout
  • refresh()

    rearrange layout
  • reset(options)

    Config options for render layout.
    var ewall = new freewall(demo);
    var demo = $(".example");
      selector: '.cell',
      animate: true,
      delay: 20,
      cellW: 15.5,
      cellH: 15,
      gutterX: 2,
      gutterY: 2
  • setHoles(hole)

    Set the holes on layout
  • unFilter()

    Made all block to show


  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • IE 8.0+
  • Firefox


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适用浏览器:360、FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗、世界之窗. 不支持IE8及以下浏览器。
