时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读
我是集成开发环境的wamp 想配置redis php5.3版本的 求大神教
Install Wamp Server as usually (if your machine don't have C++ runtime
install first vcredist_x64.exe)In redis folder we will find redis.bat, This script make easy to
install service, start, stop and uninstall service redis server.
Please run install service first before start redis. Config file also
available redis.windows.conf.Copy php_redis.dll and php_igbinary.dll to wamp installation folder.
e.g wampbinphpphp5.5.12ext\Finally, we need load this extension to php.ini:
[PHP_REDIS] extension=php_redis.dll extension=php_igbinary.dll We can
start wamp server now.