时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:15人阅读
<?php class ShopProduct { private $title; private $producerMainName; private $producerFirstName; protected $price; private $discount = 0; public function construct( $title, $firstName, $mainName, $price ) { $this->title = $title; $this->producerFirstName = $firstName; $this->producerMainName = $mainName; $this->price = $price; } public function getProducerFirstName() { return $this->producerFirstName; } public function getProducerMainName() { return $this->producerMainName; } public function setDiscount( $num ) { $this->discount=$num; } public function getDiscount() { return $this->discount; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function getPrice() { return ($this->price - $this->discount); } public function getProducer() { return "{$this->producerFirstName}". " {$this->producerMainName}"; } public function getSummaryLine() { $base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, "; $base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )"; return $base; } } class CdProduct extends ShopProduct { private $playLength = 0; public function construct( $title, $firstName, $mainName, $price, $playLength=78 ) { parent::construct( $title, $firstName, $mainName, $price ); $this->playLength = $playLength; } public function getPlayLength() { return $this->playLength; } public function getSummaryLine() { $base = parent::getSummaryLine(); $base .= ": playing time - {$this->playLength}"; return $base; } } class BookProduct extends ShopProduct { private $numPages = 0; public function construct( $title, $firstName, $mainName, $price, $numPages ) { parent::construct( $title, $firstName, $mainName, $price ); $this->numPages = $numPages; } public function getNumberOfPages() { return $this->numPages; } public function getSummaryLine() { $base = parent::getSummaryLine(); $base .= ": page count - {$this->numPages}"; return $base; } public function getPrice() { return $this->price; } } /* $product1 = new CdProduct("cd1", "bob", "bobbleson", 4, 50 ); print $product1->getSummaryLine()."\n"; $product2 = new BookProduct("book1", "harry", "harrelson", 4, 30 ); print $product2->getSummaryLine()."\n"; */ ?> <?php require_once "fullshop.php"; $prod_class = new ReflectionClass( 'CdProduct' ); Reflection::export( $prod_class ); ?>
Class [ <user> class CdProduct extends ShopProduct ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 53-73 - Constants [0] { } - Static properties [0] { } - Static methods [0] { } - Properties [2] { Property [ <default> private $playLength ] Property [ <default> protected $price ] } - Methods [10] { Method [ <user, overwrites ShopProduct, ctor> public method construct ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 56 - 61 - Parameters [5] { Parameter #0 [ <required> $title ] Parameter #1 [ <required> $firstName ] Parameter #2 [ <required> $mainName ] Parameter #3 [ <required> $price ] Parameter #4 [ <optional> $playLength = 78 ] } } Method [ <user> public method getPlayLength ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 63 - 65 } Method [ <user, overwrites ShopProduct, prototype ShopProduct> public method getSummaryLine ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 67 - 71 } Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getProducerFirstName ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 17 - 19 } Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getProducerMainName ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 21 - 23 } Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method setDiscount ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 25 - 27 - Parameters [1] { Parameter #0 [ <required> $num ] } } Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getDiscount ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 29 - 31 } Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getTitle ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 33 - 35 } Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getPrice ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 37 - 39 } Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getProducer ] { @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 41 - 44 } } }
<?php require_once("fullshop.php"); function classData( ReflectionClass $class ) { $details = ""; $name = $class->getName(); if ( $class->isUserDefined() ) { $details .= "$name is user defined\n"; } if ( $class->isInternal() ) { $details .= "$name is built-in\n"; } if ( $class->isInterface() ) { $details .= "$name is interface\n"; } if ( $class->isAbstract() ) { $details .= "$name is an abstract class\n"; } if ( $class->isFinal() ) { $details .= "$name is a final class\n"; } if ( $class->isInstantiable() ) { $details .= "$name can be instantiated\n"; } else { $details .= "$name can not be instantiated\n"; } return $details; } $prod_class = new ReflectionClass( 'CdProduct' ); print classData( $prod_class ); ?>
CdProduct is user defined
CdProduct can be instantiated
<?php require_once "fullshop.php"; $prod_class = new ReflectionClass( 'CdProduct' ); $methods = $prod_class->getMethods(); foreach ( $methods as $method ) { print methodData( $method ); print "\n----\n"; } function methodData( ReflectionMethod $method ) { $details = ""; $name = $method->getName(); if ( $method->isUserDefined() ) { $details .= "$name is user defined\n"; } if ( $method->isInternal() ) { $details .= "$name is built-in\n"; } if ( $method->isAbstract() ) { $details .= "$name is abstract\n"; } if ( $method->isPublic() ) { $details .= "$name is public\n"; } if ( $method->isProtected() ) { $details .= "$name is protected\n"; } if ( $method->isPrivate() ) { $details .= "$name is private\n"; } if ( $method->isStatic() ) { $details .= "$name is static\n"; } if ( $method->isFinal() ) { $details .= "$name is final\n"; } if ( $method->isConstructor() ) { $details .= "$name is the constructor\n"; } if ( $method->returnsReference() ) { $details .= "$name returns a reference (as opposed to a value)\n"; } return $details; } ?>
construct is user defined construct is public construct is the constructor ---- getPlayLength is user defined getPlayLength is public ---- getSummaryLine is user defined getSummaryLine is public ---- getProducerFirstName is user defined getProducerFirstName is public ---- getProducerMainName is user defined getProducerMainName is public ---- setDiscount is user defined setDiscount is public ---- getDiscount is user defined getDiscount is public ---- getTitle is user defined getTitle is public ---- getPrice is user defined getPrice is public ---- getProducer is user defined getProducer is public
<?php require_once "fullshop.php"; $prod_class = new ReflectionClass( 'CdProduct' ); $method = $prod_class->getMethod( "construct" ); $params = $method->getParameters(); foreach ( $params as $param ) { print argData( $param )."\n"; } function argData( ReflectionParameter $arg ) { $details = ""; $declaringclass = $arg->getDeclaringClass(); $name = $arg->getName(); $class = $arg->getClass(); $position = $arg->getPosition(); $details .= "\$$name has position $position\n"; if ( ! empty( $class ) ) { $classname = $class->getName(); $details .= "\$$name must be a $classname object\n"; } if ( $arg->isPassedByReference() ) { $details .= "\$$name is passed by reference\n"; } if ( $arg->isDefaultValueAvailable() ) { $def = $arg->getDefaultValue(); $details .= "\$$name has default: $def\n"; } if ( $arg->allowsNull() ) { $details .= "\$$name can be null\n"; } return $details; } ?>
$title has position 0 $title can be null $firstName has position 1 $firstName can be null $mainName has position 2 $mainName can be null $price has position 3 $price can be null $playLength has position 4 $playLength has default: 78 $playLength can be null