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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读

$ vim phpimageeditor/lite/shared/classes/phpimageeditor.php
class PHPImageEditor {
var $srcEdit = "";
var $name = "";
var $srcOriginal = "";
var $srcPng = "";
var $srcWorkWith = "";
var $urlWorkWith = "";
var $resourceWorkWith = false;
var $mimeType = "";
var $actionSaveAndClose = "save";
var $actionRotateLeft = "rotate:90";
var $actionRotateRight = "rotate:-90";
var $actionGrayscale = "grayscale";
var $actionContrast = "contrast";
var $actionBrightness = "brightness";
var $actionUndo = "undo";
var $actionUpdate = "update";
var $actionRotateIsSelected = false;
var $actionRotate = "";
var $actionSeparatorSign = "#";
var $fieldNameKeepProportions = "keepproportions";
var $errorMessages = array();
var $formName = "phpimageeditor";
var $inputWidth = -1;
var $inputHeight = -1;
var $inputCropLeft = 0;
var $inputCropRight = 0;
var $inputCropTop = 0;
var $inputCropBottom = 0;
var $inputKeepProportions = true;
var $inputCropKeepProportions = false;
var $inputCropKeepProportionsRatio = 1;
var $inputPanel = PIE_START_PANEL;
var $inputLanguage = PIE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
var $inputContrast = 0;
var $inputBrightness = 0;
var $inputContrastLast = 0;
var $inputBrightnessLast = 0;
var $inputGrayscale = false;
var $httpImageKey = "imagesrc";
var $texts = array();
var $actions = "";
var $isPostBack = false;
var $isAjaxPost = false;
var $finalWidth = -1;
var $finalHeight = -1;
var $widthKeepProportions = -1;
var $heightKeepProportions = -1;
var $userId = "";
var $fonts = array();
var $doSave = false;
var $contrastMax = 100;
var $brightnessMax = 255;
// var $photoInfo = array();

function PHPImageEditor() {
if (version_compare(phpversion(), PIE_PHP_VERSION_MINIMUM, "<")) {
$this->errorMessages[] = phpversion() . " " . $this->texts["OLD PHP VERSION"] . " " . PIE_PHP_VERSION_MINIMUM;
$this->isPostBack = isset($_POST["actiontype"]);
$srcEdit = "";
if ($_GET[$this->httpImageKey] != NULL) {
$file = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "{$l}tmp{$l}{$_GET[$this->httpImageKey]}";
#$srcEdit = strip_tags($_GET[$this->httpImageKey]);
$srcEdit = strip_tags($file);
if ($srcEdit == "") {
$this->errorMessages[] = $this->texts["NO PROVIDED IMAGE"];
$this->srcEdit = urldecode($srcEdit);
if (isset($_POST["userid"]))
$this->userId = $_POST["userid"];
else {
$this->userId = "_" . str_replace(".", "_", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
#In my Virtual box in Windows Vista I'll get :: as ip.
#Remove it to avoid errors.
