当前位置:Gxlcms > PHP教程 > PHP利用Mail_MimeDecode类提取邮件信息示例_PHP


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读


header("content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8");
* record kid words and insert into database
* user by sending email to publication kid words
include 'POP3.php';
include 'email_class.php';
include 'Mail_mimeDecode.php';
//include 'include/compatible.php';
include 'include/extend_common.php';
//include '../../htdocs/include/extend_common.php';
define('POST_FROM_EMAIL', 1);
define('DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR', 2); //数据库连接失败错误
define('EMAIL_CONNECTION_ERROR', 3); //邮箱连接失败错误
define('ACCOUNT_ERROR', 4); //邮箱的账号错误
define('SIGN_EMAIL_ERROR', 5); //邮件标记删除错误
define('DELELET_ERROR', 6); //删除邮件错误
define('INSERT_ERROR', 7); //插入数据失败错误

class mail_data {

function mail_data() {
include 'config.php';
$mail_log = fopen("mail_log.txt", "a+");
$conn = @ mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_password);
if ($conn) {
mysql_select_db('t', $conn);
mysql_query("set names utf8");
$pop3 = new Net_POP3();
if ($pop3->connect($host, 110)) {
if ($pop3->login($user, $password) === true) {
$list = $pop3->_cmdList();
$sum = $pop3->_cmdStat();

$step = 2;
$r = 0;
for ($n = 0; $n < $sum[0]; $n += $step) {
$t = 0;
$users = array ();
$mail = array ();
$offset = ($sum[0] - $n) < $step ? $sum[0] - $n : $step;
for ($i = $r; $i < $n + $offset; $i++) {

$user = $this->one_mail($i, $pop3, $list, $mail_log);
array_push($mail, $user['from_mail']);
array_push($users, $user);
$r = $i +1;
$str = $this->uesr_data($mail);
$value = array ();

for ($m = 0; $m < count($users); $m++) {
$num = 0;
$mn = $m + $n;
$post_text = $users[$m]['conntent'];
if (!empty ($post_text)) {
$post_text = do_submit_text($post_text);
$post_text = mysql_real_escape_string($post_text);
$post_link_num = parsed_text_include_links($post_text);
$text = do_submit_text($post_text);
$post_text_undo = mysql_real_escape_string($text);
$post_text = mysql_real_escape_string($post_text);
$val = array ();
$kid_num = $users[$m]['kid_nickname'];
if (is_numeric($kid_num) && intval($kid_num) <= 3 && intval($kid_num) > 0) {
$kid_num = intval($kid_num);
$val = $this->kid_data($users, $m, $kid_num, $post_text, $post_link_num, $post_text_undo);
if (isset ($val)) {
$value["$t"] = $val;
$num = 1;
$t = $t +1;
} else {
for ($x = 0; $x < count($str); $x++) {
$val["$x"] = $this->is_kid($users, $str, $m, $x, $post_text, $post_link_num, $post_text_undo);
if (isset ($val["$x"])) {
$value["$t"] = $val["$x"];
$num = 1;
$t = $t +1;

if ($num == 0) {
$val = $this->kid_data($users, $m, 1, $post_text, $post_link_num, $post_text_undo);
if (isset ($val)) {
$value["$t"] = $val;
$num = 1;
$t = $t +1;
$valu = implode("),(", $value);
if ($valu != "") {
$err_time = $this->insert_date($valu);
} else {
echo "帐号或密码错误!";
} else {
echo "连接失败...";

} else {
echo "数据库连接失败...";

*read the $i email message
*@access public
*@param int $i mail id
*@param object $pop3 pop3 protocol object
*@return array mail from ,header,content
function one_mail($i, $pop3, $list, $mail_log) {
$stg = $pop3->getParsedHeaders($list[$i]['msg_id']);
$from = imap_mime_header_decode($stg['From']); //邮件的发送者
$string_from = '';
for ($j = 0; $j < count($from); $j++) {
$string_from = "$string_from" . $from[$j]->text;
preg_match("/([a-z0-9A-Z_]+)@([a-z0-9A-Z/.]+).([a-z0-9A-Z]+)/", $string_from, $from_mail);

$string = $pop3->getMsg($list[$i]['msg_id']);
$body = new Mail_mimeDecode($string);

$sr = $body->decode(array (
'include_bodies' => true,
'decode_bodies' => false,
'decode_headers' => true

if (property_exists($sr, 'parts')) {
$mail_part = $sr->parts;
$mail_part = $mail_part[0];
} else {
$mail_part = $sr;

$mail_code = $mail_part->headers;
$mail_code = $mail_code['content-transfer-encoding']; //编码格式
$mail_type = $mail_part->ctype_parameters;
$mail_type = $mail_type['charset'];
$mail_body = $mail_part->body; //正文内容

if ($mail_code == "base64") { //判断编码格式
$text = base64_decode("$mail_body");
$text = iconv("$mail_type", "UTF-8", $text);
} else {
$text = quoted_printable_decode("$mail_body");
$text = iconv("$mail_type", "UTF-8", $text);

