时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:6人阅读
<?php /** * Sort an two-dimension array by some level two items use array_multisort() function. * * sysSortArray($Array,"Key1","SORT_ASC","SORT_RETULAR","Key2"……) * @author Chunsheng Wang <wwccss@263.net> * @param array $ArrayData the array to sort. * @param string $KeyName1 the first item to sort by. * @param string $SortOrder1 the order to sort by("SORT_ASC"|"SORT_DESC") * @param string $SortType1 the sort type("SORT_REGULAR"|"SORT_NUMERIC"|"SORT_STRING") * @return array sorted array. */ function sysSortArray($ArrayData,$KeyName1,$SortOrder1 = "SORT_ASC",$SortType1 = "SORT_REGULAR") { if(!is_array($ArrayData)) { return $ArrayData; } $ArgCount = func_num_args(); for($I = 1;$I < $ArgCount;$I ++) { $Arg = func_get_arg($I); if(!eregi("SORT",$Arg)) { $KeyNameList[] = $Arg; $SortRule[] = '$'.$Arg; } else { $SortRule[] = $Arg; } } foreach($ArrayData AS $Key => $Info) { foreach($KeyNameList AS $KeyName) { ${$KeyName}[$Key] = $Info[$KeyName]; } } $EvalString = 'array_multisort('.join(",",$SortRule).',$ArrayData);'; eval ($EvalString); return $ArrayData; } //################# 示例 ################# $arr = array( array( 'name' => '学习', 'size' => '1235', 'type' => 'jpe', 'time' => '1921-11-13', 'class' => 'D', ), array( 'name' => '中国功夫', 'size' => '153', 'type' => 'jpe', 'time' => '2005-11-13', 'class' => 'J', ), array( 'name' => '编程', 'size' => '35', 'type' => 'gif', 'time' => '1997-11-13', 'class' => 'A', ), array( 'name' => '中国功夫', 'size' => '65', 'type' => 'jpe', 'time' => '1925-02-13', 'class' => 'D', ), array( 'name' => '中国功夫', 'size' => '5', 'type' => 'icon', 'time' => '1967-12-13', 'class' => 'C', ), ); print_r($arr); //注意:按照数字方式排序时 153 比 65 小 $temp = sysSortArray($arr,"class","SORT_ASC","type","SORT_DESC","size","SORT_ASC","SORT_STRING"); echo "<pre>"; print_r($temp); ?>