$this->userId = str_replace("_::", "", $this->userId);
if (!file_exists($this->srcEdit)) {
$this->errorMessages[] = $this->texts["IMAGE DOES NOT EXIST"];
$info = getimagesize($this->srcEdit);
if (!$info) {
$this->errorMessages[] = $this->texts["INVALID IMAGE TYPE"];
$this->mimeType = image_type_to_mime_type($info[2]);
// echo image_type_to_mime_type($info[2])."===".image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_JPEG);exit;
if ($this->mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_JPEG) || $this->mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_GIF) || $this->mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_PNG)) {
if (!$this->isPostBack)
$this->resourceWorkWith = $this->CreateImage($this->srcOriginal);
copy($this->srcPng, $this->srcWorkWith);
$this->resourceWorkWith = $this->CreateImage($this->srcPng);
else {
$this->errorMessages[] = $this->texts["INVALID IMAGE TYPE"];
$this->finalWidth = $this->GetWidth();
$this->finalHeight = $this->GetHeight();
$this->widthKeepProportions = $this->GetWidth();
$this->heightKeepProportions = $this->GetHeight();
// $this->photoInfo = $this->GetUserData();
if ($this->isPostBack) {
$this->actionRotateIsSelected = (strip_tags($_POST["rotate"]) != "-1");
$this->actionRotate = strip_tags($_POST["rotate"]);
$this->actions = strip_tags($_POST["actions"]);
$this->isAjaxPost = (strip_tags($_POST["isajaxpost"]) == "true");
$this->inputWidth = (int) strip_tags($_POST["width"]);
$this->inputHeight = (int) strip_tags($_POST["height"]);
$this->inputCropLeft = (int) strip_tags($_POST["cropleft"]);
$this->inputCropRight = (int) strip_tags($_POST["cropright"]);
$this->inputCropTop = (int) strip_tags($_POST["croptop"]);
$this->inputCropBottom = (int) strip_tags($_POST["cropbottom"]);
$this->inputPanel = (int) strip_tags($_POST["panel"]);
$this->inputLanguage = strip_tags($_POST["language"]);
$this->inputKeepProportions = (strip_tags($_POST["keepproportionsval"]) == "1");
$this->inputCropKeepProportions = (strip_tags($_POST["cropkeepproportionsval"]) == "1");
$this->inputCropKeepProportionsRatio = (float) strip_tags($_POST["cropkeepproportionsratio"]);
$this->inputGrayscale = (strip_tags($_POST["grayscaleval"]) == "1");
$this->inputBrightness = (int) strip_tags($_POST["brightness"]);
$this->inputContrast = (int) strip_tags($_POST["contrast"]);
$this->inputBrightnessLast = (int) strip_tags($_POST["brightnesslast"]);
$this->inputContrastLast = (int) strip_tags($_POST["contrastlast"]);
function LoadLanguage() {
$language = "";
if (isset($_POST["language"])) {
$this->inputLanguage = $_POST["language"];
$language = $this->inputLanguage;
} else if (isset($_GET["language"])) {
$this->inputLanguage = $_GET["language"];
$language = $this->inputLanguage;
} else
$tryLanguage = "language/" . $language . ".ini";
if (file_exists($tryLanguage))
$this->texts = PIE_GetTexts("language/" . $language . ".ini");
$this->texts = PIE_GetTexts("language/" . PIE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE . ".ini");
//Load the texts that not exists in the current langugare from english.
$texts = PIE_GetTexts("language/en-GB.ini");
foreach ($texts as $key => $text) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->texts) === false)
$this->texts[$key] = $text;
function SetSrcOriginal() {
$arr = explode("/", $this->srcEdit);
$this->srcOriginal = PIE_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_PATH . $this->AddUserIdToImageSrc($arr[count($arr) - 1]);
function SetSrcWorkWith() {
$arr = explode("/", $this->srcEdit);
$srcWorkWith = PIE_IMAGE_WORK_WITH_PATH . $this->AddUserIdToImageSrc($arr[count($arr) - 1]);
$srcWorkWith = substr($srcWorkWith, 0, strripos($srcWorkWith, ".")) . ".png";
$this->srcWorkWith = $srcWorkWith;
// $this->urlWorkWith = $this->isAjaxPost && $_POST['actiontype'] == $this->actionSaveAndClose
// ? "http://".str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,"/",str_replace(DOC_ROOT,$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],$this->srcEdit))
// : "http://".str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,"/",str_replace(DOC_ROOT,$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],$srcWorkWith))
// ;
if ($_POST['actiontype'] == $this->actionSaveAndClose) {
$this->urlWorkWith = "http://" . str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", str_replace(DOC_ROOT, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $this->srcEdit));
# echo "Ajax:{$this->urlWorkWith}";
} else {
$this->urlWorkWith = "http://" . str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", str_replace(DOC_ROOT, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $srcWorkWith));
# echo "noAjax:{$this->urlWorkWith}";
function SetSrcPng() {
$arr = explode("/", $this->srcEdit);
$srcPng = PIE_IMAGE_PNG_PATH . $this->AddUserIdToImageSrc($arr[count($arr) - 1]);
$srcPng = substr($srcPng, 0, strripos($srcPng, ".")) . ".png";
$this->srcPng = $srcPng;
function SaveOriginal() {
copy($this->srcEdit, $this->srcOriginal);
#Resize to fit in max width/height.
