适用浏览器:FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗. 不支持IE8、360、世界之窗。
★ Any numeric CSS property ★
Disclaimer: This is an experimental, just-for-fun sort of project and hasn’t been thoroughly tested.
Design and build your site, dividing your content into blocks.
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Embed scrollorama.js after jQuery and initialize the plugin, passing the blocks class selector as a parameter.
$(document).ready(function() { var scrollorama = $.scrollorama({ blocks:'.scrollblock' }); });
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Target an element and animate its properties.
scrollorama.animate('#example1',{ duration:400, property:'opacity' })
The animation parameters you can use are:
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Hook into the onBlockChange
scrollorama.onBlockChange(function() { alert('You just scrolled to block#'+scrollorama.blockIndex); });
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Note: If you are not using the pinning feature, it is recommended you disable it. Pinning requires scroll blocks to be converted to absolute positioning, which can break some layouts.
$(document).ready(function() { var scrollorama = $.scrollorama({ enablePin:false }); });
scrollorama by John Polacek
Lettering.js by Dave Rupert
Bowlby One SC Font by Vernon Adams
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