$mail_title = $sr->headers;
$mail_title = $mail_title['subject'];
$mail_title = imap_mime_header_decode($mail_title);

if (count($mail_title) != 0) {

$title = $mail_title[0]->text;
$t = $mail_title[0]->charset;

if ($t != "default") {
$title = iconv($t, "UTF-8", $title);
} else {
$title = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $title);
} else {
$title = 1;
if ($pop3->deleteMsg($list[$i]['msg_id']) == false) {
$users["$i"] = array (
"from_mail" => "$from_mail[0]",
"kid_nickname" => "$title",
"conntent" => "$text",
"body_type" => "$mail_type"
$log = $users["$i"];
array_unshift($log, date("Y-m-d H:i;s"));
$log = serialize($log);
fwrite($mail_log, $log . "/r/n");
return $users["$i"];

*at database search $mail user's information
*@access public
*@param string $mail all email
*@return array mail user's information
function uesr_data($mail) {
$mails = implode("','", $mail);
$sql = "SELECT a.mail,a.user_name,a.user_nickname,b.kid_id, b.kid_name,b.kid_avatar ,b.kid_birthday
FROM `t_users` a, `t_users_kid` b
WHERE a.mail in ('$mails') AND a.user_id=b.user_id";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$str1 = array ();

while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
array_push($str1, $arr);
return $str1;
*insert $value into database
*@access public
*@param string $value kid information
*@return void
function insert_date($value) {
$sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `t_posts`(kid_id,user_name,user_nickname,post_time,post_text,user_avatar,post_link_num,post_text_undo,post_from,add_time)
VALUES ($value)";
$num = mysql_query($sql_insert) or die(mysql_error());

if ($num != 1) {
*send email to $smtpemailto
*@access public
*@param string $mailtype mail_from type
*@param string $smtpemailto mail_from
*@param string $user_kid_name mail title
*@return void
function reply_email($mailtype, $smtpemailto, $user_kid_nickname) {
require "config.php";
$mailsubject = "您暂时还没有" . $user_kid_nickname . "宝宝";
$mailsubject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($mailsubject) . "?=";
$mailbody = "请先添加宝宝";

if ($mailtype != "ISO-8859-1") {
$mailbody = iconv("utf-8", "$mailtype//ignore", $mailbody);

$mail_type = "HTML";
$smtp = new smtp($smtpserver, $smtpserverport, true, $smtpuser, $smtppass);
$smtp->debug = FALSE;
$send_mail = $smtp->sendmail($smtpemailto, $smtpusermail, $mailsubject, $mailbody, $mail_type, "", "");

if ($send_mail == false) {
return "send faile";
$send_mail = $smtp->sendmail($smtpemailto, $smtpusermail, $mailsubject, $mailbody, $mail_type, "", "");
*the kid's age then publication kid words
*@access public
*@param int $kid_birthday kid birthday
*@return array kid year month day

function get_kid_age_info($kid_birthday) {
$cur_date = date("Ymd");
$age = $cur_date - $kid_birthday;
if ($age < 0) {
return false;
$years = 0;
$months = 0;
$days = 0;
if ($age > 10000) {
$years = floor($age / 10000);

$age = $age % 10000;
$months = floor($age / 100);
if ($months > 12)
$months -= 88;
$days = $age % 100;
if ($days > $cur_date % 100) {
$days = $days - (100 - date("d", strtotime(date("Ym") . "01") - 24 * 3600));
return array (
*judge the $m message and the $x data
*@access public
*@param array $users mail information
*@param array $str user information
*@param int $m $users grade
*@param int $x $str grade
*@param string $post_text the mail text
*@return string information
function is_kid($users, $str, $m, $x, $post_text, $post_link_num, $post_text_undo) {