$imageTmp = $this->CreateImage($this->srcOriginal);
$finalWidth = $this->GetWidthFromImage($imageTmp);
$finalHeight = $this->GetHeightFromImage($imageTmp);
$doSave = false;
if ($finalWidth > PIE_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH) {
$widthProp = PIE_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH / $finalWidth;
$finalWidth = PIE_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH;
$finalHeight = round($finalHeight * $widthProp);
$doSave = true;
if ($finalHeight > PIE_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT) {
$heightProp = PIE_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT / $finalHeight;
$finalHeight = PIE_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT;
$finalWidth = round($finalWidth * $heightProp);
$doSave = true;
if ($doSave) {
$imageTmp = $this->ActionResize($finalWidth, $finalHeight, $imageTmp);
$this->SaveImage($imageTmp, $this->srcOriginal);
function SavePng() {
$this->SaveImage($this->resourceWorkWith, $this->srcPng, image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_PNG));
function ErrorHasOccurred() {
return (count($this->errorMessages) > 0);
function GetWidthFinal() {
return $this->finalWidth;
function GetHeightFinal() {
return $this->finalHeight;
function GetWidth() {
return $this->GetWidthFromImage($this->resourceWorkWith);
function GetWidthLast() {
if ($this->isPostBack)
return (int) $_POST["widthlast"];
return $this->GetWidth();
function GetHeight() {
return $this->GetHeightFromImage($this->resourceWorkWith);
function GetHeightLast() {
if ($this->isPostBack)
return (int) $_POST["heightlast"];
return $this->GetWidth();
function GetWidthFromImage($image) {
return imagesx($image);
function GetHeightFromImage($image) {
return imagesy($image);
function Action($actionType) {
$this->doSave = false;
if ($actionType == $this->actionUndo) {
$this->doSave = true;
if ($actionType == $this->actionUpdate || $actionType == $this->actionSaveAndClose) {
if ($this->inputWidth != $this->GetWidthLast() || $this->inputHeight != $this->GetHeightLast())
$this->actions .= $this->GetActionSeparator() . "resize:" . $this->inputWidth . "," . $this->inputHeight;
if ($this->inputCropLeft != 0 || $this->inputCropRight != 0 || $this->inputCropTop != 0 || $this->inputCropBottom != 0)
$this->actions .= $this->GetActionSeparator() . "crop:" . $this->inputCropLeft . "," . $this->inputCropRight . "," . $this->inputCropTop . "," . $this->inputCropBottom;
$this->doSave = true;
if ($actionType == $this->actionUpdate && $this->inputGrayscale) {
if (strpos($this->actions, $this->actionGrayscale) === false) {
$this->actions .= $this->GetActionSeparator() . $this->actionGrayscale . ":0";
$this->doSave = true;
} else if ($actionType == $this->actionUpdate && !$this->inputGrayscale) {
if (!(strpos($this->actions, $this->actionGrayscale) === false)) {
$this->actions = str_replace($this->actionGrayscale . ":0" . $this->GetActionSeparator(), "", $this->actions);
$this->actions = str_replace($this->GetActionSeparator() . $this->actionGrayscale . ":0", "", $this->actions);
$this->actions = str_replace($this->actionGrayscale . ":0", "", $this->actions);
$this->doSave = true;
if ($this->inputContrast != $this->inputContrastLast) {
$this->actions .= $this->GetActionSeparator() . $this->actionContrast . ":" . $this->inputContrast;
$this->doSave = true;
