时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:18人阅读
if (trim($_POST["cmd"])=="upload")
$err_corr = "Unsupported format or file corrupted";
$excel_file = $_FILES['excel_file'];
if (!is_writeable($UploadAbsPath."tmpexcel/"))
echo "目录不可写!"; exit;
echo "目录可写!";
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['excel_file']['tmp_name'], $uploadservername))
//if( $excel_file )
// $excel_file = $_FILES['excel_file']['tmp_name'];
if( $excel_file == '' ) fatal("No file uploaded");
$exc = new ExcelFileParser("debug.log", ABC_NO_LOG);//ABC_NO_LOG ABC_VAR_DUMP);
$style = $_POST['style'];
if( $style == 'old' )
$fh = @fopen ($excel_file,'rb');
if( !$fh ) fatal("No file uploaded");
if( filesize($excel_file)==0 ) fatal("No file uploaded");
$fc = fread( $fh, filesize($excel_file) );
if( strlen($fc) < filesize($excel_file) )
fatal("Cannot read file");
$time_start = getmicrotime();
$res = $exc->ParseFromString($fc);
$time_end = getmicrotime();
elseif( $style == 'segment' )
$time_start = getmicrotime();
$res = $exc->ParseFromFile($excel_file);
$time_end = getmicrotime();
switch ($res) {
case 0: break;
case 1: fatal("Can't open file");
case 2: fatal("File too small to be an Excel file");
case 3: fatal("Error reading file header");
case 4: fatal("Error reading file");
case 5: fatal("This is not an Excel file or file stored in Excel < 5.0");
case 6: fatal("File corrupted");
case 7: fatal("No Excel data found in file");
case 8: fatal("Unsupported file version");
fatal("Unknown error");
print '';';
print_r( $exc );
print '
echo <<Legend:
/* print "Formats
foreach($exc->format as $value) {
printf("( %x )",array_search($value,$exc->format));
print htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES);
print "
print "XFs
for( $i=0;$ixf['format']);$i++) {
printf ("(%x)",$i);
printf (" format (%x) font (%x)",$exc->xf['format'][$i],$exc->xf['font'][$i]);
print "
if ($_POST["action"]=="do")
$fh = @fopen ($excel_file,'rb');
$fc = fread( $fh, filesize($excel_file) );
$exc = new ExcelFileParser("debug.log", ABC_NO_LOG);//ABC_NO_LOG ABC_VAR_DUMP);
$style = $_POST['style'];
if( $style == 'old' )
$fh = @fopen ($excel_file,'rb');
if( !$fh ) fatal("No file uploaded");
if( filesize($excel_file)==0 ) fatal("No file uploaded");
$fc = fread( $fh, filesize($excel_file) );
if( strlen($fc) < filesize($excel_file) )
fatal("Cannot read file");
$time_start = getmicrotime();
$res = $exc->ParseFromString($fc);
$time_end = getmicrotime();
elseif( $style == 'segment' )
$time_start = getmicrotime();
$res = $exc->ParseFromFile($excel_file);
$time_end = getmicrotime();
switch ($res) {
case 0: break;
case 1: fatal("Can't open file");
case 2: fatal("File too small to be an Excel file");
case 3: fatal("Error reading file header");
case 4: fatal("Error reading file");
case 5: fatal("This is not an Excel file or file stored in Excel < 5.0");
case 6: fatal("File corrupted");
case 7: fatal("No Excel data found in file");
case 8: fatal("Unsupported file version");
fatal("Unknown error");
for( $ws_num=0; $ws_numworksheet['name']); $ws_num++ )
// print "Worksheet: \"";
// if( $exc->worksheet['unicode'][$ws_num] ) {
// print uc2html($exc->worksheet['name'][$ws_num]);
// } else
// print $exc->worksheet['name'][$ws_num];
// print "\"";
$ws = $exc->worksheet['data'][$ws_num];
// print "\n";
for( $j=0; $j<=$ws['max_col']; $j++ ) {
//print "";
//if( $j>25 ) print chr((int)($j/26)+64);
if ($tmpcolum=="fkhxm") $fkhxmnum=$j;
if ($tmpcolum=="fsfzh") $fsfzhnum=$j;
if ($tmpcolum=="fyddh") $fyddhnum=$j;
if ($tmpcolum=="ftxdz") $ftxdznum=$j;
if ($tmpcolum=="femail") $femailnum=$j;
if ($tmpcolum=="flxdh") $flxdhnum=$j;
if ($tmpcolum=="fkhah") $fkhahnum=$j;
if ($tmpcolum=="fbzxx") $fbzxxnum=$j;
for( $i=0; $i<=$ws['max_row']; $i++ ) {
//print "".($i+1)." \n";
if(isset($ws['cell'][$i]) && is_array($ws['cell'][$i]) ) {
if ($fkhxmnum!=0&&$ftxdznum!=0&&($fyddhnum!=0||$flxdhnum!=0))//请在这里指定必须的不为空的字段
$sql="insert into k_qlkhxx(fkhxm,fsfzh,fyddh,ftxdz,femail,flxdh,$fkhah,fbzxx,fglry,fglryxm,fdjry,ffzdm) values('".uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$fkhxmnum]['data']])."','".$exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$fsfzhnum]['data']]."','".$exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$fyddhnum]['data']]."','".uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$ftxdznum]['data']])."','".uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$femailnum]['data']])."','".$exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$flxdhnum]['data']]."','".uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$fkhahnum]['data']])."','".uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ws['cell'][$i][$fbzxxnum]['data']])."','".$_SESSION["uyhmc"]."','".$_SESSION["uyhxm"]."','".$_SESSION["uyhmc"]."','".$_SESSION["ubm"]."')";
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