if ($users[$m]['from_mail'] == $str[$x]['mail']) { //判断是否是from_mail的小孩

$kid_id = $str[$x]['kid_id'];
$user_name = $str[$x]['user_name'];
$user_nickname = $str[$x]['user_nickname'];
$kid_diff = $str[$x]['kid_birthday'];
$kid_name = $str[$x]['kid_name'];
$kid_diff = date("Ymd", $kid_diff);
$kid_birthdy = $this->get_kid_age_info($kid_diff);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($kid_birthdy); $j++) {
if ($kid_birthdy[$j] >= 0 && $kid_birthdy[$j] < 10) {
$kid_birthdy[$j] = "0" . "$kid_birthdy[$j]";
$post_time = $kid_birthdy[0] . $kid_birthdy[1] . $kid_birthdy[2];
$user_avatar = get_kid_avatar($user_name, $kid_id);
$kid_avatar = $user_avatar;
if ($users[$m]['kid_nickname'] == $kid_name) {
$kid_id = mysql_real_escape_string("$kid_id");
$user_name = mysql_real_escape_string("$user_name");
$post_time = mysql_real_escape_string("$post_time");
$kid_avatar = mysql_real_escape_string("$kid_avatar");
$add_time = time();
$values = "'$kid_id','$user_name','$user_nickname','$post_time','$post_text','$kid_avatar','$post_link_num','$post_text_undo','$from','$add_time'";
return $values;
*have the kid_num kid of users information
*@access public
*@param array $users the array() of users
*@param int $m the m items of array
*@param int $kid_num the kid_num kid
*@return array kid information
function user_kid($users, $m, $kid_num) {
$m_mail = $users["$m"]['from_mail'];
$sql = "SELECT a.user_name,a.user_nickname,b.kid_id, b.kid_name,b.kid_avatar ,b.kid_birthday
FROM `t_users` a, `t_users_kid` b
WHERE a.mail='$m_mail' AND a.user_id=b.user_id ORDER BY b.kid_birthday ASC ";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$str1 = array ();
$kids = array ();
$i = 0;
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$str1[$i] = $arr;
$i = $i +1;
$kid_num = $kid_num -1;
if ($kid_num > (count($str1) - 1)) {
return $num = 0;
} else {
return $str1["$kid_num"];

*get the kid_num kid information
*@access public
*@param array $users the array() of users
*@param int $m the m items of array
*@param int $kid_num the kid_num kid
*@param string $post_text the message of mail
*@param int $post_link_num count(link) of message body
*@return array $values the kid information
function kid_data($users, $m, $kid_num, $post_text, $post_link_num, $post_text_undo) {
$use_kid = $this->user_kid($users, $m, $kid_num);

if ($use_kid != 0) {
$kid_id = $use_kid['kid_id'];
$user_name = $use_kid['user_name'];
$user_nickname = $use_kid['user_nickname'];
$kid_diff = $use_kid['kid_birthday'];
$kid_diff = date("Ymd", $kid_diff);
$kid_birthdy = $this->get_kid_age_info($kid_diff);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($kid_birthdy); $j++) {
if ($kid_birthdy[$j] >= 0 && $kid_birthdy[$j] < 10) {
$kid_birthdy[$j] = "0" . "$kid_birthdy[$j]";
$post_time = $kid_birthdy[0] . $kid_birthdy[1] . $kid_birthdy[2];

$user_avatar = get_kid_avatar($user_name, $kid_id);
$kid_avatar = $user_avatar;
$add_time = time();
$values = "'$kid_id','$user_name','$user_nickname','$post_time','$post_text','$kid_avatar','$post_link_num','$post_text_undo','$from','$add_time'";
return $values;
*update data when have kid words
*@access public
*@param array $value the array() of users
*@return void
function kid_message_count($value) {
$use_names = array ();

for ($k = 0; $k < count($value); $k++) {
$k_name = explode(",", $value[$k]);
$use_names[$k] = $k_name[1];
$sum_kid = count($use_names);
$s = 0;
if (count($use_names) == 1) {
$d_users[0] = $use_names[0];
} else {

if ($use_names[0] != $use_names[1]) {
$d_users[0] = $use_names[0];
} else {
$s_users[$s] = $use_names[0];
$s = $s +1;
if ($use_names[$sum_kid -1] != $use_names[$sum_kid -2]) {
$d_users[$sum_kid -1] = $use_names[$sum_kid -1];
} else {
$s_users[$s] = $use_names[$sum_kid -1];
$s = $s +1;

for ($k = 1; $k < count($use_names) - 1; $k++) {

if ($use_names[$k] == $use_names[$k -1] || $use_names[$k] == $use_names[$k +1]) {
$s_users[$s] = $use_names[$k];
$s = $s +1;
} else {
$d_users[$k] = $use_names[$k];


if (isset ($d_users)) {
$names = implode(",", $d_users);
$sql = "UPDATE `t_users` set post_num = post_num+1 WHERE `t_users`.user_name in ($names)";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

if (isset ($s_users)) {

for ($s = 0; $s < count($s_users); $s++) {
$name = $s_users[$s];
$sql = "UPDATE `t_users` set post_num = post_num+1 WHERE `t_users`.user_name = $name";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());


* point error
*@access private
*@param int error_num the error code
*@return void
private function _error($error_num) {
$error_log = fopen("error_log.txt", "a+");
switch ($error_num) {
case 2 :
fwrite($error_log, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "/t" . $error_num . "/tCould not connect database!/r/n");
case 3 :
fwrite($error_log, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "/t" . $error_num . "/tConnection Failure!/r/n");
case 4 :
fwrite($error_log, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "/t" . $error_num . "/tAccount number or password error!!/r/n");
case 5 :
fwrite($error_log, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "/t" . $error_num . "/tsign email failed!/r/n");
case 6 :
fwrite($error_log, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "/t" . $error_num . "/tdelete emails failed!/r/n");
case 7 :
fwrite($error_log, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "/t" . $error_num . "/tinsert data failed!/r/n");