if ($this->inputBrightness != $this->inputBrightnessLast) {
$this->actions .= $this->GetActionSeparator() . $this->actionBrightness . ":" . $this->inputBrightness;
$this->doSave = true;
if ($this->actionRotateIsSelected) {
if ($this->actionRotate == $this->actionRotateLeft) {
$this->actions .= $this->GetActionSeparator() . $this->actionRotateLeft;
$this->doSave = true;
} else if ($this->actionRotate == $this->actionRotateRight) {
$this->actions .= $this->GetActionSeparator() . $this->actionRotateRight;
$this->doSave = true;
$finalContrast = 0;
$finalBrightness = 0;
$finalContrastFound = false;
$finalBrightnessFound = false;
$finalGrayscale = false;
if ($this->doSave && $this->actions != "") {
$allActions = explode($this->actionSeparatorSign, $this->actions);
$finalRotate = 0;
$finalCropLeft = 0;
$finalCropRight = 0;
$finalCropTop = 0;
$finalCropBottom = 0;
$doSwitch = false;
foreach ($allActions as $loopAction) {
$actionDetail = explode(":", $loopAction);
$actionValues = explode(",", $actionDetail[1]);
if ($actionDetail[0] == "resize") {
$this->finalWidth = (int) $actionValues[0];
$this->finalHeight = (int) $actionValues[1];
} else if ($actionDetail[0] == "crop") {
$actionValueLeft = (int) $actionValues[0];
$actionValueRight = (int) $actionValues[1];
$actionValueTop = (int) $actionValues[2];
$actionValueBottom = (int) $actionValues[3];
$widthProp = 1;
$heightProp = 1;
if ($doSwitch) {
$widthProp = (($this->GetHeight() - ($finalCropTop + $finalCropBottom)) / $this->finalWidth);
$heightProp = (($this->GetWidth() - ($finalCropLeft + $finalCropRight)) / $this->finalHeight);
} else {
$widthProp = (($this->GetWidth() - ($finalCropLeft + $finalCropRight)) / $this->finalWidth);
$heightProp = (($this->GetHeight() - ($finalCropTop + $finalCropBottom)) / $this->finalHeight);
$cropLeft = $actionValueLeft * $widthProp;
$cropRight = $actionValueRight * $widthProp;
$cropTop = $actionValueTop * $heightProp;
$cropBottom = $actionValueBottom * $heightProp;
$cropValues = array();
$cropValues[] = $cropRight;
$cropValues[] = $cropBottom;
$cropValues[] = $cropLeft;
$cropValues[] = $cropTop;
if ($finalRotate != 0)
$cropValues = $this->RotateArray(($finalRotate / -90), $cropValues);
$finalCropRight += $cropValues[0];
$finalCropBottom += $cropValues[1];
$finalCropLeft += $cropValues[2];
$finalCropTop += $cropValues[3];
$this->finalWidth -= ($actionValueLeft + $actionValueRight);
$this->finalHeight -= ($actionValueTop + $actionValueBottom);
else if ($actionDetail[0] == $this->actionGrayscale && $this->inputGrayscale) {
$finalGrayscale = true;
} else if ($actionDetail[0] == "contrast") {
$finalContrastFound = true;
$finalContrast = $actionValues[0];
} else if ($actionDetail[0] == "brightness") {
$finalBrightnessFound = true;
$finalBrightness = $actionValues[0];
} else if ($actionDetail[0] == "rotate") {
$finalRotate += (int) $actionValues[0];
$finalWidthTmp = $this->finalWidth;
$this->finalWidth = $this->finalHeight;
$this->finalHeight = $finalWidthTmp;
if ($finalRotate == -360 || $finalRotate == 360)
$finalRotate = 0;
$doSwitch = ($finalRotate != 0 && ($finalRotate == 90 || $finalRotate == 270 || $finalRotate == -90 || $finalRotate == -270));
//1. All effects.
if ($finalGrayscale)
if ($finalBrightnessFound)
if ($finalContrastFound)
$this->ActionContrast($finalContrast * -1);
//2. Do cropping.
