时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:8人阅读
<body> <table width="100%" border="1"> <thead> <tr> <th>代号</th> <th>名称</th> <th>价格</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php require_once "./DBDA.class.php"; //加载数据库访问类的封装文件 require_once "page.class.php"; //加载分页类的封装文件 $db = new DBDA(); $sql = "select count(*) from car"; $arr = $db->query($szts); $page = new Page($arr[0][0],5); //查看总数据,并每页显示的行数据 $sql = "select * from car".$page->limit; //拼接每页显示的数据 $arr = $db->query($sql); foreach($arr as $v){ echo "<tr> <td>{$v[0]}</td> <td>{$v[1]}</td> <td>{$v[2]}</td> </tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table> <p style="margin-top:20px"> <?php echo $page->fpage(); //调用分页类的方法 ?> </p> </body>
<body> <?php require_once "./DBDA.class.php"; require_once "page.class.php"; $db = new DBDA(); //做一个恒成立的条件 $tj = " 1=1 "; $tj2 = " 1=1 "; $name = " "; $brand = " "; //当提交的数据不为空,需要改条件 if(!empty($_GET["name"])){ $name = $_GET["name"]; $tj = " name like '%{$name}%' "; //使用模糊查询查询关键信息 } if(!empty($_GET["brand"])){ $brand = $_GET["brand"]; $tj2 = " brand = '{$brand}' "; } ?> <table width="100%" border="1"> <form action="test.php" method="get"> <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="请输入名称" value="<?php echo $name ?>" style="max-width:200px; float:left"> <input type="text" name="brand" placeholder="请输入系列" value="<?php echo $brand ?>" style="max-width:200px; float:left"> <button type="submit" style="float:left; margin-left:10px">查询</button> </form> <thead> <tr> <th>代号</th> <th>名称</th> <th>系列</th> <th>时间</th> <th>价格</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $zts = "select count(*) from car where {$tj} and {$tj2}"; //多条件查询数据总数 $ats = $db->query($arr); $page = new Page($ats[0][0],2); $sql = "select * from car where {$tj} and {$tj2} ".$page->limit; $arr = $db->query($sql); foreach($arr as $v){ //给查询的关键字加字体颜色 $n = str_replace($name,"<span style='color:red'>{$name}</span>",$v[1]); echo "<tr> <td>{$v[0]}</td> <td>{$n}</td> <td>{$v[2]}</td> <td>{$v[3]}</td> <td>{$v[7]}</td> </tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table> <p> <?php echo $page->fpage(); ?> </p> </body>