$finalCropLeft = round($finalCropLeft);
$finalCropRight = round($finalCropRight);
$finalCropTop = round($finalCropTop);
$finalCropBottom = round($finalCropBottom);
if ($finalCropLeft != 0 || $finalCropRight != 0 || $finalCropTop != 0 || $finalCropBottom != 0)
$this->ActionCrop($finalCropLeft, $finalCropRight, $finalCropTop, $finalCropBottom);
//3. Rotate
if ($finalRotate != 0)
//Calculate keep proportions values.
if (round($this->finalWidth / $this->finalHeight, 1) == round($this->GetWidth() / $this->GetHeight(), 1)) {
//It seems to have the same proportions as the original. Use the original proportions value.
$this->widthKeepProportions = $this->GetWidth();
$this->heightKeepProportions = $this->GetHeight();
} else {
//The proportions has been changed. Use the new width and height instead.
$this->widthKeepProportions = $this->finalWidth;
$this->heightKeepProportions = $this->finalHeight;
//4. Resize
if ($this->finalWidth > 0 && $this->finalHeight > 0)
$this->resourceWorkWith = $this->ActionResize($this->finalWidth, $this->finalHeight, $this->resourceWorkWith);
$this->SaveImage($this->resourceWorkWith, $this->srcWorkWith, image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_PNG));
$this->inputBrightness = $finalBrightness;
$this->inputContrast = $finalContrast;
$this->inputGrayscale = $finalGrayscale;
if ($actionType == $this->actionSaveAndClose) {
$this->SaveImage($this->resourceWorkWith, $this->srcEdit, $this->mimeType);
$reloadParentBrowser = PIE_RELOAD_PARENT_BROWSER_ON_SAVE ? 'window.opener.location.reload();' : '';
// PIE_Echo('');
function ActionResize($width, $height, $image) {
$newImage = @imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
PIE_KeepTranspacecyCopyResampled($newImage, $this->mimeType);
imagecopyresampled($newImage, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $this->GetWidthFromImage($image), $this->GetHeightFromImage($image));
return $newImage;
function ActionCrop($cropLeft, $cropRight, $cropTop, $cropBottom) {
$cropWidth = $this->GetWidth() - $cropLeft - $cropRight;
$cropHeight = $this->GetHeight() - $cropTop - $cropBottom;
$newImageCropped = @imagecreatetruecolor($cropWidth, $cropHeight);
PIE_KeepTranspacecyCopyResampled($newImageCropped, $this->mimeType);
//imagecopy($newImageCropped, $this->resourceWorkWith, 0, 0, $cropLeft, $cropTop, $cropWidth, $cropHeight);
imagecopyresampled($newImageCropped, $this->resourceWorkWith, 0, 0, $cropLeft, $cropTop, $cropWidth, $cropHeight, $cropWidth, $cropHeight);
$this->resourceWorkWith = $newImageCropped;
function ActionUndo() {
$separatorPos = strrpos($this->actions, $this->actionSeparatorSign);
if (!($separatorPos === false)) {
$this->actions = substr($this->actions, 0, $separatorPos);
} else {
$this->actions = "";
function CreateImage($srcEdit) {
$info = getimagesize($srcEdit);
if (!$info)
return NULL;
$mimeType = image_type_to_mime_type($info[2]);
if ($mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_JPEG)) {
return imagecreatefromjpeg($srcEdit);
} else if ($mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_GIF)) {
return imagecreatefromgif($srcEdit);
} else if ($mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_PNG)) {
return imagecreatefrompng($srcEdit);
return NULL;
function ActionRotate($Degrees) {
if (function_exists('imagerotate'))
$this->resourceWorkWith = imagerotate($this->resourceWorkWith, $Degrees, 0);
$this->resourceWorkWith = PIE_ImageRotate($this->resourceWorkWith, $Degrees);
if ($this->mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_GIF) || $this->mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_PNG)) {
//Keep transparecy
imagealphablending($this->resourceWorkWith, true);
imagesavealpha($this->resourceWorkWith, true);
function ActionGrayscale() {
if (function_exists('imagefilter'))
imagefilter($this->resourceWorkWith, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
function ActionContrast($contrast) {
//-100 = max contrast, 0 = no change, +100 = min contrast
if (function_exists('imagefilter'))
imagefilter($this->resourceWorkWith, IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST, $contrast);
PIE_Contrast($this->resourceWorkWith, $contrast);
function ActionBrightness($light) {
//-255 = min brightness, 0 = no change, +255 = max brightness
if (function_exists('imagefilter'))
imagefilter($this->resourceWorkWith, IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS, $light);
PIE_Brightness($this->resourceWorkWith, $light);
function GetErrorMessages() {
if (count($this->errorMessages)) {
    foreach ($this->errorMessages as $errorMessage)
  • ' . $errorMessage . '
  • ');
function GetActions() {
function GetActionSeparator() {
if ($this->actions != "")
return $this->actionSeparatorSign;
return "";
function SaveImage($image, $toSrc, $mimeType = -1) {
if ($mimeType == -1)
$mimeType = $this->mimeType;
if ($mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_JPEG)) {
imagejpeg($image, $toSrc);
} else if ($mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_GIF)) {
imagegif($image, $toSrc);
} else if ($mimeType == image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_PNG)) {
//Keep transparecy.
imagesavealpha($image, true);
imagepng($image, $toSrc);
function CleanUp() {
if ($this->resourceWorkWith)
function RotateArray($numberOfSteps, $arr) {
$finalArray = array();
//-3 to 3
$finalArray[] = $arr[$this->NumberOfStepsCalculator($numberOfSteps + 0)];
$finalArray[] = $arr[$this->NumberOfStepsCalculator($numberOfSteps + 1)];
$finalArray[] = $arr[$this->NumberOfStepsCalculator($numberOfSteps + 2)];
$finalArray[] = $arr[$this->NumberOfStepsCalculator($numberOfSteps + 3)];
return $finalArray;
function NumberOfStepsCalculator($sum) {
$maxIndex = 3;
if ($sum > $maxIndex)
return ($sum - $maxIndex) - 1;
else if ($sum < 0) {
return ($sum + $maxIndex) + 1;
return $sum;
function AddUserIdToImageSrc($imageSrc) {
$name = end(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $imageSrc));
$this->name = $name;
$ext = end(explode('.', $name));
$p = strlen($ext) + 1;
$f = str_replace(substr($imageSrc, -$p), "{$this->userId}.{$ext}", $name);
return $f;
function GetFormAction() {
$joomlaIsAdmin = isset($_GET['isadmin']) ? 'isadmin=' . $_GET['isadmin'] . '&' : '';
#return "index.php?".$joomlaIsAdmin.$this->httpImageKey."=".urlencode($this->srcEdit);
return "index.php?" . $joomlaIsAdmin . $this->httpImageKey . "=" . urlencode($this->name);
function GetWidthKeepProportions() {
return $this->widthKeepProportions;
function GetHeightKeepProportions() {
return $this->heightKeepProportions;
$ vim phpimageeditor/lite/shared/index.php
ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8');

header("Cache-Control: no-store");
header('content-type: text/html; charset: utf-8');
include 'lite/shared/config.php';
include 'lite/shared/includes/constants.php';
include 'lite/shared/includes/functions.php';
include 'lite/shared/classes/phpimageeditor.php';
global $objPHPImageEditor;
$objPHPImageEditor = new PHPImageEditor();
if (!$objPHPImageEditor->isAjaxPost) { ?>

PHP Image Editor

ErrorHasOccurred()) { ?>


texts["RESIZE IMAGE"]); ?>


texts["ROTATE IMAGE"]); ?>


texts["EFFECTS"]); ?>

inputKeepProportions ? 'checked="checked"' : ''); ?>/>

texts["INSTRUCTIONS"]); ?>
texts["RESIZE HELP"]); ?>

